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Princess POV

                  I walked threw the school like the baddest bitch I was , it was finally December, this was my month BITCH, I felt so good , nobody could ever stop me, nobody could ruin my day

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                  I walked threw the school like the baddest bitch I was , it was finally December, this was my month BITCH, I felt so good , nobody could ever stop me, nobody could ruin my day.I walked threw the hallways with confidence.This was my birthday month and I felt great.I walked to my locker.I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around.
"I'm gonna be competing in the second student body president competition for next year and I'm gonna beat you" ! Angel said
I laughed uncontrollably.
"What's funny" ?
"Your So jealous of me, you wanna be me so bad , but you can't be me , you will never be me , your a mediocre lil bitch , and you will never win that competition..."!
"I ain't jealous and I don't wanna be you , I wanna be better than you , Princess High is gonna be Angel high after I become the new student body president of the school" she says with a smirk
"You gotta get votes first" I said with a smirk
"Oh I'll get votes , the students are gonna love me , I can't wait to see your face when you lose"
"I don't lose , I never lose and I will never lose to a nobody like you"
"Yeah imma nobody who could be a somebody and I can become more popular than you"
"Yeah keep dreaming Angel , and lemme let u in a secret don't wanna fuck with me and you don't wanna get in my way, because I will send your Angel ass straight to hell"
"Is that a threat"? She asked
"Yup , so be afraid"
She glared at me evilly , I glared at her evilly back.I growled at her ass , she frowned so mean , snatching her head and quickly walking away.I glared at her so evilly as she walked away down the hallway.
Cleo's POV
Me and Nikki was smoking weed in the bathroom , we was skipping class , like who cares honestly.
"I wanna have a hello kitty sleep over this weekend , you down" ? I asked
"Hell Yeah" She said
"I love weed"
"Right , it's just a stress reliever"
"Right" I said
"So how's you and Prince" ?
"Gurl he's amazing , he be taking me out to eat and shopping and girl his dick is so bomb girllll"
"Ooooooh okayyyyyy" she laughs
I laughed
"Well I'm glad y'all good"
"Yesss wbu" ? I asked
"Me and Mario good gurl , we just be chillin , he's so sweet , I love that lil boy"
"Awww that's good to hear"
"Lets go to the store and get some snacks" she said
"Bet" I said
We both put our blunts out and headed to the mini store.I walked in , we seen Eric in their.Caroline was the cashier.
"Oof" I whispered
"Inr" Nikki said
"Hey girls" Caroline said
"Hey Carol" Me and Nikki said
Eric glanced up at us.I rolled my eyes.
"You ain't have to do all that" Eric said
"Eric hurry up and buy what your gonna buy so you can get the hell out" Caroline said
"Don't rush me" Eric said
"Hurry up like I said"
He glared at her and snatched some Doritos off the counter.
Eric's POV
I threw the Doritos on the counter and I glared at Caroline with a frown.
"You ain't have to do all that"
"Well you said hurry up"
"You ain't have to get a attitude tho"
"You Just mad cuz I ain't want yo ass back"
I hit the table.Caroline jumps.
"Chill the fuck out" ! Nikki shouted
"Stay out of it"! I snapped
"Well imma get in it , ain't nobody scared of yo ass" Nikki said
"He better back off" Cleo said
"Or what" ? I asked with a frown
"You need to leave" Caroline snaps
"Ring my shit up"
Cleo walks up to the counter , she grabs my chips and throws them at me.
"She ain't gon ring shit up, you disrespecting her , us and the store itself" ! Cleo shouts
"Who tha fuck You think you talking to little bitch" ! I shouted
"I'm talking to you Eric Phillips" ! She shouted
"Danm wtf don't be saying my government like you crazy" !
"I can say whatever I want punk nigga" ! She shouts
I pushed her ass.She kicked me in my dick , I screamed in pain and fell to the floor.Nikki and Caroline gasped
"YOU BITCH" !! I screamed
I wanted to beat that lil Cleo bitch up ....I stayed calm and my dick was burning anyways.
"Your gonna regret that" ! I shouted as I limped out the store.
Caroline's POV
"Omg Thank you Cleo"
"Gurl I hate bullies" Cleo said
"Danm lil Cleo is crazy" Nikki said
"Lil Cleo don't play" Cleo said
"Yeah I cant stand Eric , he's always been a jerk" I said
"I'm glad you ain't wit his ass no more" Nikki said
"Me too , like it's crazy how he was literally the sweetest guy at first and then he begin to change , he got all mean and violent ...I was so scared ...I didn't know how to get out the relationship"
"I'm so sorry you went threw that" Cleo said
"That's awful boo" Nikki said
"Thanks y'all, I feel so free" I said
"Do you wanna hug" ? Cleo asked
"Sure , I love hugs" I said with a smile
Cleo leans in to hug me , Nikki follows , I hugged both of the girls.
"I'm having a hello kitty party this weekend wanna come" ? Cleo asked
"Sure Of course" I said
"Yayy" Cleo said
Nikki smiles
Eric's POV
I bumped into Angel.
"Angel" I shouted
She walked up to me
"We should trash Princess lil mini store" I said
"I'm down, you know I hate her ass"
"Alright cool , lets break into the school tonight and trash that shit"
"Okay and we should trash her locker too"
"Okay, lets trash that Cleo girl locker too"
"Omg Yes , she and Princess beat me up"
"Exactly and you better make sure you win that student body president campaign,Princess cannot be the president"
"I won't let her win , and btw their adding a Vice President too , so you wanna be my Vice President" ?
"Fuck yeah of course"
"Okay, yo we're gonna take over this school , everybody will bow down to us , we can be the new Princess and Stephan "
"Yeahhhh , we gon take over this shit fr"
"Yes" ! She shouted
We both smirked evilly at each other.
Princess POV
Me and my girls was in the auditorium fooling around eating chick fil a and cream soda, while chatting about our niggas or whatever.
"Gurl lemme tell you I think me and DJ got a addiction to fucking in public" Sophie said
"Oooooh shit where have y'all did it recently" ? I asked
"Girl the beach"
"Oooh that's so romantic" Domonique said
"So y'all didn't get caught" ? Cleo asked
"Gurl naw , it was barley anybody their and tbh even if somebody did show up we would have kept going" Sophie said
"Ooh y'all so bad" I said
"Hell Yeahhh" She said
"Idk but I think bath sex is amazing" Cleo said
"Oh gurl you and Prince be in the tub" ? I asked
"Gurl yessssss he knows how to put it on you" Cleo said
"Mhm I know" I said with a smirk
"Oh wait you used to date him" ? She asked
"Mhm, back in freshman year" I said
"Ohhhhh shit , I ain't know that, I won't asked why y'all broke up, that ain't my business"
"Yeah that shit don't matter now" I said
"Cleo you late" Sophie said
"Gurl I ain't know" she said
"How's u and Stephan" ? Domonique asked
"We spectacular, y'all know that's my baby boy" I said
"Awww, we seen those lil teddy bears y'all got each other at the arcade" Nikki said
"Yeah we named them Royalty and Astro"
"Sooooo cute" Cleo said
"Y'all I got an idea ...nothing boy related tho , it's fashion related ..."
"Ooh tell us" Sophie said
"How about we have our own fashion show this Friday ,us and whoever else wanna sign up , can be in it , this will give our girls and guys an opportunity to express their style and show off their fashion sense"
"Oooh thats a good idea" ! Sophie said
"That's sounds LIT" Domonique said
"Let's do it , I'm so down" Nikki said
"I love it" ! Cleo said
"Yesss we can have it 8pm after school , the whole school can come" I said
"We might have to move it in the gym" Sophie said
"Yeah I agree , because the whole school won't fit in here" Domonique said
"Ohh Yeah y'all right , we can like make a backstage and a runway , lights , it's gonna be epic" I said
"I can't wait , this is gonna be so fun" Sophie said
"Yasssssss" Cleo said
"We definitely are the real life Bratz dolls" Domonique said
"PERIODT" we all said in unison
"Lets tell Christina, Victoria and Caroline about this , we should make fliers to spread the word" I said
"Okay" ! Sophie said
We all skipped out laughing and cheering.
Angels POV
I was in class with Prince I glared at him.I sat behind him.I tapped him on the shoulder.He ignored me , i sucked my teeth and tapped him again.He turned around.
"Would you stop and leave me alone" he demanded
I smirked.
"Guess who's gonna be competing in next semesters student body president campaign" ?
"Please don't tell me you are" he rolled his eyes
"Yes me , what's wrong with me , what you think Princess can do it but I can't"
"Honestly Hell Yeah" He said
I sucked my teeth.
"Well you gonna be looking funny in the face when I win that campaign"
"Yeah right Angel"
"Watch me...but you know a Vice President has been added ...and maybe you can be my Vice President....we can overrule this school , just think about it"
"I will never be your Vice President, I don't even fw you"
"You are passing up a very good opportunity"
"You wanna be with me so bad for clout ,cuz you know I'm that nigga , and I ain't passing up shit , if I was running, I'll let Cleo be my Vice President, I ain't second to a female"
"You are such a Sexist Wow"
"I'm just being honest"
" I bet Cleo wouldn't agree to that"
"I'll tell her that myself , so just back off Angel"
"Okay well how about you run for the campaign, and I can be your Vice President" ?
"No , do you not understand Cleo is my woman now , not you , and I told ya ass when we breakup to not start this crazy shit again"
"Well you  know I don't listen" I giggled
"You need a man"
"Yeah you"
"No not me , a new man"
"Yeah you"
He sucked his teeth , and I laughed.
Prince POV
I'm so sick of this bitch , you know what imma fix this bitch.I glared at her with a smirk.
"Meet me in the bathroom"
"Wait what" ? She said
"meet in the bathroom, you don't wanna past up this opportunity to get this dick do you " ? I said with a smirk 😏
"No way"
"Okay then"
I raised my hand "I needa use the restroom"
My teacher nodded , I grabbed the pass and walked out , I winked my eye at Angel , she smiled so big , that bitch was probably hearing church bells.I laughed to myself.
Angels POV
My heart was literally beating ....omg What's happening , why this sudden change of heart ..maybe he's gradually coming back to his senses , omg are we gonna get back together.I raised my hand.
"I need to use the bathroom"
"Wait until Prince comes back"
"I'm on my period sir"
He sighed deeply "Alright go"
I smiled and hopped up , I quickly grabbed the second past heading out the classroom.I was skipping threw the hallway to get some dick.
Stephan's POV
So I was in Science Course 2 , me and Justice was partnered up for a experiment , we had to make a volcano erupt.
"Okay so we need baking soda , soap , water , food coloring ,vinegar and two empty soda bottles" Justice said
"Okay, go get the ingredients Justice"
"Remember this is a partner project , we go get the ingredients together" He said
I looked at him so crazy "yeah yeah yeah"
We both walked to a table to get what we needed.
"So once we put the ingredients, we have to go outside in the field, Shake the bottles up , sit the two bottles down on the ground and let it just go" Justice said
"Danm nigga you sho know a lot about this shit"
"Yeah I've did a lot of research on experiments ....experimenting is my favorite thing to do"
"Yeah I used to like experimenting on woman"
"Why, they all have the same thing below the belt"
"Nigga idc , all girls got their own unique kitty, so I wanted to test them all out , some wetter than others ya know"
"Ion wanna all that"
"You still ain't hit Christina yet" ?
"Well yeah we sexual relations , but we were actually both virgins"
"Danmmmm, So y'all popped each other cherrys" I laughed so hard
"I guess you can say that"
"And nigga did you just say sexual relations ...nigga we call it fucking ...F U C K I N G ...fuckingggg"
"I don't really like to use that word"
"Say it nigga"
"I don't wanna"
"Say it"
"Can we do the project plz" ?
"Say it"
"Say it"
"Say it" I whispered
Everybody in the classroom turned around glaring and laughing at Justice.I was dying.
"See now was that so bad"?
"That was so embarrassing"
I laughed.He started to laughed too.
"Yeah Okay That was kind of funny"
We begin the project
"Hey lemme ask you" I said
"I was thinking about joining ROTC in junior year"
"For like fun or because you wanna serve the country one day" ?
"Just for fun"
"Well it can be fun , but it's still no joke , it's a lot of exercise , yelling and demanding ,it's nothing to be played with"
"Dude I'm a football player , my coach is always yelling and I'm fit as fuck , I'm always exercising"
"Well then you would be perfect for ROTC then"
"Aight Cool, Imma talk to my guidance counselor"
"Lemme warn  you , a lot of people go in ROTC thinking they wanna do it for fun and end up wanting to serve in real life ..."
"That ain't go happen , I just think it would look good on my record"
"Yeah okay , don't say I ain't warn you "
"What you tryna do after high school" ?
"Well tbh , I was just doing ROTC for fun myself ...but I actually wanna go to the military...but Christina doesn't know , she thinks I'm going to Yale ...I just don't wanna tell her yet , it would upset her...bro to bro could you keep that between us ..." ?
I glared at him "of course man"
"Thanks man"
We gave dap.
"You alright Justice" I said
"You too man" he said
Prince POV
I walked into the stall.I ain't see the bitch nowhere.
"Where ya ass at" ? I shouted
"Come n find me" !
I sighed deeply and rolled my eyes.I begin to look under all the stalls and then I finally I seen her lil brown boots under the stall.
"Gotcha" I said
She opened the stall door slowly. "You may enter"  she said with a smirk
I glared at her with a smirk.It was a fake smirk tho.I snatched her mini skirt up.
"Turn around" I demanded
She turned.I took my index finger and I snatched her thong to the side , I grabbed my dick and I shoved that shit in her kitty.She moaned loudly.I stroked for like a few seconds , and outta nowhere I grabbed her head and I banged that shit up against the wall.She screamed in pain.I shoved her ass into the toilet.
I quickly fixed myself , and I walked out slamming the stall door.
Angels POV
I was crying nonstop , I felt my entire face burning and pounding , I felt my ears ringing.I thought I was finna die , I found myself passing out.
Cleo's POV
I walked into the bathroom , I noticed somebody laying under a stall.I Frowned in confusion.I slowly opened the stall.I gasped.I seen Angel laying on the floor.I tried to wake her up.She begin to moan.
"Angel , are you okay" ?
I seen a huge knot on her head.She begin to slowly wake , she looked so out of it ...she looked all weak and sick.
"Who did this to you , what happened" ?
Angels POV
I realized that bitch was in my face.I begin to cry nonstop.
"Are you Okay , what happened" ?
"He raped me" I blurted out
"Who raped you" she asked
"I don't wanna say , I don't wanna say"
"Tell me who did this to you" ?
"It was Prince ..." I cried nonstop
"You saying that my man raped you ? No I don't believe you"
"No it's true , he did , he banged my head up against the wall and forced himself inside me"
She glared at me. "He couldn't have raped you"
"But he did,I won't lie about something like that"
"You don't fool me Angel , you've been tryna track down Prince for the longest and I know you can't stand me, you just want me to break up with him , so you can have him ....nice try"
She hops up and walks out the stall.
"NOOOOO" I screamed
Cleo's POV
I strutted out , that stupid bitch had the nerve.I was not finna buy that shit.My man does not want you , you stupid bitch.
Justice POV
Me and Stephan shook up the soda bottles and we quickly sat the bottles down , and the explosion happened , all of the lava shot up in the air.We laughed and cheered as the bottle erupted.We did the experiment perfectly.
"Alright, we did it man" ! I shouted
"We sho did" He said
"That was awesome"
"That was lit"
We gave each other dap.
"We're definitely getting a A" I said
"Hell Yeah" He said
Princess POV
Me and my girls finished making the fliers , we posted them all over the school walls , we handed the fliers to everyone.I was beyond excited for this.
Eric's POV
I seen Angel walking down a hallway crying.I ran up to her.
"Angel are you okay" ?!
"Prince raped me" !
"What" ?!
"I was walking to the bathroom , and he seen me , he shoved me in the bathroom , he threw me into the stall , banged my head and forced himself on me"
"Imma kill that nigga , he's not gonna get away with this"
"He hurt me Eric , I was so scared , he kept my mouth closed with his hands , so nobody wouldn't hear me scream , all I could do was cry"
"I'll get that monster, don't you worry about a thing"
"Your such a good friend thank you"
She hugged me tightly, I hugged her back.
"I'm just doing what a friend does"
I smirked and glared evilly as we hugged.
Princess POV
I met up with Sophie , Domonique, Nikki and Cleo.
"Okay girls the fliers are all passed around"
"Should we make more copies" ? Sophie asked
"Nah , I think we put out enough" I said
"Okay" Sophie said
"I'm so excited for this" Domonique said
"Yessssss , it's gonna be so much fun" Cleo said
"Y'all I can't wait to see everybody slay" Nikki said
"Righttt , it's gonna be amazing" I said
We seen Stephan and Justice side by side talking and laughing.
"Am I tripping or is my baby and Justice actually getting a long"
"Gurl u ain't tripping" Sophie said
We walked towards them.
"So y'all bro besties now" ? I asked
Stephan and Justice laughed "we homies now" Stephan said
"Ohhhh homies , okay okay I see y'all" I said
"Y'all would make a cute couple too" Cleo said
"Cleo hush"!
"Don't try us" Stephan said
"Yeah don't try us" Justice said
"Y'all heard about the fashion show we putting together Friday" ?
"Yeah , can't wait to see it" Stephan said
"You and the guys should help us , we need a runway and a backstage , it's gonna be in the gym"
"Ohh Okay Yeah I gotchu Baby" Stephan said
"Yeah we will definitely help y'all" Justice said
"Great , Thank youuu" I kissed Stephan on the lips
He grinned.
"Oh btw's something I gotta tell y'all ...." Cleo said
"What's up" ? I asked
"It's about Prince"
"What about Prince" ? Stephan asked
"I found angel in the bathroom crying with a big ass knot on her forehead, and she gon lie and say Prince raped her"
We all gasped "she's lying , he would never" I Said
"Nah Angel is the biggest liar in the whole wide world" Stephan said
"You didn't believed her did you" ? Sophie asked
"Hell naw , I ain't believed that bitch, I aint crazy"
"Good , because she will do anything to sabotage y'all relationship, she's obsessed with him" I said
"I know , but she can be obsessed all she wants , she ain't getting my man , I love Prince and he loves me and that's final" Cleo said
Prince walks up.
Cleo's POV
"Baby we were just talking about you"
"Oh fr , what's going on" ?
"Angel accused you of raping her" Stephan said
Prince frowned so hard "WHAT" ?!
"Don't worry about it baby , I ain't believe her, I know you would never do that , I know how much you hate that bitch"
"Calm down Baby , it's okay, we know the truth"
"That bitch is obsessed with me" !
"Yeah she will do anything to sabotage you and Cleo" Princess said
"Hell Yeah She would, that chick is crazy , she's mental man , sum wrong wit her, she can't get over me" !
"Well if she keeps on imma put an end to that bitch" Cleo said
"And none of us will stop you"
I smirked evilly up him , he smirked evilly back.
Angels POV
It was finally after school , hours had passed , it was around 8pm.Me and Eric snuck into the school.We made sure we wear all black outfits and ski masks.
"Let's fuck this shit up" I said
"Hell Yeah " He said
I ran to Cleo's locker and Eric ran to Prince locker.We begin to spray paint inappropriate slurs and pictures , like fuck you bitch , ya stank ass hoe and Prince you a faggot , Eric drew  a big ass dick on his locker,Eric picked their lockers , we grabbed and destroyed everything out of their locker , we even did Princess , Stephan and the rest of the gang lockers the same way , all their shit was vandalized.We laughed uncontrollably.We ran into the mini store.We begin to trash and knock over everything.We pushed over the racks.We scattered all of the snacks on the floor, we poured all of the drinks out on the floor.We couldn't stop laughing.The entire store was vandalized , it was fucked up , food , drinks , clothes and supplies were scattered all over the floor.We ran out and we snatched those lil fliers off the walls.
"Nobody gives a fuck about your lil fashion show you stupid bitch , Princess always wanna be over shit and run things UGH IM IM SICK OF HER" !!!!
"Yeah and I'm sick of Stephan ass too , I'm sick of all of their ass" !! Eric shouts
We ran out the school laughing.
Princess POV
As I was on my way to school the next morning , i suddenly get an incoming call from Sophie.I answered the phone.
"Gurl wassup" ?
"Princess how far are you from the school" ? Sophie said in panic
"Not too far why" ?!
"Hurry up and get the school , something terrible happened last night to the store" !
I gasped "on my way" !
I hung up the phone , I pressed on the gas pedal and I zoomed down that street.
Sophie's POV
The gang was here , we just couldn't believe what we were seeing.
"Omg who did this" ?! I shouted
"The store is ruined" !! Domonique said
Chicken and Jordan runs in gasping,
"Oh no" ! Chicken shouted
"It's a disaster , who did this" ?! Jordan shouted
"We don't know , omg I'm freaking out right now"I said
"All this hard work just gone" Stephan said
"I can't believe this" DJ said
"Where is Princess man" ? Prince asked
"She's on the way" I said
"Why would somebody stoop this low" ?! Mario shouted
"Jealousy ....jealously is the reason why somebody would stoop this low" ! Cleo said
"Angel had to do this" I said
"Yeah but she didn't do this alone , she had to have help" Stephan said
"I think Eric helped her" QT said
"I wouldn't put it past them two" Christina said
Victoria and Caroline walks in , their mouths were dropping.
"Omg" ! Victoria shouted
Justice runs in. "Our lockers are trashed" !!
"We know , this is ridiculous" ! I said
"What's going onnnnn" ?! Chicken said
Princess struts threw.She immediately begin to scream nonstop.
"Princess I can't believe this" !! I screamed
"Angel and Eric did this ,we know they did this" !!!
"Of course they did this ...lemme call my team to fix this up , we gotta get this room remodeled ASAP" Princess says
"I'm furious right now" !! Stephan shouts
"We all are pissed" I said
Princess POV
My heart was beating so fast , I felt my skin boiling , I was sweating , I could seriously kill somebody right now.I quickly called my team up to clean and remodel the room.I was screaming nonstop inside my head.I wanted to cry hysterically , but I was trying to keep my cool.
Prince POV
Princess was gettin everything situated with the store.Eric walks up to me with a big ass frown.
"That's for raping Angel" !
"Oh you done told on yo self , and ain't nobody raped that bitch , you know she's a liar , she's out to get me and Cleo, you should know better" !!
"Yes you did rape her , you sick bastard"
He tried to charge me , I punched his ass upside his face , we begin to brawl in the hallway , all of the Students ran out cheering n shit.The gang ran out.
"OH SHIT OH SHIT" !! Stephan shouts
"Omg Baby" !! Cleo screams
I was beating Eric ass , I kept punching him nonstop , his blood from his nose was smearing on my hands , he missed every hit , he was grunting in pain as I beat his ass nonstop.Stephan , DJ , QT and Mario jumped in , they begin to beat his ass , we all jumped his ass.Everybody got their licks in.
Princess POV
Angel came running threw.And me and girls immediately attacked her ass , we begin to beat her ass uncontrollably and nonstop.
I punched her in the nose.She was screaming and crying nonstop.She didn't know what hit her ass.We was tearing that ass up.We was whooping her ass from left to right , from old and new.I was taking all my anger out on this bitch.The cops had to come and slang all of us off each other.Everybody was getting slung from left to right.
Princess POV
A whole week had passed and Angel and Eric stayed their distance.My store end up being remodeled and reopened.A new load of food , drinks , clothes and supplies filled the room.

Drama,Love&Highschool(Sophomore Year) 🎭✨📗Where stories live. Discover now