Chapter 1

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The humid warmth in the air would normally be suffocating for most people but Alastor felt right at home. He was walking back from the radio station he would broadcast from and was having a leisure stroll through the dark streets of New Orleans. At this time of night there was barely anyone out and about, what with the news of a serial killer on the loose.

Alastor couldn't help the chuckle that escaped at the thought of the silly stories people were making about the dangerous killer, their little theories on when he would strike next or what his motivations could be. Ha, how very amusing it proved to be. If only they knew that the killers motivations wasn't some petty thing like revenge or anger, but the satisfaction of a good hunt. Yes, Alastor is in fact the killer they all fear but he has been meticulous when hiding his tracks so his identity is still perfectly safe.

People say that he hunts them down like a wolf chases a deer but they are far from the truth, he wouldn't chase anyone. He has standards and a certain code when it comes to that sort of thing. While chasing down a victim may be effective it offers none of the satisfaction that luring them and catching them off guard provides. His charming smile and looks is enough to seduce any dame into his clutches. Ah, the wonderful sound of their screams as he cuts into them or the taste of their still warm blood as he dines on their flesh, simply divine. The clean up isn't hard either since their bones and excess meat also makes great food for the alligators down in the bayou.

Alastor was quickly approaching his home, he had good memories there growing up before his mother passed and his father was made to follow. His mother used to tell him stories of soulmates, how everyone had their special person out there in the world that was perfect for them and throughout their life they would be able to experience one of the five main senses that their soulmate had. For her it was hearing, sometimes she would hear small snippets of sound  that his father was hearing. His father never really said what his was but his mother had mentioned that he would sometimes see what she saw. As a child this concept was fascinating to him but as he grew and nothing happened he began to loose hope that he even had a soulmate, perhaps they were already dead and he would meet them afterwards. 

Snapping out of his train of thoughts Alastor was about to enter his home when he noticed a male figure trying to hide in the darkness of the trees near his house. He lived far from most people so this stranger had no reason to be here, acting as if he didn't notice anything he heads inside and looks for his knife. His hunting riffle would alert the intruder that his position was compromised but his coat was well equipped with hidden pockets to keep knives out of sight. It appears tonight the prey decided to confront the predator. With a sadistic smile on his face he went about on his nightly routine knowing that soon enough the man would reveal himself.

Sure enough in the next ten minutes he heard footsteps outside and his front door was burst open. The man that stood there with a furious glare didn't have a gun but he was bulkier than the smiling radio host and also carried a knife. 

"I've finally found you, you smiling bâtard!" The black haired man exclaimed.

"Do I know you?"His smile didn't waver but he did incline his head in question as he tried to match this man's appearance to every man he's ever met.

"Oh you don't know me. But you do know Margaret, or did before you killed her!" The man tightened his grip on the knife in his hand as he began to close in on Alastor, who simply walked the other way just to taunt the angered man as he racked his brain for who that woman was.

"Margaret? I'm afraid I don't remember anyone by that name. I assure you, you must be mistaken." Of course he remembers Margaret, what a fine meal she proved to be an excellent pork replacement for his andouille two weeks ago.

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