Untitled Part 6

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That thing grasping at my heart

That feeling that weighs upon my chest

That melody that doesn't let me breath

Doesn't let me sleep

The poison that slowly goes deep

And deeper still in my soul each day

What do i call it, no, not love, it's there

The name for your shadow of our own

Dreams haunt you, tell me someone,

What have the wise said of the mockery

Of your own land of fantasy that creeps

Up on you; there was a utopia that I had

Woven from the yarn spun of the happy

Days of blissful childhood glee. Look,

How it turns uglier by the day and I can

No longer recognize the picture it is becoming

Nor the hand that paints it

I am desperate

I turn to the mirror and plead for answers

But a stranger looks back at me 

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