Chapter 9

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The next few days were spent scheming, Alastor may have said that they didn't have to worry about Val but while Angel trust his judgement he also doesn't want to sit around and wait for something to happen. If all goes to shit, he has to be ready for it. Al doesn't know yet, at least Angel thinks his soulmate doesn't know yet. Alastor may have been down in hell longer but Angel knows how Val works and if the pimp suspects for a second that Angel went rogue then its over for the spider.

The only loose end he still needs to tie down now is Charlie. Little princess practically shouted for all to hear that he had been on a date with the radio demon. For any other demon they might just think that he had been having a go on the overlord's dick, but Val's people would suspect and would mention it to him. Val knows he's good, exceptional even, but he gave him this mission because he knew it would be difficult and take time. His backup in case it did get out to Val what he did is that he was buttering up the strawberry pimp under pretenses of getting to know him better. It has faults considering that Angel doesn't do that to any of his John's but it's the best he can come up with that he'll remember if pressured.

While looking for Charlie, Angel stumbled upon Niffty who was zipping from room to room doing her job. She momentarily stopped when she noticed him walking by.

"Oh, mister Angel Dust! It's so good to see you, see I haven't had the chance to say sorry for confusing you with a girl. You just look really pretty and not at all like a man, no offense. It's just I'm used to men looking manly and not pretty like you. I'm sorry if you got offended." The small woman nearly rambled on if not for Angel stopping her from saying more.

"Yeesh, don't worry about it Nifft. I perform drag shows so it's good that my figure is kinda feminine, and you wouldn't be the first to think I was a woman. Say, have ya seen the princess anywhere?"

"Hmm... I don't think I have. I saw Miss Vaggie leaving the princess' office so maybe she's there."

"Thanks, Niffty you really are a darling." Angel sent the small cyclops a grin and didn't miss how she returned it with twice the intensity and joy.


When Angel made it to Charlie's office, he heard her muffled voice coming from the other side of the door. Her silhouette could barely be seen from the other side of the glass stained window in the door, she appeared to be pacing back and forth with her phone.

"-going great! Yeah, we even have some demons trying out our program... It is a slow progress but... yeah, I know mom. He isn't happy you don't have to tell me; I know. But I really want to make a difference.... Love you too mom, tell dad I say hi." Angel heard Charlie's muffled voice say from the other side of the door. She seemed really happy with how the hotel was progressing and even if Angel didn't care at all for redemption, he did feel proud for her. He admits that she did work hard for this.

"Knock knock." Angel said as he knocked on the door and opened it slightly, enough to peer inside and see the princess putting away her phone.

"Angel, hi how's it going? Did you need something?"

"I wanted to talk to you about something, see I think you were misinformed the other day about what I was doing with Alastor."

"You two weren't on a date? Niffty sounded so sure too, but then why were you with him then?"

"Just shooting my shots princess. Maybe he rejected my advances once, but I don't give up that easily. I was trying to get to know what he likes, maybe if I change my strategy, he'll let me suck his-"

"Please stop." Charlie quickly shut him up and awkwardly looked at anything in her office other than Angel's eyes.

"You're no fun." Angel stated with a pout while mentally congratulating his bullshiting skills. Sure, it may be a lie but in any other situation that's probably what he would do if alone with a handsome and powerful demon.

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