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Almost as soon as I was able to put my suitcases down two petite arms fly around me. Though without thought I wrap my arms around her.

"I'm so glad your home baby. I've missed you so, so much." I smiled knowingly on the verge of tears just as she is.

"I've missed you too mom." And it was true me and my mom had a very special bond even I couldn’t explain because frankly we don’t have much in common at all.

After a few more seconds she pulled away, as did I. She gingerly placed both of her hands on my shoulders. Sending an arm’s length away she says

"God look at how much my daughter has grown just over the summer." I just smile in return, but my eyes no longer focus on her, but my older brother who rounds the corner just as she said that. Without any hesitation he opens his arms wide so that I can run into them. He picks me up and spins me around, both laughing at the fact of how basically cliché it should look.

When he put me down he looked at me and smiled saying "Missed you to sis." All of us laughed. I told my mom and brother that I would be down in a few minutes after I put my bags upstairs. I threw one of my bags on the bed and the other next to my desk. I will unpack later tonight I’m too tired.

As I just went down the stairs I head my mom telling people "shhh". She came around the corner that led to our living room with a baffled expression upon her face.

She then took my hand without any words whatsoever and pulled me into the living room. It truly looked like it was empty aside from Ashton sitting on the couch with my brother and the top of a head sticking up behind it. Everything seemed normal. Wait, WHAT! There is a head behind my couch. Obviously Ashton caught on to my baffled expression and smirked that incredibly annoying smirk.

When I heard my mom start to count down from three I knew exactly what was happening. I put my head down smiling like a crazy person. Why hadn't I caught on before? Like you know put two and two together. All of the cars had to be here for something. GOD, sometimes I worry myself.

"SURPRISE!" The loud yell of all of the people I missed so much pulled my out of my revere.

 I pulled my head up smiling a huge genuine smile as a noticed everyone who was here. Sophia and Eryn, my best friends. Ashton, as I’d said before. My dad, Sebastian. My favorite cousin Desi and my uncle Delsin and his wife Christina. All of the people I truly care about and that's all I could ask for as a welcome home gift. And maybe some Oreo's, I could really use some Oreo's.

Ashton, surprisingly was the first of everybody to come and hug me. As he came closer to me our eyes locked to each other's as if not wanting to tear apart from each other. His muscular arms wrapped around my petite torso as he whispered softly in my ear "I've missed you," then pulling away and walking into the kitchen. I stood there shocked for a moment. It wasn't the fact that he had told me he had missed me, it was more of the way he said it. The amount of emotion that flowed through his words as he said it sounded as if it hurt him that I was gone for the summer.

“Hia hon," Desi said coming in for her hug. Desi was shorter than me. She had been for as long as I can remember, and though I she eighteen by the time I was thirteen I towered over her.

“Hey! God I've missed you," I smacked her shoulder playfully "you my dear cousin were meant to FaceTime me Skype me text me something. But NO I see how it is, you don't love me as much as I love you." She smiled and hugged me again this time with a little more force.

"This is why you need to never leave me again without you my life was so boring.” she said with a huge smile.

Next it was Sophia and Eryn who smothered me with hugs trying as fast as they could to ketch me up on all of the latest things happening in Longview WA.

By the end of the night I was tired and just wanted to go to sleep. We celebrated, talked and all in all had a good time.  We ate some amazig food that my dad had made because let face it, my mother couldn’t cook.

But I just wanted some sleep. I hadn't seen Ashton since he hugged me but whatever I still just wanted some sleep, I wanted to sleep in the amazingly soft bed that I hadn’t layed on for the past 3 months. I said goodnight to everyone and slowly hauled myself up to my room. As I went upstairs I listened as everyone gathered their things and left.

When I opened my door I jumped about five feet into the air. There lying on my bed staring at the ceiling laid Ashton. He was holding a teddy bear on his lap that I’ve had since I was a child. IT was brown and white and surprisingly still fluffy.

"My god Ashton, what the hell are you doing in my room."

He sat up slowly with a very devious smirk. He stared at me silently.

"What?" I asked confused. With that he stood up still not saying a word. He continued to step closer and closer until I was backed against my bedroom wall.

"I just wanted to hang out." I gave him the most confused look I think I had ever given anyone.

"Really?" I asked questionably. He then placed both of his hands against the wall on either side of my head.

"Yup." he said popping on the p. Shit just got real. He only did that popping thing when he was up to something. This can't be good.

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