Love, where is it now?

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Being alone wasn't unusual for David-in fact, he preferred it. He had spent the last five years in a small apartment, making a living off of being a librarian. Not many people visited the library, so he went unnoticed. The only thing that bothered him was the fact that Jacob was still capable of finding him, though he hoped he wouldn't.

David was still haunted by the memory of his dead parents. A depression had washed over him, and some days, he did not want to do anything. He had become emotionally numb, and had lost his sense of reality. There weren't many motives to keep him going, besides the thought that he could one day see Jacob again. At least on the streets, from a distance, admiring him and missing him. He didn't have any idea what this man was up to, but he hoped it was good. He would love to see his friend succeed, more than anything.

He still loved his friend, even if he couldn't be friends with him.

Jacob was still hurt over David's disappearance, but he did realize why he was gone. It wasn't long before Jacob remembered what exactly had occurred that night, and when he did, he had nightmares about it. He knew that he didn't want to go find him. Instead, he made other friends, but it wasn't quite the same.

He had managed to make a couple of friends since then. One named Sophie, who was very needy and cried a lot. She probably wasn't human, as she was inhumanely pale and didn't seem to have a pulse. Nor did she eat. Jacob didn't exactly like her, at all, but he only put up with her because she wouldn't leave him alone.

Another friend he made was Brian, who was a little more relaxed than Sophie, but he just... loved to eat. He also loved to tell really bad jokes, which Jacob didn't like. He wasn't exactly human either, since he had cat ears and a tail. He could also transform into a black cat when he pleased, but he was chunky.

It wasn't like Jacob was not a social person, he just feared that if he was too social... his parents would take his friends away. He was now nineteen, which meant that he had to find someone to rule with him. Preferably, a woman with status. However, Jacob did not want to do this, he wanted to be married for love. Besides, he thought women were gross.

Throughout the years, he had picked up a habit of becoming more feminine, rather than masculine. He would often wear dresses and heels, along with makeup. His hair that was once brown was now a fiery red. Nobody knew just where he got the dye from, nor how he knew how to apply it. One side of his hair was long while the other side was shaved, and he was careful to make sure it stayed like that.

He thought that feminine clothes were more comfortable, and he felt better about himself. He didn't exactly like the idea of being with a woman, but he adored the idea of he himself being a woman.

One particular day, though, he got caught trying to be how he was, and he hadn't considered the consequences.

"Jacob, y-you aren't supposed to be wearing that outside," Nicholas said to him, as Jacob was standing by the door.

"And why not?" Jacob asked, turning to glare at him. He had grown even more over the years, and was now an ungodly five feet and eleven inches. Therefore, he was towering over Nicholas, who was five feet and five inches.

"It's far too feminine! Your parents wouldn't approve. Go get something else on. And wipe the makeup off!" Nicholas said.

"They can't make me! And neither can you!" Jacob said, rebelliously, before opening up the door and walking out. Unfortunately, his dad was standing right outside the door, as he was expecting him to rebel.

"Son," Benjamin said, folding his arms at him.

"Father, it is my free time, and I should be able to dress how I want when I'm not with you!" Jacob complained, also folding his arms.

"You are nineteen. You should know by now to listen to your parents," Benjamin responded, glowering at him.

This set Jacob off. "I'm nineteen! You fucking insist on keeping me here and won't let me do what I want! How the hell and I supposed to enjoy myself! What the fuck!!" Jacob yelled at him. Now he was annoyed.

"Don't you yell at me, boy!" Benjamin said, unfolding his arms to grab Jacob by his arm.

"Let go of me!!" Jacob hissed at him, trying to pull loose from his grip.

"Go back. And change. Your clothes," Benjamin growled through clenched teeth.

"Fuck off!" Jacob yelled. Jacob was very quick to anger, and he was livid. He was ready to fight. His face was red, and a spark was visible in his eyes.

"Could you please both calm down? Really, arguing isn't getting you-" Nicholas began, trying to calm them down. However, it was no use.

"Go back into the house!!" Benjamin yelled at him, which didn't help.

Jacob just couldn't control himself. It was pent up anger, combined with the fact that he was a hot-head that got him to fighting his own father. He went straight for the face, and before Benjamin had time to react, Jacob's fist had collided with his nose.

Benjamin was shocked, and he didn't even have time to collect himself before Jacob delivered another blow to his throat. Jacob continued to punch and kick him until Nicholas got close enough to restrain him.

"Jacob! Jacob... calm down... please!" Nicholas said to him, while holding him tight. Jacob was an untamed beast, and it wouldn't be that easy to calm him down. He screamed and kicked and tried to escape Nicholas's hold. Nicholas wasn't enough to keep him still, and Jacob did eventually break out of his hold. He tried to fight Nicholas as well, but Nicholas just blocked all of his attacks.

Jacob then shouted a stream of curses before stomping off angrily, away from the castle. He was going out regardless of what he was told.

"What an angry boy..." Nicholas mumbled to himself, before going over to Benjamin and asking him if he was okay.

"I'm fine... but if that boy ever comes back here, he's being sent away to a psychiatric facility!" Benjamin yelled in Jacob's direction as he was wiping the blood from his nose. Jacob just ignored him and continued on his way.

Once Jacob was in the city, he felt much better since he was away from his parent's constant nagging. He wasn't sure how long he's be there, but he knew he'd stay there for a while. It didn't matter where he stayed, he just wanted away from the castle. This, however, would bring him to his demise.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2019 ⏰

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