Chapter 21

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Seraphina's POV

"Jungkook let's play this dancing game." I exclaim.

"I'm not very good at dancing Sera."

I pout, "Come on Kookie it'll be fuuun."

"F-Fine." Jungkook mumbled, covering his face as I dragged him to the game.

I chose the song and we started dancing.

"Jungkook, were you lying to me?" I glare.

"About what?" he asks in panic.

"About not knowing how to dance! Knucklehead! You're a natural!"

"Don't say that babe. You're getting me embarrassed."

"It's true though." A deep voice chuckles.

"Taehyung! That's a lot of tickets!" I exclaim.

He chuckles, "Well it was all Ashely. She got the jackpot 3 times in a row! Right babe?!" Taehyung smiles.

"Yeah!" Ashely laughs, pecking Taehyung's cheek.

"I got a lucky girl." Taehyung grins. I glance at Jungkook to see him glaring at Taehyung.

"Jungkook...are you okay?" I ask in a worried tone.

Jungkook  faces me and his face softens. Something was off though, "Wanna call it a day and go home?" Jungkook asks me in a low tone.

"But why?" I whisper.

Jungkook pinches the bridge of his nose, "because I'm tired Sera!" he grits.

Jungkook's honey brown eyes seemed to turn into a dark brown color.

"C-come on Kookie let's play at least play one more game." Jungkook stares at me, making me feel uneasy.

"Go tell your little friend Ashely, We. Are. Leaving. I'll deal with you in the car." Jungkook hisses.

I take a deep breath to keep my tears from coming out, "...o-okay."

What's going on? Everything was fine earlier. It's been a week since we made up and now he's acting like this again.

I walked to the game Ashely and Taehyung were hanging out, "Hey Ashely?" I say in a steady voice to make it seem natural, "Jungkook and I are leaving now, he's kind of tired."

"Jungkook? Tired? He's usually full of energy." Taehyung exclaims, "Let me talk to him." he says getting up.

"NO! I-I mean no. You should have fun with your girlfriend. Haha I can take care of this." I smile sweetly.

Ashely stares at me for a moment as if saying, Don't go with him Sera.

I lock eyes with her, Trust me Ashely.

"Well I'll be on my way." I smile, "Bye guys."

"Bye." they say in unison.

I take a deep breath and walk slowly making sure I waste as many seconds as possible.

Finally I arrived at the area Jungkook was sitting at. "Let's go." He growls.

I shiver at his tone. I shouldn't have gotten used to the Jungkook that changed.

2 years ago

"Go talk to him!" By best friend Lily urges, "shoot your shot sis. You never know what will happen."

I take a deep breath, "Ok, today is the day I will ask him out."

I stand up and walk to the most popular guy at school Jeon Jungkook.

It wasn't even because of his looks half of the time. He was so kind to everyone, he gives off a vibe that made you feel safe around him.

"Don't chicken out!" Lily yells across the room, making me flinch.

"You got this Seraphina." I encourage myself.

"Yeaah you got this." A voice whispers next to me.

I whip my head to the person next to me.

"J-Jungkook! I-You scared me!" I exclaim.

He chuckles, "Sorry about that. I couldn't help but eavesdrop on your self encouragement. What are you doing?"

I flinch hard, just standing next to his tall figure made me intimidated despite the rumors of him being chill.

"I was l-looking for you." I stutter.

"Me?" he asks with a confused expression.

I nod my head slowly before glancing at Lily, who gives me a thumbs up from the other side of the room.

"I need t-to tell you s-something." I admit.

"Go ahead!" Jungkook smiles. "

I L-Like you J-Jungkook."

Stay safe everyone <3

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