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Give a star for James' body x

I rushed down to our local coffee shop, looking like a total mess. I woke up late, totally forgetting about my date with James. When I got there, the coffee shop was empty. Only a few people were there, enjoying their coffee and there was James, seated at the very back. Now that they were bigger, it was hard for them to get a day out without fans coming up to them. He doesn't mind but he was afraid I would. I wouldn't, to be honest. I support the boys.

"Hey James-y." I used his pet name and he showed me an overly exaggerated smile. As a response, I rolled my eyes.

"Hey Em-sy."

"Shut up." James laughed and pushed a cup of hot drink towards me. I could recognised it by the beautiful scent. Minty.

"I got you your favourite peppermint mocha."

"Thank you." I held the red cup with both my hands, sniffing it. "Smell so good."

"So, what's in theatres?" James asked, taking a sip from his cup. I shrugged.

"I don't know. There's one with Dane Dehaan and Daniel Radcliffe. Can we watch that one? I forgot the title."

"Oh the one based on true story, right?"

"Yeah yeah."

"Sure, finish your drink quick."

I took my time to finish my drink. I wanted to savour each sip. James got annoyed, slightly cause he finished his drink long ago. The title of the movie we were watching was Kill Your Darlings. We entered the cinema when the lights were already off. We got a seat at the back, I liked it there. The movie was intense. Different and the kiss between Dane and Daniel was to die for and the blowjob scene, god damn it.

"That was different." James chuckled when we left the theatre. I nodded, agreeing.

"That kiss though. So hot." I fanned myself with my hand to 'cool' myself down. James smiled, looking down at his shoes as we walk.

"So you're not homophobic?" He asked, biting my lips.

"Nope. There was once when I thought I was gay. I guess I was just confused. It's okay to be gay. It's normal." I looked at him and smiled. He nodded slowly. "Why?" I asked, bumping my shoulder into his. "Are you gay? You don't have to be afraid to tell me." I joked.  James pushed me away playfully and rolled his eyes.

Again, art. I had to suffer the silence between me and Adam. We had to share a table and it was torture. He kept giving me these awful looks. I rolled my eyes when I caught him staring at me again. What was with this guy? Once the bell rung, I got up and left the class quickly. Joyce caught up with me as usual and we retreated to my dorm.

"So hey, I need advice." Joyce said, making herself comfortable on his bed. I wished she would stop doing that. I don't know why I was so disturbed by it. "A boy asked me out and I was thinking if I should say yes?" She raised her eyebrows further with each word she said. I paused from what I was doing and stared at her. She was being serious. A guy asked her out.

"Is he cute?" I asked. Joyce nodded.


"Your type?"

"Very much, yes."

"Is he a d-bag?"

"Not at all."

"Then yes! Say yes!" I shouted, getting excited. I knelt down on my bed and waited for her reply.

"I know I should but it's complicated. He's my friend and we've been friends for a while and I don't to ruin anything we already have." She sighed, laying down on his bed. I flinched internally and looked away.

"I'm your only friend. What's his name?"

"I can't tell you. You'll find out sooner or later. When this thing works out." Joyce stared up at the ceiling.


"Please, Emma?" She turned her head so she could see me. I sighed and let it go.

Tuesday, a day out with James. We went to have waffles with ice-cream on top even though he didn't eat much.

Wednesday, a day out with James. We went to a CD shop. I bought the new Taylor Swift album, only because James forced me to.

Thursday, a night in with James. Both of us squeezed into my single bed and watched reruns of How I Met Your Mother.

Friday, here I was waiting for him to pick me up. We were going to a party, not sure whose, not sure where, not sure whether he will be there. I was in this really cute midi dress and the bad weather was pissing me off. My boots were going to be ruined by the rain. I love the rain when I'm in proper rain wear. Not when I was all dressed up.  A few minutes later, a car stopped infront of my dorm building and out came James with an umbrella. "Hey, you look gorgeous." He complimented me. I blushed and said thanks. He was my close friends but he was still a guy. James held the umbrella for me as we walked to the other side of the car.

"Who's party is this?" I asked him when we got to the place. The house was huge. Bigger than any houses I've seen before. It definitely wasn't in the same neighbourhood as my dorm or James' house. All the houses here were humongous.

"My friend, Luke. You'll adore him." He replied, giving me a smirk. He parked the car easily and we both got out. The rain stopped awhile ago. The music was loud and I could recognised the song. Katy Perry, I forgot the title though. James ushered me into the house with a hand pressed on my lower back. "Let's try to find him..."

"What does he look like?"

"Um, really cute guy..." He replied, not really paying attention to me. He scanned the room before stopping at someone, a smile creeping on his face. "Found him. Lukey!" James shouted. Surprisingly, Luke heard and he whipped his head towards James' voice.

Luke had these dreadlocks, slightly on the chubbier side but nonetheless, adorable. Luke made his way passed people towards us. "Hey!" Luke greeted him with a hug. "Glad you can make it. Who's this?" Luke asked, smiling at me. His smile was contagious.

"She's Emma. My bestfriend." My heart warmed at that label. Luke pulled me into a quick hug.

"Hi, I'm Luke."

"Hello. Great place." I gestured my hand around his place. He laughed and thanked me quickly before somebody who I was hoping I would not meet joined us.

"Hey, Luke! We were searching for you everywhere. It's your-" Connor paused. He froze. His eyes glued to mine.

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