Love, Where Are You Going?

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It had been five years since David had first been to Jacob's bedroom, and five more years that were added onto thier friendship. They had been friends for quiet a while at this point, though... something was changing.

Jacob hadn't seen David in nearly three weeks. It wouldn't be so much of a big deal if it hadn't happened so... abruptly. He didn't know what happened to David, and he was starting to become really worried.

The last time he had saw him, he was acting strange, at least in Jacob's opinion. He would barely respond to Jacob's stories, even after not seeing him for a week. He seemed paler than usual as well, and over the past year, he had begun a trend of wearing a hat and hoodie and refusing to take them off. He even got agressive if Jacob tried to take them off. His eyes seemed to have lost the spark they once had.

David hadn't actually taken Jacob to his house before, despite the countless times that they played together. Whenever Jacob tried to follow him home, David would just shoo him off and get angry if he didn't go away. Due to this, Jacob had absolutely no idea where David could possibly be. However, he was determined to find his friend, even if that meant leaving the mansion when he wasn't supposed to.

It was wintertime on the island of Arn, which meant Jacob really had to suit up for the cold. It was even colder at nighttime, which guaranteed that Jacob would return with a cold or possibly even the flu. Jacob, however, didn't care.

He got himself suited up in many layers of thick clothing, so that he wouldn't freeze while he was out. He also grabbed a flashlight and a granola bar that he had hidden in one of his drawers, in case he got hungry on his adventure. He stuffed both items into his outer coat pocket before beginning his escape.

He began his quiet decend down the winding stairs once he got out of his bedroom, making sure he didn't step on anything creaky. He was forced to wear hard boots, since it was snowy outside, so there was also the sound of his footsteps that he had to keep down.

Creeeeakkkk, went one of the floorboards, and Jacob's breath hitched. He went silent for a moment, making sure nobody heard that. He took a quiet exhale once he was sure that nobody heard.

It seemed like hours before he was at the door. At this point, if anyone did hear him, he would have gone too far for them to catch up to him, so he wasn't concerned about the click of him unlocking the door or the errrrr sound the door made once he opened it. Once he was out of the door, with it closed behind him,  he ran as far as he could, as fast as possible.

He was at the bottom of the winding trail to the mansion within minutes, though he did have to take a moment to catch his breath.

"Hhh...hah... David... I will find you," Jacob said under his breath, before jogging into town to go find his friend.

He spent a lot of his time wandering through the nearly empty streets, only getting a few strange looks from passerbys. What was this teenager doing out at this time of night? One person even did ask him, and Jacob told them exactly what he was looking for.

Upon hearing that Jacob was looking for the Angel residence, the person gained a concerned look on their face. "Uh... kid... that place has been abandoned for months..." they said.

"But... what about David? David Angel?" Jacob asked.

"Never heard of em'," they said.

Jacob frowned at them, before looking away thoughtfully. "Could you at least tell me where it is?" Jacob asked.

"Sure, but I urge you not ta' go in there. Heard it's haunted," they said, before giving him directions to the place.

Jacob was filled with a sense of dread upon hearing about the residence. Haunted? He didn't like that. His determination overpowered his fear, however, and his desire to find his freind still hadn't died out.

He began running towards the Angel home. The snow crunched underneath his boots, and his breaths grew heavier as he drew closer. Before he knew it, he was there.

The building gave off an ominous vibe. He could sense another presence within the building, which made it even scarier. Who could possibly be in there?

He made his way up to the steps, and just before he took his first step, he heard a shriek from deep within the house. It sounded pained and nearly inhuman. Afterwards came a series of whines that varied in volume, ranging from inaudible to nearly screaming.

Jacob was absolutely panic-stricken upon hearing these frightening noises, yet he forced himself inside. He absolutely had to know what this thing was, making such strange and mad sounds.

Jacob disembarked into the house. Every bone in his body wanted to turn back, yet there was something drawing him deeper into the house. 'Shit... I really don't think David is here...' Jacob thought to himself, trying to convince himself not to go forward. He continued anyways.

The thing inside seemed to grow quieter as Jacob drew closer, as if it was waiting to strike. Jacob's heart was beating through his chest as he reached the door at the end of the hallway- the one in which the creature resided. Jacob flicked his flashlight on before he entered the room. He opened the door slowly, and as he peeked in, he saw what looked like a person about his age, except... they had a thin, red tail, and they seemed to be crying.

As he approached it, the 'person' turned to look at him, revealing that they were in fact... not human. However, it was David. He had little red horns that shot out from his head and his eyes were a electric blue, rather than the dull blue that they were before.

"...Hun...gry," he groaned in a voice that was a mix between his own and one that was far too deep to be human. He sounded like he was in pain, hurt deeply. He was also chained up to the radiator, so he was unable to attack Jacob... seemingly.

Jacob quickly noticed the surroundings. David had two corpses next to him, looking as if they were only sleeping, both of them looking to be adults. Could it be...?

"D-David..." Jacob said, breathlessly, his eyes wide as he put the peices together.

"J-J...a-cob?" David managed to whisper.

Jacob tried to back out, but he found himself feeling weak and tired. VERY weak and tired. His breathing slowed, and his eyelids felt heavy. Was he going to die as well?

As he felt himself fall to the ground, he heard David trying to violently break out of his chains. Just before he fell unconcious, he saw David standing over him. The last words he heard were 'Sorry.'

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