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Talk about intense. I barely knew him. On Monday, I met this boy. His name is Connor and he turned out to be a famous guy from a band. Now, it's Friday. He's holding my hand, telling me he'll cry me a flood and that we'll be the first humans to start over again. Is this his way of saying we're Adam and Eve without making it obvious? I pulled my hand away from held the cup of iced tea with both. I sucked on the straw. It's really good iced tea. Connor rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and shifted. He leaned against the wall and stretched out his legs, letting it dangle off the bed.

"I need to tell you something." Connor spoke. I looked at him and waited for what he had to say. "I won't be around that much anymore. Starting next week, I have night classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and an afternoon class on Thursdays-"

"Why?" I cut him off. Connor avoided my gaze. Something he don't do often but when he does, means it's bad news or he's afraid of something.

"I'm only a part time student here." He told me. "We're gonna be busy with tours, interviews, practice. I need loads of practice." He sighed. "And I'm most likely gonna crash at James' all the time." I took it in. Connor won't be around as much and it's true.

The following week, he was gone and it was the worse week so far. I woke up on a Monday and he wasn't there anymore. During lunch, I sat alone at the table we usually sit. That table was kept empty for The Vamps and me. Now, people were staring, thinking Where's the boys? And what is she doing there alone? I has my book to keep my company, fortunately. I completed If I Stay long time ago and now I'm rereading my old time favourite, The Outsiders.

Art lessons were normal. I found out that the girl's name is Joyce. She's really nice and last Wednesday, she approached me at the table during lunch. "Hey." She said. I smiled when I realised it's her. Actually, sitting at this table is nerve wrecking. I'm afraid that girls would come up to me and ask me about them or chase me away from the table. But none of that happened. Not yet. "Can I sit here?" She asked politely. I nodded.

"Do you see anyone else here?" I asked her, laughing. I'm actually happy that someone is talking to me. She chuckled and sat down opposite me. The one Tristan usually sat on.

"Well, cause you usually sit with the boys." She said, putting her books down. She has long blonde hair and black framed glasses. Her eyes are a nice shade of greyish blue. She also have dimples on her cheeks that are really cute.

"Well, the boys isn't here." I told her sadly. I couldn't help it. I bonded alot with the boys. Well, the most I've bonded with anyone in this school. I suck at making friends.

"Where are they anyway?" I sighed loudly, making Joyce giggle.

"They're part time students." I kept it brief.

"Oh, so no wonder they always disappear suddenly. We all thought they were hiding from us." She said, laughing. Have they disappeared before?

"They've done this before?" I asked, curious.

"Brad, James and Tristan. Connor joined this year. I heard he's your roommate. Don't worry bout them, they're boys. I'm here." She assured me, resting her hand on my shoulder. I nodded, giving her a grateful smile. Her eyes drifted to my books and it went wide. "The Outsiders? Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold." She laughed and I knew we're gonna get along well.

Now, it's Thursday. Joyce and I were at the table, as usual. I found out that like me, Joyce is terrible at making friends and I am the first she actually approached. Joyce told me what happened in her World Religion class. A girl teared up because Muslims have to fast. She said it's torture and she hated watching people suffer. I don't have a Muslim friend in real life but I have one on my Twitter. She didn't complain at all. In fact, she's still the same fangirl she was when she's not fasting.

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