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~Two Weeks later~

Two more weeks passed. It felt like the desert would never end. We were all exhausted and hungry.

Then a miracle happened. Dinosaurs up front let out a cry of joy and slowly made their way down.

We looked and saw the herd disappearing downwards of the cliff as we were walking behind them. We hurried along.

Ivory walked a my side as my children stayed close to her.

We stood atop of the cliff and saw the herd walking along the side of a trench as the seawater splashed along the rocky trench. And there, on the far horizon. We saw a green paradise. We then slowly made our way down and walked behind the line of the dinosaurs.

But, the way to paradise wasn't easy. There was a final hurdle, waiting for us.

ahead of the herd stood One Eye as he watched the herd walk until he looked at the end of the line seeing us walking behind them. One Eye growled at the sight of us.

It was a narrow path, leading to paradise. We walked on that dangerous path.

The young ones looked curiously at the ocean as they stood at the edge of the path. Ivory called out to them before loud and quick footsteps were heard and the ground shook.

Then suddenly, a herd of dinosaurs were rushing towards us. I roared out telling my young ones to stay where they are. Ivory tried to look for another way to get through the stampede. Our childhood nightmare came back.

I can't loose our family again like this. I tried to make a run for it only to get knocked back by a Torosaurus. I landed with a loud thud, I was knocked out.

Dinosaurs began to fall one by one and as it cleared One Eye stood a few feet away from Ivory and the young ones.

Ivory roared at him attempting to scare him away before a attacking charging at him. She gone for his neck and clawed his face with her claws. But she was pushed off by One Eye making her stumble back before falling down in the water bellow.

One Eye walked towards the young ones. The young ones squawked at him, attempting to scare him only to have him knock one away before hit the rocky wall, killing them. The last stood Speckles Jr.

I quickly regain consciousness and ran between Speckles Jr. and One Eye.

How did One Eye get here? An evil fate, brought him back to me.

I roared at him before he roared back trying to scare me off and be more intimidating. I roared at him as I slowly walked towards him only for him to slowly walk back.

Hundreds of miles from home. On the edge of a cliff, I stood face to face with One Eye, once again.

One Eye stood onto a more higher surface as we roared at one another. Let's finish this off.

One Eye snarled before jumping onto me and knocking me back but I stood my ground. Where are you Ivory? I looked around, not seeing Ivory anywhere.

One Eye quickly stood up but I knocked him back. One Eye tried to make his next move but I gone for the neck before he can do so. But he kicked me off making me slide against the rocky ground.

I quickly stood up and One Eye charged at me attempting to go for the neck but I knocked him over.

Speckles Jr. stood behind me and watched the scene before him. I roared out to Speckles Jr. telling him to run but he squawked at me saying that he is not leaving me.

One Eye stood up and took this as a chance to attack and bit my neck. I struggled a little before I got myself free from his jaws. I pushed him back, his tail almost hitting Junior. as we fought close to him.

One Eye pushed me back as he swung his tail at Junior sending him off. I tossed One Eye to the ground and looked an saw Junior fall into the oceanwaters.

No! Junior!

One Eye charged towards me and I acted fast and swung me tail at him making him stumble side ways before falling off.

I looked down at the oceanwater, trying to find any trace of Junior before finding him trying to keep himself at the surface.

The youngest only managed to survive.

One Eye resurfaced and turned to face Junior before swimming towards him. No! I must save him, no matter what!

I looked around before turning and ran back then I turned to face the edge. I ran as fast as I can before jumping off the edge and landed on top of One Eye before he can reach Junior. We both slowly sank into the water.

We tried to bite each other but it was more difficult underwater than on land.

We didn't realize Tylosauruses came, smelling blood from our wounds. Those disgusting, hundred foot long sea monsters.

I managed to bite One Eyes neck but he broke free from my jaws before we resurfaced.

I attacked his neck again before seeing Junior struggle to stay onto a small log. I got to get to him, fast. I held onto One Eye by the neck before slamming him down into the water before I began to swim towards Junior.

Two Tylosauruses swam bellow Junior and I. I tried to swim faster but One Eye appeared behind me and bit my neck.

Junior lost his grip on the small log.

One of the Tylosauruses quickly swam towards us before catching One Eye and dragged him below the waters surface.

I looked around trying to find Junior. Junior, where are you?

I heard him squawking and then I saw him. Junior!

I then swam towards him as he tried to stay above the waters surface. I was fast becoming exhausted. I tried to stay above water but I grew more tired. I kept going though, I've got to save my child. Before I can reach Junior I sank into the water below and closed my eyes.

I can hear Junior calling out as I slowly sank deeper into the water, listening to his calls. Junior...

I opened my eyes and swam back to the surface before swimming towards Junior. I then caught Junior in my jaws and saw the paradise ahead. I must get over there, no matter what.

I swam my way towards the paradise but I grew tired every second. I tried to keep my eyes open before I felt something beneath me.

I was lifted up from the water. I saw that it was Ivory! She let me lay down on her back and swam towards the paradise as I lost consciousness.

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