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Stephan's POV

     I was sitting in class with Sean , we both was busy playing on our phone

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     I was sitting in class with Sean , we both was busy playing on our phone.I glanced at him.
"Sorry you had to cancel your party man , you should throw one again this Friday" I said
"Oh it's okay , n sure I'll think about it"
"Yeah you seemed pretty excited about it"
"Yeah I was , I don't really throw parties like that"
"I feel you ..btw cool fit ..I see you got the all blue going on"
"Yeah thanks , blue is my favorite color"
"Oh okay cool"
I silently gasped , and I randomly had a flashback about that blue Honda that ran me off the road ..I glared at Sean for a minute, he looked up at me.
"You ok man" ?
I nodded with a grin.I guess im just tripping ...maybe I'm tripping ? Idk ? Maybe I shouldn't think to much about it.I stopped playing with my phone and did my assignment.
Kings POV
I was feeling so good , I had the woman of my dreams , I had her back , we were kissing with passion by the lockers.
"Mm you got some soft lips" I said
"You do too" Victoria said with a giggle
"I be putting on chapstick that's why"
"And I be putting on lipgloss"
"Yeah I knew I tasted strawberry"
She giggles.
"So I'm trying out for the girls track team"
I gasped "aw shit okay I see you , you tryna be like your man"
"And I thought you ain't wanna join nun"
"Well I changed my mind , I was talking to Caroline n she was just giving me some advice about like being more involved with school activities n stuff ...she was like it looks really good on college applications and you earn a lot of scholarships"
"That is very true , I am very proud of you baby girl"
"Thanks baby"
"So lemme get this straight ..are you straight or bi" ?
"I like dick only"
"Well I do have a dick , so I guess your in the right relationship"
She giggled.
Nikki's POV
I headed over to the lil store that Princess created , I needed some snacks, snacks  always gets me through the day , I'm so fat, I eat a whole bunch of snacks and my lunch and get more snacks , Yeah I honestly don't give a fuck.I walked into the classroom.Just picture a classroom without the desk and chairs , and all you saw was snacks,clothes and supplies.Students every day switch up being the cashier.Today Jordan is the cashier.
"Hey friend" Jordan says
"Heyyy, I'm starving"
"Gurl you are always starving"
I laughed "so"
I grabbed a sour straws , hot Cheeto puffs , fun yuns , hot sausage and a snicker bar and a You already know I had to snatch a strawberry brisk tea.I placed everything on the counter.
"That's all boo" ? Jordan asked
I nodded and smiled
My phone just buzzed.I checked my text message the message was from Mario saying get me some sour patch watermelon and a some cheese Doritos, "this boy"
"Hold on" I told Jordan
I walked back to get what Mario had asked for.
Cleo walks in the store.I glanced up at her.
"Sissss" Cleo said
"Heyyyy gurl"
"Gurl I gotta me some to eat" She said
"Gurl that's what I'm doing" I said
"Ooh y'all just now selling doughnuts" ? Cleo asked as she looks at Jordan
"Yup , its a fresh batch too"
"Yummy , I'll take 2"
She grabs two doughnuts .🍩
"This shit is like 7/11" I said
"Ain't it tho" she said
"I think that was Princess intention" Jordan said
"Princess is the best" Cleo said
"Right" I said
I paid for my stuff , Cleo stood behind me.
"Ooh I love sour patch watermelon"
"Oh yeah these are for Mario"
"Those are delicious"
I nodded and smile.
Jordan rung my items up and bagged everything.
"Thank you come again"
Me and Jordan laughed.I walked out.
Cleo's POV
I glared at Nikki as she walked out.
"Next" Jordan said
"Ooh Sorry" I walked up to the counter.
"You a painter" ? Jordan asked
"Huh" ?
"You got red paint on her hands"
I looked down at my hands. "Oh yeah I was creating a poster"
"Cool , what about" ?
"The environment"
"Mhm" I nodded and smiled
He bagged my items up and I quickly walked out the door.I looked back , he was glaring at me.
Justice POV
I was currently in ROTC , I was working hard and training.I was in the middle of doing push-ups.The bell ringed.I hopped up off the ground , I grabbed a towel and grabbed my bottle of Fiji water.I said bye to my friends and walked off.As I got back into the school area and off the field , I headed into the hallway and I felt a sudden tap.I turned around.
"Heyyyy" Christina said
"Hey babe"
"How was ROTC" ?
"It was cool, how was chem" ?
"So after school I gotta work on my Harvard application" she said
"Oh that's awesome , I was thinking about going to Yale"
"Wait ...I thought you were going to Harvard we can be together"
"I know , I'm so sorry Christina"
"But ....Harvard and Yale are In two different states...I can't do a long distance relationship"
"I'll be in Massachusetts and you will be in Connecticut...that's too different states and way to far from each other"
"I'm sorry's my future and career"
"But what about our relationship? Doesn't that matter" ?
"It does ; I wanna still be with you regardless...we shouldn't let miles separate us"
"We're gonna be living in dorms , we're gonna meet new people , it's just not gonna feel right"
"Yeah I know ...but you know I love you ...i just have to follow my path"
"Well it sounds like you just care about yourself"
She walks away.
"Christina" ?! Christina" ?!
She disappeared around the corner, I sighed deeply and hit the lockers. "Fuck"
Stephan's POV
Me and Princess was walking out of 5th period , on our way to lunch.
"Baby you seem off , are you okay" ? Princess asked
"Baby what's wrong..." ?
I glanced at her.She glared at me.
"Stop walking" she demands , she wraps her arounds me and glares into my eyes
"What's wrong , you know you can tell me anything"
I sighed deeply "I don't trust Sean" I blurted out
"Oh shit .,.what he say or do" ?
"He said something that threw me off ...okay did you see his all blue outfit ...idk if I'm being paranoid ...but he said that his favorite color was blue ..."
"Wait ...didn't a blue Honda try run you off the road" ?
I nodded quickly. "I guess I'm being paranoid"
"Noo Baby you aren't being paranoid..that's a clue ..your being aware and that's good"
"Yeah Baby ...maybe it's a coincidence...but I have a bad feeling ..,what if he's Diamonds cousin" ?
"He could be ..we need more clues"
Eric's POV
I walked up to Caroline ; she was grabbing a book out her locker.She glances at me so evilly.
"Caroline can we talk plz" ?
"Stay away from me" !
"Plz ; I'm alone"
"Oh because the girl you cheated on me with is dead ? I could care less"
"Baby pls I'm sorry"
"Fuck your sorry , your dead to me Eric"
"No please just give me one more chance to make it right"
"No, now go away , I have to get to class"
"Please , I miss you"
"Well I don't miss you , you disgust me"
"Plz Caroline"
"Did you not forgot you hurt me not only emotionally but physically too" ?!
"And I'm so sorry it won't happen again"
"That's What they all won't happen again , but you know your lying threw your teeth..."
"I'm not lying , I know I've caused you pain but plz can I make it up to you" ?
"No Eric, go be somebody else problem" !
She slams her locker and quickly walks away.
"Caroline" ! I shouted , she ignored me
Angels POV
I walked to my locker to put away my books , I was about to head to the bathroom, than lunch.I opened my locker and I jumped back , screamed and almost gagged because a gang of used thongs dropped out my locker.
"EWWWWWWW WTF" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Hey bitch do you like my little gift" ? Aubrey says
She laughs.
"Do you like the way my kitty smell? I put a few used thongs in Prince locker too" she laughs uncontrollably
"YOU BITCH"!!!!!!!!!
She laughs uncontrollably.
"That's not funny , that's NASTY AS FUCK" !!!! You trifling dirty ass whore" !!
"I bet Prince gonna like it"
I glared at her evilly.
I growled so evilly , I ran to attack her ass , I shoved her head into the locker and I banged that shit so hard , she was screaming.I was beating that ass , I was punching her in the face , and chest.My friends and the entire school came running towards us.
I was beating her ass like crazy , I was stomp kicking this bitch , and body slamming this bitch , I don't know where this strength came from , I guess all my anger done built up and I just exploded and nobody couldn't stop me , I was like a lion , I had to fest on my prey.I didn't stop until I seen blood , blood was all over her face , and on the floor.She laid unconscious.
And you said you were gonna kill me huh" ?!
I bashed her again against the wall.I dragged her by the hair all the way into the girls bathroom and I left her right their on the floor half dead and unconscious.I ran out the bathroom after I washed the blood off my hands , I was huffing and puffing , I ran into Prince arms.
"She sent me some dirty thongs too , I said enough was enough , I couldn't take it anymore , that shit was the last straw" !!!
"That is disgusting, I literally threw up when I saw that falling out of my locker, i mean come on its a whole pile of dirty thongs , HOW GROSS COULD u get" ?! Prince said
"I can't believe you dated that fuck"!
"I was stupid as fuck" !
Prince POV
"I'm so mad right now , I don't know what to do"
I ran like a track star into the girls bathroom , I grabbed Aubrey and I stripped her butt naked.She begin to wake up , she begin to scream and cry and fight me off.I dragged her by the hair out the restroom naked and all , Everybody was laughing hysterically and uncontrollably.
"IMMA FIX YA" !! I shouted
"No shut up , you stank" !!!
I picked her up , I headed to the top of the stairs , I headed over to the balcony.
"NO NO NO NO" !!!!!!
"OHHH SHIT" !!! Stephan yells
"DO IT PRINCE DO IT" Angel screams
"Omg" !!! Princess screams and laughs
I threw Aubrey over the balcony and she flew away and dropped like a bag of potatoes to the floor , she screamed like a cat on the way down , and all we heard was a thud and a crack.Yeah that hoe dead.The policies and paramedics showed up and everybody said she was suicidal and crazy.We all minded our business and went back to doing what we were doin like nothing happened.Yeah of course everybody was questioned but we denied everything  and moved the fuck on.
Angels POV
I had to get a new locker and a new set of books , new everything, I left everything in that locker , i left the janitor to clean that up of course.I was on my way to my new locker.I strutted down the hallway , I was linked arms with Princess.Me and her strutted threw.We was talking about what happened and laughing hysterically.
"I wanna have a party at my crib" I said
"Omg YES" ! Princess said
"We gotta celebrate that bitch death"
Sophie's POV
Everyone headed to lunch , I had to get me some Taco Bell ; I was really feeling a burrito and taco.
"Have you tried the nachos tacos" ?? DJ asked
"Nope , but that sounds delicious"
"Yeah I'm finna order that"
"Okay well lemme taste it when you get it"
"Uh uh , nooooo mam , you gotta get yo own nachos tacos"
I gasped and hit his shoulder "You selfish little boy" !
He laughed "I'm just kiddingggg NOT"
"I hate you"
"I love you too"
He smacks my lips and smacks my ass cheek , I rolled my eyes and giggled.
Mario's POV
I sit down at the table with my food ; I seen Cleo coming , she's sits next to me with a big smile:
"Oh Nikki was gonna sit their"
I think she pretended like she didn't hear me , I glared at her.
Nikki's POV
Why is this gurl sitting in my seat , I always sit their and she's next to my man ...I Frowned.
"Mario" ?
"I told her you were sitting here"
"Oh I didn't hear you" Cleo said
"You were sitting right next me ...and I said it loud enough"
"Well I didn't hear you sorry ... this is your seat Nikki ?
I nodded and glared at her.
"Okay , Sorry"
She hops up and sits in the other seat next to Mario.I glared at her.
"Happy now" ? She blurts out
"Oh shit , you ain't have to say it like that" I said
"What's your deal Cleo" ? Mario asked
"Sorry , I'm just having a bad day that's all"
"Do you wanna talk about it" ? I asked
"Nah, I'm good"
"Oh okay"
I glanced at Mario , he glanced at me back.
Domoniques POV
While everybody was sitting at the table , I caught Sean glaring at me , I glared back , I felt super uncomfortable.Whats this nigga deal ? I thought to myself.I tried looking all around and at my phone , but he still was glaring at me , and what made it so bad , we were sitting right in front of each other.I texted Princess and told her Sean was staring me down.
"Sean" ! Princess shouted
He jumped so hard
"Yeah" ?
Princess ain't say nothing back , she glared at him for a few seconds and looked away , I seen him glaring at her now.She looked back at him.
"Danm Sean What you tryna do suck my dick or sum" ?
Everybody bust out laughing.
"Omg I almost choked on my chicken sandwich" Stephan said
"Oh I'm sorry" Sean said
"You was staring mighty hard"
"Oh I'm sorry"
"Yeah nigga"
"You got a problem" ? Stephan asked
"No of course not man , I was dazing off, I was thinking about something"
"Oh it better not been nun bout my woman"
"No way man"
"Oh aight, just making sure"
"Stephan chill out" Cleo said
"What" ?!
"I said chill out , just keep the peace"
Stephan's POV
I laughed so hard uncontrollably.
"Did you just tell me to keep the peace" ?
"Honey plz don't come for my man , cuz you will never win that battle"
"I ain't in the mood for all this drama OKAY" !
Cleo slams the table and runs away out the lunch room.
"Cleo Better Watch Herself nie" Princess said
"Okay" Sophie said
I was just laughing
"She funny , she funny"
Cleo's POV
I ran into the bathroom crying , my emotions and feelings was getting to me ...all this school work got me stressed.Im failing my classes.And I don't know what imma tell my mom when the report cards come in...and I wish my friends would stop fighting...and I maybe have a slight crush on Mario ...but unfortunately he's taken by Nikki ....and I hope she's not mad at me because of that smart remark I said.I glared at myself in the mirror.Nikki walks in.
"Hey I wanted to check on you"
"I'm failing my classes Nikki"
"Oh shit...I'm so sorry, which classes love"
"Algebra 1 ,Geometry and Chemistry"
"Ooh those the hard classes should get a tutor"
"Oh I don't know ...I never really liked tutors"
"Well I think it's the best thing to do if you don't wanna fail ...a least get a C before the report cards print"
"Yeah your right"
"I wish I was good at math and chem but I'm not ..but sometimes students stay after school in room 408 for can get a student to tutor too , It might make you more comfortable"
"Okay , thanks so much Nikki"
I hugged her tightly.
"Your welcome love"
"Your such a good friend"
"Aww,and so are you"
"I'm sorry about the way I snapped about the seats"
"Oh no don't worry about that , I get that way too when  I'm angry and stressed"
I grinned.
"The bell rings.
"Guess we better head to class" Nikki said
I nodded and smile and we walked out the bathroom.
Angels POV

Drama,Love&Highschool(Sophomore Year) 🎭✨📗Where stories live. Discover now