~Chapter 14~

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Seraphina's POV


"Make sure you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can invite Jungkook to spend the day with you if you want." My mom says kissing my forehead.

"Alright mom. I'll miss you guys." I say opening the door for them.
"See you tomorrow morning honey." My dad says. I smile and let the door shut.

The first thing I do is go right back to bed. My parents woke me up at 3 in the morning to say bye.
I mean sure I'll miss them but who wakes people up at 3 in the morning anyway? I yawn as I snuggle back into my bed.

"Baby I got you flowers." Jungkook says handing me flowers.
I smile, "Jungkook that's so sweet!" I say smelling the roses in my hands.

He chuckles darkly.
"What's wrong Kookie?" I say tilting my head in question I notice his brown eyes are very dark. I see a small glint of 'madness' in them.

"Nothing baby I just really want to.."
"want to what?" I say in slight panic.
He licks his bottom lip, "nothing."
He suddenly walks towards me and pushes me to a wall.

The impact making me cough out. He grabs my hair forcing me to stand up.
"Jungk-kook stop!" I breath out.

"Sera are you ok?"
"Jungkook! How'd you get here?"
He smiles showing his bunny teeth, "spare key."
I chuckle "I really need to hide that spare keys from you!" He laughs along with me.

"What did you dream about?" he says putting his head onto my bed. I
clear my throat, "you hungry?" I see Jungkook's eyes grow darker, "Why are you always avoiding this topic Sera?!" He says raising his voice.

I flinch, "it's too early for this Jungkook, let's go eat some-"
"NO! I want answers Sera! You seem distant all the time."
"I'm sorry Jungkook I can't say right now." "Can't say what? Hmm?" Jungkook says pushing me into my bed.

He hovers over me before planting tiny kisses on my neck.
"Jungkook get off me." I say gently trying to push him off. He ignores me and slides his hand into my shirt.
"Jungkook stop!" My heart is racing now.

He's never acted like this which was scaring me. I suddenly push him of startling the both of us.
"Just answer the question Sera." Jungkook says taking a step towards me. I quickly scramble out of my room with Jungkook chasing me.

"Seraphina!" I hear him yell. I head towards the stairs and within seconds I'm rolling down it.

Jungkook pushed me down!

"That slowed you down didn't it?" He says from above me.
"Jungkook please..stop." I don't know when the tears started falling.
"Just tell me what it was!"

I start sobbing, "it was about you! Ok?! You were.."
"I was?" Jungkook kneels next to me moving a strand of hair from my sweaty face.

I take a deep breath, "you were hurting me." I say quietly.
Jungkook gives out a low deep chuckle, "so you've been distant because of these dreams? Hm? You're afraid of me right?"

I shake my head vigorously, "no it's not that!" He ignores me and decides to place a hand on my neck and choke me, "did I hurt you like this?!" He says with a hint of craze in his voice.

I shake my head not being able to form words. Hot tears start to stream down my face and in that moment I felt like I was going to die.

Jungkook suddenly releases me. I cough out and breath as much air as I can get. Jungkook suddenly starts crying into his hands.
"What's wrong with me?!" He yells out.

He looks at me his cheeks stained with tears, "Sera I'm sorry." He starts getting up to walk towards me and I start walking back. I see my dads car keys on the counter and my phone.

I quickly grab those and run out the door. "Sera! Wait!" I don't respond and start driving off ignoring Jungkook's pleas for me to come back.

I got a new iphone and the data on my old phone isn't downloading on icloud and  i'm big mad..>:(

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