Chapter 7

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The next week was spent much like the last, Alastor was increasingly busy helping Charlie in the hotel and getting some new guest but he did make sure to take some time to check on Angel. To say the spider was delighted was an understatement, Angel was ecstatic at the idea of spending time with the deer overlord. Sure, Alastor used the excuse of checking in with the hotel residents to do it but that still gave them a few minutes alone to talk.

Angel was much more interesting that he gave the whore credit for, it seems Valentino didn't just have him around for his... sexual prowess. He would get sent on missions to take down people that owed the flea money and to gather information.

"Does that mean you will be spying on us now, dear?"

"Nah, there ain't nothing here Val would be interested in learning. Don't worry babe, even if he wanted to know something I wouldn't tell 'im bout you." Angel reassured with a wink.

Alastor had no doubt that even if Angel Dust told his boss about his presence in the hotel that he could handle the man easily. He is; however, much more concerned about Valentino teaming up with the other despicable overlord that hates him, Vox. He could take them both individually but if they ever came at him together it might prove a tad more challenging. But to be honest those two were barely friends anyways, they didn't like each other enough to do something like that and risk one killing the other off if they ever did overpower him. The notion almost made him laugh out loud.

Throughout the week that he's been getting to know his soulmate one topic did surface that he never thought about much. Their link, specifically what Angel would experience through it.

"So, what's the deal with your end of our connection?"


"Well, I only felt the connection we have as soulmates activate once. What the fuck, don't you ever get paper cuts, or accidentally stub your toe or bite your tongue? Anything?" Ah that's what he means. Alastor never thought about it much but if he recalls, Angel was supposed to experience the physical sensory connection between them.

"Your connection to me was physical feelings correct? Well, sweetheart, the answer to that is simple. I don't get hurt. And I'm far from clumsy so the chances of getting hurt because of something of the sort are incredibly low."

"That ain't fun, you know for a long ass time I thought I didn't have a soulmate. And when I found out I did was in the last few minutes that you would be alive."

Alastor felt... not sad per say but maybe ashamed? What an odd feeling. If he didn't have such a distaste for dogs at the time, he could have a clearer head and killed the hounds easily. But the living always has idiotic fears that make them do stupid things. In this case it caused his untimely death.

"I feel as if I must apologize for that, I saw how painful it must have been. Especially with someone so young."

"What do you mean? Wait, is your connection to me fucking sight!?" At his exclamation, Alastor thought Angel was upset but upon closer inspection he looked more embarrassed. Odd.

"Yes, but I never saw anything that was important or provocative. The most interesting piece of information was during my death, I saw your mother and I assume your sister trying to help you."

"Ugh, I hated that night. I cried so fucking much." Angel covered his face with his hands but he laughed at the memories even if they were painful, after all it's one of the reasons he was pushed to end up down here.

"Well I loved it, I got to know your name before dying and as a grown man who never thought he would ever meet his soulmate, that was enough for me." Combing a hand through Angel's hair they both enjoyed the other's company for as long as they could before Alastor had to continue with his rounds around the hotel.

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