Pool Fun

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''What am I going to do?!'' I said in the most exasperated voice I think I've ever mustered up in my entire life.

''I don't know. I'm still not understanding or comprehending what you said to me."

"How can you not, I got pissed at Ashton due to the fact that he asked me if I went to fat camp, I ran to my room crying, he followed me a few minutes later and we had a make out session. Simple as that," I said to Sophia in the most duh voice ever. She was now looking at me like I was crazy before she replied with an 'okay'.

"But do you have feelings for him?" I waited a minute before I replied. She doesn't know about the fact that I've liked him for so long. Nobody does. Nobody. Even though she's my best friend it's going to be hard, I mean I've hid it from everyone for so long. And like I'm not even sure if people would get mad at me or not.

"Don't tell." was I all I said to her. Two simple words and she understood.

I won't. But you need to figure this all out there is no reason at all for you to get your heart broken if he doesn't feel the same about you."

Even though I have two best friends...I feel like me and Sophia have a better connection. We understand each other so much more. All of a sudden Sophia claps her hands in front of my face. I shake my head back and forth a few times before answering.


"What." she repeated "What? We just talked about your man problems and you need to get out of thins weird mood you're in. Let's go outside to that pool that you hardly ever uses. I'm sure you brother has some friends over, like always, so let's go swimming. Let's have some fun." By now she was standing at the foot of my bed bouncing around like a mad woman. "So what do you say? We change into our swimsuits and go for a dip." she looked at me with a very expectant look. I can't help but feel that this is usually the other way around. Her having the guy troubles and me giving her advice.

I let out an exasperated sigh before standing up.

"Okay" she screamed. She literally screamed as I answered her. She ran towards me and jump on me hugging me. She screamed in my ear right before running to her backpack, grabbing her swimsuit and running to the bathroom.

I sighed again before going to my closet. I almost grabbed the bikini I wore the other day bit stopped short. I grabbed it and shoved it in a drawer I never use. I don't think I'll ever wear that thing again. I went to the drawer that held all of my old swimsuits and picked out a bright coral pink color that contrasted awesome with my newly tan skin. Surprisingly it looked better on me than the last one did.

I grabbed a towel before going straight outside to the pool knowing that Sophia was already out there.

Sophia was out there as I suspected. She was sitting next to my brother's friend Caleb. I could already sense a new relationship coming on. He's nice but he was always kind of a dick to me after we had a thing. It stopped as soon as it started. Thanks to my dickface of a brother.

I went out of the surprisingly clean sliding glass doors and quickly sat on a pool chair. And four of my brother's friends looked my direction. These four guys included Josh Allen, Sebastian Vercoe, Seth Sanders and Tyler Winters. Caleb (last name koski) was still talking to Sophia. Ashton was nowhere in sight, thank god.

"Hey your four, yeah eyes off my sister you perverts!" Dimitri yelled. They all snapped out of it and went back to what they were doing before. I still caught them sneaking glances at me at the most random times.

I laid down and started tanning. I was watching everybody laugh and joke around when all of a sudden they just get quiet. There all turned towards me with wide eyes.

"What. What are you guys looking at?" I say pulling my hands up in a 'duh' motion to put more epiphysis on my cluelessness. And that when it happened. One minute I was warm and dry and the next I was soaking wet. I shook more in anger than being cold. I slowly turned my head and seen Ashton buckled over in laughter hold a bucket loosely in his hand. I stood up and started chasing him. It wasn't until I realized just how close we were getting to the pool I slowed down.

Jokes on me. That was a terrible idea. Just as I was going to slow down Ashton grabbed ahold of my arms and pulled me into the water with him as he fell. we hit with his back coming first and I barley had enough time to take a breath before we were submerged under the water. I wrapped my arms and legs around him just as a precaution of course. I was hoping the bubbles covered us up.

We came back up quickly. And right before we came all the way up I let go of him. We came up breathing heavily. We looked straight into each other's eyes and he smirked, causing me to blush....a lot.

All of the guys looked at me at that moment. My now sopping wet body, hair and bathing suit was apparently very sexy.

"Hey" I said to Ashton. Completely ignoring the wandering eyes.

"Hey back" he said sill smirking.

My brother came back outside right at that moment and noticed all of the guys staring at me.

"How many times do I have to tell you guy's eyes off. Don't even get me started if your hands ever touch her,'' that's was right when Sebastian decided to pop off with a smart-ass comment

"But Ashtons hands weren't off" my brother then looked between me and Ashton smiling like an idiot.

"Ashtons and Abcde's touches are about as sexually as hospitals." I knew right when Dimitri finished that me and Ashton were thinking the same. Ashton leaned over and whispered in my ear 'nurses'. I smiled and just replied 'doctors' right after he said that.

He pulled back and feigned hurt placing a hand over his heart and saying " and here I thought I was the only one you liked'' I faked the most disgusted face ever just to put on a show and not give anything away.

"As if I would like someone like you. I mean look at you. I have found potatoes more attractive then you." at that comment everybody laughed except for him. He wore the most hurt look on his face ever. His bottom lip was pushed out and he had his arms crossed over his chest like a little kid. His soaked hair was sticking to his forehead in different places making him look like a little kid.

By now the laughing ad died down to giggles. I took this opportunity to push him making him fall under the water. Everybody was laughing again at this. When he came back above the water all the guys were pointing at him laughing saying things along the lines of 'you got beat by a girl'.

He stood up towering over me. He grabbed me by the waist and threw me over his shoulder carrying me in the direction of the house.

"You're in for it now'' he said

'' Why now Ashton, what have I ever done to you''

"You know" he said, the smirk very evident in his voice.

''No I don't'' my voice faking innocence. I actually didn't mind being in this position. It gave me a great view of his butt. And I mean who would mind that. Have you seen him? By the time I realized where we were going we were practically already there.

My room.

A/N so i realize that i havent updated and im sorry..i really am ive been going through some crap and my teacher practicly told me i should give up writing all together. I havent really had any motovation so im sorry. Anyways the picture is all the guys. They all have their real names except for caleb his real name is james neese. Love ya lovlies

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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