Where to next

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A storm loomed on the horizon. Not clouds of vaporic grey or white, but a hellish red. A red that knits your stomach into a knot. Its hue created such a feeling of dread that you might curl up like a fetus and weep until it finds you by the sound of your fallen tears. The sound it made was not a chhhhhhhhhh like that of normal blue rain drops, no all that was heard from this cloud was screams. The wails of men, women, elders, children, the cowards, and courageous alike. They all cried to you in search of sanctum but all they found was hell incarnate. It was noon now but the sun would not bring you serenity. It's rays of golden beauty would not touch your soaked face now. The storm was closer now. The screams a deafening moan of pain and torment. You can see under the hood of death now. What loomed was an army, an army of melting souls growing as if each drop of that putrid substance was a cell of their body building up bit by bit. Try marched onward, driven by the need to feel something that other than the horendous torment of this storm. It almost looms overhead now it's screams now white noise almost burning a hole through your ear drums. The figures stare not with anger but with pain and pleading. They want out, they want asylum, they want death. But death is not granted in this storm. The cloud looms over you now. The rain ceases, the sound is gone. The figures do not enter, they simply stand at the windows and the doors, staring. It's morning now, yellow strands of tape sit on every entrance the blue shirted men stand there taking pictures of the scenery. The roof is destroyed, the door blown open, the windows in thousands of scattered pieces. There is a smell in the air, it's putrid like a rotting corpse, but none is found. And you, you are not seen, but you see. You can see all. You are no where and everywhere. All you can do is scream, scream that you are here, but you are not here, not to them. You feel nothing but pain and sorrow. You come to consciousness marching along with millions more. Your only thought, where to next.

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