Chapter 24

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*Alli's POV*
I wake up from the sun peeping through the curtains, almost blinding me. I groan in annoyance and turn over, still not opening my eyes because if I did I knew I'd have to get up and start the day, and I really can't be bothered. I reach my arm over expecting Adam to be there, but he wasn't.
I open my eyes to see an empty bed, but then a delicious smell hits me. It smells like...
I slowly get out of bed and stretch. A good thing about California is that it hardly ever gets cold, so I don't freeze in the mornings.
I go into the bathroom and look at myself, I looked a mess. My hair was knotty and I had no makeup on, yuck.
I quickly brush my hair and then put it into a messy bun, applied a bit of mascara and brushed my teeth, then I was done. I don't wear a lot of makeup, I always used to though, but then I realised I looked like a... Slut, so I changed it. And I must admit I look a lot better with less.
I slowly walk down stairs as the strong aroma of pancakes gets closer as I entered the kitchen. Adam was standing at the stove cooking, only wearing sweatpants. I couldn't help but to stare at his body from behind.
I walked up to Adam and put my arm around his lower back.
"Hey Adam" I said.
"Morning" he said continuing to cook the pancakes. "You hungry?" He said looking down at me.
"Yeah, very. It smells delicious"
He smiled and then went back to cooking the last ones as he stacked them up on the plate.
I sat down at the bench and waited for him to finish.
"Bonapetite" he said trying to do a French accent as he put a few pancakes on each of our plates.
"Thankyou" I said before stuffing my face. I was actually starving, we forgot to eat dinner last night.
"So, any plans for today?" Adam said.
"Well, I was thinking I'd go out and try to find a job, but I don't know if it's safe to leave the house" I said honestly. "I'm kinda scared"
Adam swallowed his mouthful. "Can you please tell me what's going on? I'm worried Alli"
I sighed.
"Don't say anything, to anyone, it could put us both in more danger"
Adam nodded in agreement.
"Okay.. Remember Justin?"
Adam snapped his head up and looked at me sternly.
"Yes?" He said slightly frustrated.
"He... He kinda threatened me. He told me if I didn't leave California, he'd... He'd kill you... And then me" I said trying not to cry. The thought of it brings me bad memories.
Adams face turned slightly red with anger as he clenched his fists.
"That son of a bitch! I'm gonna kill him!" Adam said getting up and kicking the wall.
"Why the fuck would he do that!?" Adam said getting angrier by the minute as he pushed his chair over. "Adam please stop!" I yelled getting up as a tear rolled down my cheek. I had never seen this side of Adam before, and it scared me.
Adam turned around and looked at me, his face softened.
"Alli I'm sorry" he said walking over to me and holding my hands. "I just don't understand why he would do that"
Adam hugged me tight and I buried my face in his chest.
"We should wash up" I said pulling away and pointing to the dishes.
"Ughhhh" Adam said in annoyance. "Fine" he said as we walked over to the sink.
"We have a dishwasher you know"
I just looked at him and smiled. "Well, cleaning is more fun"
He raised his eyebrow. "O-kay then?" He said filling up the sink with water and dish washing liquid.
Once the sink was filled up, I grabbed my plate and started washing it.
I decided to make this fun, how I told Adam cleaning was.
I grabbed a handful of the bubbles and water and threw it at Adam.
He froze, and slowly turned to me trying not to smile.
"You're gonna regret that" he said splashing the water at me.
He laughed as he kept flicking it at me, and I did the same to him.
He then grabbed a bunch of bubbles and water and tried to throw it at me, but I had already ran across the kitchen to get away from him. Adam chased me across the kitchen trying to get me, then bam.
Adam slips and pulls me down onto the floor with him as we were soaking wet covered in bubbles.
"Fuck" he said laughing.
I just layed next to him uncontrollably laughing.
He then crawled on top of me and smiled at me as I managed to calm myself down.
"Well that was fun" he said laughing and shaking his head.
"I told you cleaning was fun" I said laughing with him.
"You know what sounds fun" he said kissing my cheek and pulling us both off the floor.
"Hmm.." I thought about it.
"How about shopping?" I said laughing because I knew it was the exact opposite idea of what he wanted.
"Hmmm, what's the date?"
I pulled out my phone and checked.
Have I missed something?
"D-December" I said stuttering. "24th"
We looked at eachother wide eyed, then we both rushed upstairs.
"Ummm" Adam said searching. Around the bedroom. "Shit I have like nothing, we definitely need to go shopping. I guess you're off the hook Mad- uh, Alli" he said lightly laughing.
"But we can't go soaking wet and smelling like... Dish washing detergent"
Adam smirked. "Then take a shower, duh"
"Okay okay" I said going into the bathroom.
"Be quick or I'll have to join you" he said laughing.
I might take my time then. Haha just kidding... Well, or am I? Okay nevermind.
About 10 minutes later Adam knocks on the door. "Alliiiiii hurry up" he said continuously knocking.
"Okay just stop being annoying!" I said turning the shower off and getting out of the shower.
"Happy now?" I asked.
"Nope" he said popping the 'p'.
"Ugh, and why not?" I asked through the door.
"Cos I can't see you" he said chuckling.
"You wish Adam, I'm already wearing clothes so no chance" I said opening the door and sitting on the bed.
"Finally, jeez you take forever"
I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Shut up Adam, just go take a shower"
He laughed. "Sorry mum" he said closing the door.
"Where to first?" Adam said as we were driving around looking for shops.
"I have no idea, just pull up here we can walk around and look wherever" I said as Adam parked the car.
I can't believe Christmas is... In 2 days. It will be the 8th year I've spent my life without my parents... Great. Just fucking great.
I sighed and got out of the car and walked around looking for some good shops. I have no idea what I'm looking for though, I have no one to buy anything for. Except Adam really... Speaking of Adam, where is he?
I snapped out of my thoughts by someone calling my name.
"Alli!" I turned around and Adam was running towards me.
"Huh?" I said confused.
"Are you okay?" He said as he caught up to me. "You left the car pretty quick..."
Oops. I left Adam without saying anything...
"Sorry... I've just got a few things on my mind"
"Okay" he said smiling. "It's fine. Let's go look around now"
As we entered the first store I got a bit more nervous thinking about all this. I have no idea what to buy Adam...
"Adam?" I said stopping and he turned around.
"Yeah?" He said. "You okay?" He said with a worried look.
"Um, no, not really." I said staring at the floor.
"I don't know... What to get"
He gave me a confused look, then I saw that he realised.
"Alli I'm so sorry" he sighed. "I've been so selfish, I didn't even think about that"
*Adams POV*
How could I ever be so selfish? Alli's parents are dead and her cousins live on the other side of the world. Why on earth would I take her out Christmas shopping if she has nothing to buy for anyone? I'm a complete idiot.
"Okay, what do you like in here?" I asked her smiling.
She gave me a confused look and then glanced around the store.
She turned back to me and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know.." She said. "I don't go shopping that much, and I'm not very good with fashion"
I lightly laughed. "Yes you are, look at what you're wearing now, it looks great" I said sarcastically.
"Shut up" she said giggling and patting down her sweatpants and hoodie. "It's comfortable"
I raised my eyebrows. "It's not even cold"
"I don't care" she said smiling. "At least I don't wear the same things everyday" she said raising her eyebrows and pointing at me.
I smiled and rolled my eyes.
Well, it is kinda true. I wear the same outfit almost everyday.
"Well then.... I'll help you"
She laughed in shock. "You? Help me? With fashion? Pfft"
I put my arm around her and we walked through the shop. It was pretty expensive in here, but Alli really deserves it.
"So, has anything caught your eye?" I said as she stopped and looked at a few things.
"Almost everything" she said continuing to look around.
I couldn't help but to just stare at her the whole time. I could see she adored everything she saw.
She turned around and looked at me. "Shouldn't you be buying things for.. Your family?" She asked.
"Yeah probably" I said smiling.
She smiled and shook her head, then continued looking. It was quite a large store we were in but I didn't mind waiting for Alli, the longer we're in here the longer I get to stare at her.
She stopped at a dress and just stared at it, smiling.
"Wow" I heard her whisper to herself.
"You wanna get that one?" I said pointing to the dress. It was around mid thigh length, and the top half was white, and the other bottom half was a peachy colour. "Yeah, I do. But I don't have enough so I think I'll get this one" she said holding up the one behind it. In my opinion it wasn't as pretty, but as long as she was happy with it I was happy.
Alli picked out the dress and paid for it. "You should have a look next door" I said as she walked back over to me. "I'm gonna get something for my mum in here" I said before she left.
I took the dress that she couldn't afford out of it's place and took it to the checkout. "That's $126" the lady said. I handed her the money and received the change before I left and went to go find Alli.
I'm SO sorry that I haven't updated in forever 😂 I swear my chapters are getting even more boring every time. But as long as you guys like it I'm happy! Alright so I'm gonna start writing the next chapter now! Enjoy ☺️

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