Chapter 10: A living Hell

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dedicated to bleu_rein because I'm seriously jealous of her creativity.

"I don't know what's wrong with you," Shawn told Adam as he took a long drag off some pot that his parents had misplaced.

"There's nothing wrong with him," Stew said as he took the blunt from Shawn. Stew tried to pass it to Adam but he shook his head as he always did. The only thing Adam didn't pass on was alcohol and even that he had low quantities of, "he's allowed to like who or whatever he wants."

"I'm still not even sure if that is even the case."

Stew and Shawn looked at each other and laughed, "You like her."

"Shut up, you guys are both high anyways."

"That doesn't make our opinion any less valid," Shawn said and Stew nodded.

"It's basically the only time you two agree with each other."

"This is true, but you were saying something earlier about kissing her? She likes you too?"


"Then why did you kiss her?"

"Because she asked me too, look she's going out with someone else and she was worried about kissing them."

"It sounds like she likes you."

"I'm pretty sure she doesn't, why am I even talking about this stuff with you two?"

"Because we're your best buds."

"I'm going home; I'll see you two later."

"Remember there's a party tonight at that football player's house," Stew told him as Adam went to the door.

"Alright so what?"

"Take Ramona; let her have some fun with you."

"Don't tell him that, ask the other twin out, the right one. Mars is prettier and more pleasant to be around than Ramona."

"Stop talking about her if you don't like her so much."

"You're the one who keeps bringing her up."

"Yeah because I like her, most friends would support the other and encourage them."

"I just want you to see the reality of it all; you know you don't have a chance with Mars so you moved on your affection to her twin. Isn't that unfair or am I just crazy?"

"I hate to say it but he has a point," Stew said quietly.

"If she finds out you liked Mars first how do you think she'll react?"

"Shit," He slumped against the wall, he knew Shawn was right and he hated it.

* * *

Ramona was also at a friend's, Riley's to be exact, "I had my first kiss."

"You did! Farkas kissed you? That's great!"

Ramona nodded slowly as she sipped some tea Riley had made her.

"What was it like? Were there fireworks? Was it memorable?"

"I can't stop thinking about it, it was only a second though," Ramona found herself talking about the kiss with Adam; she still couldn't wrap her head around it.

"You must like him, to remember a peck on the lips is something."

Ramona looked over at Riley shocked, "I couldn't possibly, no way."

"What's so wrong with liking Farkas? He is your boyfriend, even if your family is forcing you to date him."

"Oh right, yeah," Ramona said slowly.

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