Chapter 17

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Seraphina's POV

The dreaded Monday morning arrives and non of my pleads for staying home worked with my parents.

"Fine at least drop me off to school." I pout.

"Jungkook's not taking you?" My dad asks sipping his coffee.

"Nope because i told him you guys were dropping me off, you have 15 minutes to get me to school or I'll be late." I say quickly before going into my room to grab my stuff.

I grab my phone accidentally knocking a picture over. I pick it up quickly and it's a picture of Jungkook and I at an amusement park, what happened to those good times?

"Sera you better hurry up!" my mom yells. "Coming!" I yell back.
"Force me to get up and you're not even ready." My mom mumbles as she locked the front door.

"I was!" I protest. "Mmh sure Sera." She laughs.

"How are you and Jungkook?" She asks me pulling the car out of the driveway, "haven't heard him in a while."

"we're good, jungkook's just b-busy." My mom cocks an eyebrow, "Sera are you hiding something?" I shake my head no. "Come on Sera you know if something's wrong you can come to me," I knew this trick, i always fell into her trap, lucky we pulled up at the school.

I quickly got out of the car hearing my mom yelling at me to 'spill' whatever I'm hiding after school.
I roll my eyes rushing out of the car and into the school. I look around my locker and I don't spot Jungkook near my locker, so i quickly walk to it and unlock it with shaky hands.

Someone taps me on the shoulder make me jump. "Oh sorry for scaring you."  a meek voice says. I look down and see Ashely looking up at me.

"Oh h-hi Ashley." I stutter.
"Hey," she responds.

She looks around me before speaking, "where's Jungkook?"

I clear my throat, "he uh um he's... busy."

Ashley smiles gently and put a hand on my shoulder, "Sera is..." She hesitates, "Is Jungkook abusing you?"

I cough loudly, "Abuse?" I whisper yell, "what makes you think that?"

"Seraphina you never wear makeup and that foundation doesn't even match your skin color." She says pointing at my neck.

The day I went back home i noticed bruises on my neck, so I wore foundation before my parents came home.

"Sera, follow me." I nod following Ashely into an empty room.
"Jungkook is abusing you right?" I nod my head not making eye contact with her. "Sera, that's not need to call the police."

My eyes widen, "no-no we don't need the police into this."

"Yes you do!" Ashely insists with tears coming out of her eyes.

"Hey. why are you crying?" I sniff with tears forcing itself out of my eyes, "if anyone should cry it should be me." I joke make Ashley laugh.

"I had a boyfriend that was abusive," She starts, "he was worse than Jungkook. He's in jail now because he hurt me so bad i ended up in the hospital in critical condition, so I reported him and he's serving his time now." More tears start coming down my face.

"Jungk-kook isn't like that!"

"Sera i know it's hard but-"

"No! I don't want to talk to you right now!" I snap, "so please leave me be right now." I say quietly and rush out the room.

I turn into another hallway and bump into someone,
"I'm sorry,um...Jungkook...JUNGKOOK!?"

"Sera why are you crying???" Jungkook asked worriedly holding my face.
More tears to fall down my face, "Jungkook let go of me." I say quietly moving my face from his grip.

"Sera tell me what's wrong." Jungkook says desperately holding onto my wrist.

"It's none of your concern, so leave me alone!" I yelled pushing him away.

Jungkook's eyes darken, "Was it that whore Ashley?" He growls clenching his fist.

"Ugh! This is why I want a break!" I yell without thinking, before I realized what i said Jungkook speaks, "A-a break?" He asks quietly.

I gulp, "yes, I want a break." I say more confidently.

"S-Sera you can't be serious." his eyes are red now with tears already streaming down his face, "Sera please, I'll be a better boyfriend, I made a m-mistake that day please Sera."

I turn away from him holding back the tears that want to come out of my eyes.

"SERAPHINA! COME BACK!" I ignore him and head out of the building. I didn't want to breathe the same air as him right now.

Yoo I'm wheezing rn Jungkook you messed up big time

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