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Morning came soon, Felix still sleeping and slightly snoring happily.

It was a Saturday morning, the sun shining through the windows hitting the boy's eyes, disturbing his sleep.

The latter opens his eyes and blinks rapidly because of the sun shining through his eyes. He grabbed his phone that was at the side of his bed.

Felix didn't mind how messy his hair was, it was seen at his phone's reflection, it was cute.

After scrolling through his phone for 10 minutes, he finally had the effort to get up from bed without Chan waking him up.

He went downstairs and the living room welcomed him with a sleeping Chan on the couch. Felix felt bad for Chan, he always goes home late due to work, he always went home late leaving the younger alone. It's only rare for him to go home early. But, Felix is thankful for the older letting him live with him for months.

He went to the kitchen looking for food, sadly, the fridge was empty. There was nothing to eat. The boy huffs a sigh, he has to wait until Chan wakes up.

Felix goes back to his room and covers himself with his blanket and plays games on his phone, waiting until Chan wakes up.

After an hour or so, Felix went back to the living room to see Chan already on his phone.

"Oh good morning Lix." Chan said, with a smile. Felix smiles at him and greets him back too, "Morning Hyung." The younger joins the older on the couch like always. "Hyung there's no more food in the fridge." Felix said, pouting.

"Wanna go to the café?"

Felix's eyes lit up as soon as Chan said that, his second most favorite place is the café. It has everything he needs- not really everything, but the things that'll satisfy him. The two has been hanging out there frequently.

The younger nods, he then leaves Chan and goes to his room again to change. He changes into a grey oversized t-shirt with ripped jeans, of course the only thing that he wears are always oversized t-shirts or sweater with ripped jeans or sweatpants.

He comes back to the living room, seeing no one on the couch. The younger sits on the couch waiting for Chan.

After Chan was dressed, they went outside and walked to the café. Since the café is just near their apartment, "Last one to the café is a rotten egg!" Chan said, already running. "Hey wait up!" Felix shouts, while running.

Chan pushed the door that leads to the inside of the café, the two boys came in panting, they sat down on their usual spot. Felix always liked those seats at the corner of the window, he found it pleasing to watch the sky, especially at late afternoons.

"I'll go order." Chan said going to the counter, while Felix went to their bookshelf to get himself something to read. He always liked the sound of the entry bell ringing whenever someone opens the door and the calm music the café always play.

After a minute of ordering, Chan came back and sat down. "Whatcha reading there?" The older asked the younger whose been lured to the book. "Oh, huh?" Felix looked back up to Chan and said, "Oh, it's a book where 3 friends did a ritual and then went into a neverending dream, if they die they won't be able to wake up."

"Hmm, interesting.." said Chan. "Hyung, can I buy this book? Please?" Felix begs the older, pouting. "Fine, but you pay for it. It's your book anyways." Chan said. Felix pouts again, "My poor wallet.." the younger mumbles.

"Hey,'s your order, one iced coffee, one mocha and two pancakes." The waiter places the orders on the table.

The younger looks up to the waiter, if he was drinking water right now he could've spat it, luckily he only choked on his saliva.

::wtf this is so cringy what the hell is wrong with me- I've finally posted after a long time :']::

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