Love, Its Inside Of Us All

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The three of them entered the dining hall, which was very impressive in size. It had many large glass chandeliers that hung from the great, wooden, arched ceiling. One of the walls were covered in gigantic windows that provided the light needed for a successful meal.

The table itsself was covered in many bowls and plates, all filled with delicious food that would definitely be more than needed.

At the opposite edge of the table was Jacob's sisters, his mother, and his father. It was tradition that they always ate together, regardless of what was happening. Except, only on special occasions.

Of course, all four of Jacob's family members looked over at him curiously, upon seeing that he was using his friend as support. "Oh my, what happened to you??" his mother was first to ask, as she got out of her seat.

David and Jacob looked up at Nicholas, expecting him to come up with the response. Upon seeing this, Nicholas simply shook his head.

"No, no, you can explain yourselves," Nicholas said. "Your mouthes are for speak-" he began, but was cut off by Jacob.

"He put a frog in my face and I fell back and hurt my a-uh-ank-ell, I think," Jacob said.

"Yes, it's called an ankle, Jacob," David corrected him, before sticking out his tounge at him.

"Nerrrrddd," Jacob teased him, before poking him in the nose.

"Boys, come on, stop doing that," Sarah commanded them.

"Okay, mother," Jacob groaned.

"I'm sorry, ma'am," David said, only half meaning it.

Nicholas and David helped Jacob into his chair, and David sat down next to him. Nicholas had to help Jacob get his food, but David helped himself to whatever he wanted.

Upon seeing fish on one of the plates, David was instantly reminded of an event that happened that made him chortle rather loudly. This noise that David made got Jacob's attention, and he asked him what he was laughing about.

David wasn't afraid to tell him either, but he whispered it into his ear so nobody else could hear. A few weeks ago, according to David, someone had painted a penis on the crotch of the town lobster statue. For some God-forasken reason, that was the town's mascot, and someone (probably a teenager) had defiled it simply for shits and giggles.

Jacob was taking a sip of water while David spoke, though, so the water just shot right out of his nose and he burst into laughter. David laughed as well, due to Jacob's reaction.

"What are you boys up to??" Sarah asked them, letting out a sigh.

"Nothing, nothing mother!" Jacob responded as quickly as he could, before turning his attention back to David. They looked eachother in the eyes for a moment, before bursting into laughter once more.

"You two are so silly..." Sarah said, shaking her head.

"Boys will be boys," Benjamin said, trying to console his wife.

David and Jacob were able to mostly stay calm through the rest of lunchtime, as long as they didn't look at eachother for too long.

Once everybody was full, Jacob had to be taken upstairs to his bedroom so that something could be done about his ankle. David offered to take him upstairs, as he really wanted to see what his bedroom looked like.

They allowed David to carry Jacob, of course, and they guided him to his bedroom. He went up a set of winding stairs, and onto the hallway of the second floor. The first room on the right was Jacob's bedroom.

The bedroom was huge, especially for a child. The style was rather funky. There were a lot of dots, that was for sure. David walked over to Jacob's bed and put him on there. The bed was most certainly oversized for the child, but he was supposed to grow into it.

"Your bedroom is like... as big as my house!" David exclaimed.

"Really? Your house is really small then," Jacob said.

"No! It's a regular-sized house. Your house is just really big," David said.

"And you're really short," Jacob said.

"Why are you insulting me, long legs?" David asked, folding his arms at him.

"Shrimp," Jacob said, smirking at him.

"Skyscraper," David said, narrowing his eyes as if to challenge him.

"What even is a skyscraper? You just made that up!" Jacob said.

"A skyscraper is a tall building, Jacob," Sarah said.

"Yeah Jacob," David said.

"Yeah David," Jacob repeated him, also narrowing his eyes at him.

Sarah just shook her head and asked Nicholas to call for the doctor, which he probably should have done already. Meanwhile, she just stayed and watched David and Jacob.

Both of them went back and forth saying 'Yeah Jacob' and 'Yeah David', until David decided to stop and look around.

"You have a lot of cool stuff in here," David pointed out. "And it's very organized. Do you keep it organized yourself? You seem like the type of person to do that," he said.

"Well, some of it, but usually there are maids that clean my room. Sometimes they put my things in the wrong spot though, and I put them back to how they were," Jacob said.

"Oh," David said, before picking up a little porcelain elephant and observing it. He then put it down a couple of inches away from where it was before, and ruined how it was organized just to mess with Jacob.

"Daaaviiiddd! Why??" Jacob questioned him in a whine.

"What?" David asked him, pretending to be clueless.

"Put it back where it was!" Jacob complained.

"Okay, fine," David said, laughing softly. He then put it back in the right spot. He already knew that Jacob hated when things were not organized, as he was afraid of germs, and if things weren't organised, they would get dirty and have germs on them. That was at least what Jacob thought.

"What's the point of having all these things organized if you're never going to use them, anyways? Is it really just for decoration?" David asked him.



Jacob and David went to insulting eachother again until the doctor arrived, and they checked to see what exactly Jacob did to his ankle.

"This shouldn't take too long to heal up. Just a couple of weeks," they said, before giving instructions on what to do about the situation.

David took a mental note of what they were talking about, in case there was ever an instance where he had to know this information.

"Well, you'll feel better soon, kid. And as for the both of you, be more careful when you're playing around, okay?" the doctor said to David and Jacob.

David and Jacob looked at eachother for a moment, before turning to the doctor and nodding at them.

"We sure will!" Jacob said.

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