Chapter Two (Isabella)

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"Put your hair up now. I don't want your hair all over the place.... Did you iron the skirt properly. It still looks wrinkled." my mom says in disgust as her eyes slowly run up and down my by appearance. She shakes her head and walks away. I hear her in the kitchen complaining to my father that I never care what I look like when we go on our little business/vacation trips.

On the first day of every Summer my family and I go to our beach house. We stay there all summer long since my dads meeting take place next block over. On the first day of every summer my dads company throws this huge party for all their employees. Every year my mom goes crazy on this day in fear my dads boss will judge and disapprove. So my brother Michael and I always have to dress the way my mom likes so she's happy and doesn't bother my dad. Bothering my dad means he's not focused on work and that means no money. No money means my mom doesn't continue the life style she's living now which will cause fights between  her and my father.

I walk back to my room and look at the mirror on my wall. I feel numb to everything around me. I hate my life during the summer time. Tears starts to roll down my face as I think of my mother's disapproving eyes judging me. I grab my brush and slowly comb my hair and I pull it all back into a low pony tail. I grab my suitcase and walk back to the living room. I wait for my family to gather up their things so we can begin our drive to the party. Michael comes running into the living room screaming he's ready. Michael is 18 a year older then me and the favorite out of us. My mom walks over with a smile on her face and starts applauding Michael on his outfit. I just don't get it. I try everything for my moms approval but it never works. Michael never tries. His shirt is wrinkled and untucked yet he gets applaud for it.

"Come on!!! Let's go!!! We can't be late!" My mom screams as she runs out the front door towards the car. I get up from the couch about to walk out the front door until my father calls my name from behind me. I turn around and look at the man now in front of me. He has a frown on his face and he wraps his arms around me. " First day of the summer is always hard on you. This summer will be fun for you I promise. It's your last summer before senior year." My dad says in a hopeful voice as he gently moves his hand up and down my head. I pull away and attempt to fake a smile for his sake. He puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out a long box then hands it to me. I slowly lift up the top to reveal a beautiful diamond bracelet. I take the bracelet out and hand it to my father so he can't put it on my wrist. As soon as he clips it together we are interrupted by the blaring horn coming from outside. "Let's go before your mom drags us out" my dad chuckles as he grabs my bag and walk towards the car. I walk as slowly as possible. Dreading every footstep I take as I peer closer to the car. I slowly open the car door and climb in. I plug my headphones in to block out everybody's talking and daze out the window as we begin to drive to the party. Not once during the whole drive did my hand leave my wrist playing with the small bracelet my father gave me. This Summer will be better and not so depressing. I will make the best of memories... at least I hope I do.

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