A Part Of The Kingdom

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The world of Diambera was a strange place. It consisted of floating islands, and a mainland. The mainland stayed constant, for the most part, but there were always changes on the islands. The Fardelian island cluster is where this story begins, on an island called Arn. This island had a cold and dry enviornment, like all the other islands in the cluster, but the beings there had warm hearts.

Summers were short, and winter seemed to go on for ages, but the people there got together and worked as a community, as it should. It was ruled by two strong rulers- King Benjamin and Queen Sarah, also known as the Chalens. These rulers were responsible for the co-operation of thier people. If people wanted to cause trouble and did not help eachother, then they shouldn't be there. At least, that was their philosophy. And they ran by it. Anyone who failed to work with the community was simply jailed or banished. That was how it was, and that was how it should always be, at least, until they fell out of rule.

The king and queen had three children, by the names of Hannah, Rachel, and Jacob. Hannah was the oldest of the three, as she was three years older than Rachel. Rachel came next, only one year older than Jacob.

Hannah, born in 1938, occupied herself by talking down to the two youngest, and just being an asshole in general. Whenever they were in public, she would often talk down to the village people in such a manner that even got her banned from certain places. Her dark violet eyes and the way she carried herself gave her off as a bad person.

Rachel, however, was much more empathetic towards the people, trying her best to be encouraging. She was a shorter, dark-skinned girl who preferred masculine clothing over feminine, but still would wear feminine clothing if needed. Sometimes, though, it was a little too much, and it became annoying. She had more of an introverted personality, so she would back off whenever it became too much. Her eyes were a dull blue, as she didn't shine too bright but just enough to notice.

Jacob, the youngest of the three, born in 1942 and future heir... was the most hated by the king and queen. It was only tradition that he had to be heir, as it was always a male who took over the kingdom. Otherwise, his parents would have chosen Rachel over him.

Jacob was a tall, dark-skinned, rebellious child, constantly doing activities he was not supposed to and getting himself into trouble. It was in his nature. He also had a terrible temper, and would explode over the smallest of things. Hence, the color of his hair, which was a deep red. His eyes were blue-violet, and seemed to shift depending on how he felt. He loved to wear feminine clothing, as he thought it felt comfortable. He also felt that it made him look

The king and queen themselves were rather strict on their children, especially Jacob. Though, due to his rebellious nature, it was obvious that trying to have too much control over him would not work.

Jacob would often sneak out to be with his best friend- David. David Angel. They were great friends, and their bond only seemed to grow stronger over the years. David was a average-sized and had nearly pale skin, and was a little more on the chubby side. He was born in 1941, only one year older than Jacob. His eyes were a nearly pale blue, and looked almost inhuman.

The two of them would often go to the park together and play around outside in front of the castle. Jacob especially enjoyed it when he was supposed to be doing work, though he would be scolded afterwards.

Overall, though, life was under control... for the time being.

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