Chapter 20

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Seraphina's POV

"Huh you're worse than I thought." Jungkook laughs.
"Hey! You shouldn't laugh!" I exclaimed playfully.

"Lighten up Sera." Jungkook laughs, "by the time we leave you'll be the best skater everyone has seen!"

I raise a brow, "and what makes you think that?"

Jungkook smirks and grabs my arm moving me to the middle of the rink, making sure i don't fall, "because I'm teaching you." He says in a VERY sexy tone.

Oh damn he's not playing.

"Just move your feet like this." He says demonstrating.

I follow his lead not really getting it at first, but soon understanding what he's explaining.

"See! You're getting the hang of it!" Jungkook exclaims letting go of my hand.

I start laughing, "I am!" I smile.

Jungkook's eyes seem to sparkle in the dimed lights and gives a smile that makes me melt. "You're so red Seraphina." Jungkook laughs moving a strand of hair from my face, "you like my looks that much don't ya." He says smugly.

"Hey don't go assuming stuff." I say punching him playfully.

We continued to skate in the rink playing around, laughing, and living. We exit the rink 20 minutes later and find a table. "Want food?" Jungkook asks me.
"Yeah I'm starving." I say patting my tummy.

"Haha you're always hungry stay here I'll go buy some food for you." Jungkook said patting my head making me blush.
"Okay." I say pulling out my phone.

"Omg Sera you're here too?!" Someone exclaims making me flinch.
"Oh my god is that Ashely?" I smile.
"Haha yep. Taehyung told me you were here, so I decided to come by."

"You know Taehyung?" I ask in awe.
"Hehe, sure do!" She blushes.

"Ashely who are you talking to?" A deep voice says wrapping an arm around Ashely, making her blush even harder, "ahh Seraphina! Surprise seeing you here. Where's Jungkook? Is he here with you?" Taehyung teased.

"I'm right here idiot." Jungkook fast walks to the table and smacks Taehyung on the head, "Who told you, you could follow me?" Jungkook chuckles.

"Hey I wasn't! Since you bailed on the 1 v 1 I decided to come here with my girl. Right babe?" Taehyung gushed pulling Ashely to his side.
"Mhm." Ashely hums.

"Y-you have a boyfriend?" I exclaimed.
"Yeah. I didn't get the chance to tell you." She stammered side eyeing Jungkook.

Jungkook's eyes widened and he glanced at me to see if I noticed the cold glare.
I ignored him and asked him if he brought the food yet. "Y-yeah." He stutters putting the tray of hot food in front of me.

"For me too?" Taehyung shouted reaching a hand for my beloved food.
I smack his hand away, "no for me." I laugh.

"Awe no fair." Taehyung pouts.

"Go buy your own food." Scowled Jungkook.

"Ewww what's with the face bro? I was just joking." Taehyung laughed patting Jungkook on the back.

"Look lets play in the arcade." Ashely points to lighten up the mood.


"Ooo sounds fun! Right Jungkook?" I interrupt Jungkook.

"Mhh lets go." Jungkook grits and takes my hand.

"My girlfriend is the best!" Taehyung exclaims making her blush.

"Are we gonna go or not." Jungkook yawns.

Taehyung glares at Jungkook, "Yeah let's go."

I haven't had time to type anything 😭 high school is honestly a pain. I try living tho👍

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