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Ivory and I and the two hatchlings were following the large herd in front of us in a distance. It went on for two weeks. The forests were destroyed. We lost everything, and left. Everyone was exhausted from thirst and hunger. And the Velociraptors, the horrible creeps followed us everywhere.

A hoard of Velociraptors ran towards the large herd of dinosaurs. One tries to get a baby Torosaurus but it ran quickly to their mother. The Velociraptors hissed and growled but the mother snorted at them. One of the Velociraptors snapped their jaws trying to get passed a Sauropod but no avail. The alpha looked at the Sauropod seeing it tired out but still walking.

Ivory, Blue Eyes, my hatchlings and me were following the herd behind so we don't alarm them. Blue Eyes was limping behind be and the hatchlings while Ivory stayed close to her.

Blue Eyes panted heavily and fell to the ground with a loud thud. Ivory stopped and growled saying to stop.

An turned and saw Blue Eyes on the ground. I looked and saw that her leg was injured. Blue Eyes! Your hurt, and we came too far.

The hatchlings and me walked towards Blue Eyes and Ivory. Blue Eyes tried to stand up again only to fall on the ground with a loud thud. She was panting heavily, laying on the ground. Get up Blue Eyes.

We heard growling and we looked at saw the Velociraptors running towards the falling Sauropod. The Sauropod fell to the ground with a loud thud as it echoed along the canyon.

We saw what happened to the fallen Sauropod. Velociraptors, these merciless carcass cleaners, are waiting for weaken dinosaurs to fall.

Only a few stood on top of the body while the others surround the body.

Blue Eyes watched what happened and slowly stood up but only to fall again with a loud thud catching the Velociraptors attention.

The Velociraptors spotted us and one of them roared and looked back at the others. Wake up Blue Eyes!

The Velociraptor roared once again and ran towards us with the other Velociraptors following behind.

Ivory stood in front of us while I tried to get Blue Eyes to get up. Ivory roared at them, warning them to stay back.

I looked up and saw the Velociraptors coming closer. Ivory roared once more and ran towards them.

A couple of the Velociraptors jumped on her and tried to bite through her tough skin. Ivory bit one of the Raptors on her and threw them knocking a few Raptors away. She then swiped her large tail at them knock a few back.

Some managed to get pass her and ran towards us. I ran in front of the Raptors way and roared at them. Come at me, you creeps!

The Raptors hissed at each other. The alpha looked at me and saw my hatchlings hiding behind Blue Eyes' body. The alpha growled at two of the Raptors. The Raptors hissed back and ran to where my hatchlings are hiding.

One tried to catch them but I stood in the way and bit them giving them a chance to attack all at once. I threw the body at two Velociraptors knocking them down.

Two Raptors jumped on me but I shook one off and I bit and threw the other one away. The Raptor I shook off stood up only for me to bite them and threw them.

The body landed near the Velociraptors and laid on the ground motionless. More then ran towards me but Ivory showed up and knocked a few away and ran to my side, both of us panting.

We were getting exhausted. But they kept on coming. Ivory used her ferocious roar as my hatchlings stood below me squawking. One attempted to catch them but I bit them and threw them to the ground.

Two of them stood in front of me. They ran around me trying to get to Blue Eyes but Ivory bit one of them and the other bit her leg. She threw the one in her jaws to the side and bit the Raptor on her leg only to have another one jump on her. She roared out and dropped the body in her jaws catching my attention. I bit the one on Ivory and slammed it to the ground.

The Raptors started to surround us while my hatchlings stayed below me. We were completely surrounded. I looked down at my two hatchlings, them squawking at me, and Blue Eyes still laid there with her eyes closed.

Blue Eyes opened her eyes and lifted her head up a little. she gave a low growl, telling us that we have to leave her behind and protect the hatchlings. I walked towards her while Ivory stood and watch the Raptors. Blue Eyes?

C'mon open your eyes. her growls were weakened and she slowly started to close her eyes. No, I won't give up! We won't give up!

She then closed her eyes and she laid her head on the ground. She laid there motionless and her breathing stopped.

No! Blue Eyes! I nudged her body trying to get her to wake up. I can hear Ivory growling, saying that we have to move. Blue Eyes...

I roared out, mourning for her death. I saw the Raptors slowly getting closer, one by one. Ivory roared at them to stay back.

I looked down at my hatchlings then back at the Raptors. I looked at Ivory and she did the same. We both nodded to each other, let's go.

We made a run for it, leaving Blue Eyes body behind. The Raptors took as a chance to run towards us and the hatchlings ran bellow me.

three jumped on me but I quickly shook them off, making them slip. Ivory bit a raptor and threw it to the side. One was about to catch my hatchlings but I stomped on it, hearing a bone-cracking sound. One jumped on me but Ivory pulled it off of me and threw it to the side.

I bit one and threw it to a couple of Raptors, knocking them down. I stomped on those who got to close to the hatchlings. Two managed to jump on my back but I shook them off. I bit one that was in front of me and stomped on a few more. I threw the Raptor to the side and continued running, with Ivory still at my side.

The Raptors began to slow down then stood to a stop. I turned my head seeing them walking towards Blue Eyes body.

I stopped, along with Ivory, and turned to watch the Raptor devouring Blue Eyes' body. I'm sorry, Blue Eyes. I roared out, mourning for Blue Eyes, once again. I turned and began to walk away as my hatchlings squawked for their mother. I called out for the hatchlings. we continue forward, leaving her behind. I have to, for the sake of the children. Ivory followed behind us as the hatchlings walked between Ivory and I.

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