Chapter 6

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What the hell?! Not only was Alastor, hotshot radio demon overlord, his soulmate but he was ignoring him! This isn't what he thought he would get after all the shit he had to live through and the literal hell he was in before meeting the man. The deer wasn't actively avoiding him, at least he fucking hopes not, but every time they are alone together, they get interrupted before anything could be said. Is it so much to ask to have one private conversation with the man?

Angel mopped in the bar while absentmindedly sipping a martini, Husk was ignoring his pleas for attention as he drank the cheap booze he kept stored under the counter. Sighing he continues with his drink, when that doesn't get the attention, he wanted he sighs louder. Now the winged cat was actively ignoring him, but Angel was nothing if not persistent. His next sigh was the one that caused the bartender to crack and set down his drink in irritation.

"What is your fucking deal?" Husk asked bitterly and clearly not interested.

"Boy problems. No matter what I do I can't get Al to see me in private." Angel said with a melodramatic hint of melancholy in his voice.

"He ain't gonna sleep with you if that's what you're looking for." The bartender said with a grossed-out sneer. Oh, as if Angel hadn't faced his fair share of those in life and death.

"That ain't it... yet. I just really want to talk to him about something and he's always so busy." Angel felt like faceplanting on the bar counter in defeat.

With a look over Angel's shoulder, Husk rolls his eyes and leaves the sad spider to wallow alone.

"If you wanted to speak to me all you needed to do was say something, dear." Came the amused radio filtered voice of Alastor from behind Angel. Nearly jumping out of his chair in fright Angel turned around quickly to see the grinning demon.

"What the fuck! Al, you coulda given me a heart attack, warn a guy next time."

"Hahaha don't worry I don't plan on letting you die any time soon. But that's besides the point now isn't it? You wished to speak with me, and I'll admit I had a few things of my own to discuss with you. Would you be more willing to discuss these matters in private?" The fast pace and laughter of the man made it difficult to keep up with what he said but Angel got the gist of it. He spared a glance at the gloved hand being offered to him and took it in order to stand.

"For you, Smiles, I'll gladly do anything you want anywhere." He downed the rest of his drink before sending Alastor a suggestive look and smirk that was promptly ignored by the radio demon.

"Excellent we have much to discuss and helping Charlie out by running this establishment has taken up more of my time than I anticipated. If not for that I would have talked to you by now. Now come along." With that said Alastor turns on his heels and leads the way to the halls where countless rooms were empty.

Now Angel Dust would never be opposed to a handsome demon like Alastor leading him to a private room to 'talk' and even with the knowledge that this specific demon was a murderer who sadistically broadcasted his kills to others he wasn't deterred. Whatever fucking god that might be out there, Angel prays his soulmate was about to lead him to ravage him in the most debauched ways imaginable.


Well fuck you God, you self-centered wine sipping figment of a heatstroke muddled mind . Not only is Angel not getting his brains fucked out, but he apparently never will again.

"What the fuck do you mean you ain't interested in sex? Like at all?"

"It's just how I am, the mere thought is perplexing and very uncomfortable to imagine doing it. But as your soulmate I won't expect you to refrain from enjoying yourself." Alastor said a bit uncomfortably but his smile didn't fade.

"So, you finally brought up the elephant in the room, I think it's actually quite fucking ironic how were soulmates. Ya know with how we both are, it's kinda like were opposites."

"You know what they say, sweetheart. Opposites attract. And while I've never really done anything of the sort how would you like to give this a try? At the very least we know we won't hate each other."

That is a good point. Angel's mom and dad never really got along well, his ma being forced into the position of being a mob wife and his dad being abusive to Angel and his sibling. Sometimes he wonders if they were soulmates at all. But everything his ma told him would happen once he met his soulmate was true, he feels complete and for once in so long he finally feels like he can be happy again.

"Hell yeah, sign me up. I've waited basically my whole life for this and a big ass chunk of my afterlife too, I ain't passing this chance. Even if you are asexual." The excitement in Angel's voice was palatable and earned a laugh from the radio demon.

At Alastor's inquisitive look Angel was quick to explain.

"Asexuals are just people who don't have an interest in sex. I do have one question though."

"And what is that, dear?" Damnit hearing Al using all these terms of endearment was making Angel feel like a schoolgirl, he could feel his face heat up and barely see his chest fluff turning a slight pink.

"Mind if I kiss ya?" It's a long shot, he's seen the man react to being touched before but that was without his consent. Maybe he'll be able to smooch the deer.

He was leaning forward, practically violating the radio demon's personal bubble only to be gently pushed back with the microphone end of Alastor's cane.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Angel. All in due time." Stepping back just the tiniest bit Alastor said with a slightly wider smile than before.

Shrugging his shoulders Angel smiles feeling giddy at being with his soulmate. He'll have to message Cherri about it later, she will flip when she finds out who he was destined to be with.

"One more thing before we part ways, dear. Discretion is advisable when it comes to our... relationship? See, I have many enemies that would probably target you if word spread. Know this is for your safety rather than mine, other wise I would have told you to tell whoever you liked."

"Barely been dating me for more than five minutes and you already worry about me? You flatter me, Al. I'll keep quiet, it makes the whole deal more exciting anyways." With a wink Angel stalks out of the empty room they were talking in.


He did not run back to his own room to squeal in delight. But he did speed walk there and by the time he reached his room and saw himself on his vanity mirror he was blushing a bright nearly glowing pink in both his face and chest fur.

Angel Dust, adult film star and prostitute was going to be dating, is dating too childish for them? Whatever he would think of a better hopefully more attractive title later. He was going to be dating one of hell's overlords, Alastor the radio demon a known serial killer and he couldn't be more excited. The only other overlord that ever caught his attention was Val....

"FUCK, VAL IS GOING TO KILL ME!" Angel exclaimed in sudden realization and fear.

If Val found out it's over for Angel, not only because news of him being in the hotel probably reached him already and he was bidding his time, but he was also one of Val's competitor's soulmate. Al was right, he had to be discreet about this. Damnit Angel wasn't fond of the discreet approach, but he's done it once before when alive, he can do it again.

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