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The unkown shakes the boy lightly, trying to wake him up. But Felix was still, his eyes were still closed. The boy tries again,but it was no use. He shakes the boy again, but this time, his shake was harder than the current shake.

Finally, the younger got up, groaning. "Hyung, it's still early.." He mumbles, rubbing his eyes. "You told me to wake you up early" Chan replied. The sleepy boy throws his plush at the latter's face. "Early for what?" Felix asks, in his temporary amnesia.

"Hey kid, you told me you need to wake up early to finish your homework and study." He replied, throwing back the plush at the boy to wake him up.

"Oh," Felix said, yawning. "Do I have to?" the boy grumbles. "Yeah you have to, I'm not the only one whose gonna be paying for the bills only. You need to study for a good future." Chan reminded him.

"Ask Woojin-hyung to pay the bills...I'm just a dumbass boy who has no dream.." He mumbled.

Woojin is Chan's boyfriend, though Felix and Woojin were friends, they weren't that close.

"If you keep telling that, nothing will happen." Chan said, motivating the boy. The younger huffs a sigh, rising from his bed. Chan ruffles the boys hair, leaving the room, he leaves a smile before closing the door.

Felix did his daily routine, brushed his teeth, took a shower, blah blah blah...

After 5 minutes of adjusting and tying his tie, he was now finished. He grabbed his bag and shoved his phone in his pocket.

The boy ran downstairs, seeing that Chan already prepared breakfast. "Morning Lix" Chan greeted him. "Morning hyung!" The aforementioned replied.

Felix rushes to the kitchen table, grabbing a bread and sliding it inside one of the toaster slot. Chan tilts his head, bewildered by the boy. After the toast was done, he stuffs his mouth with it. "You're not gonna eat breakfast?" Chan asked, looking at the two plates.

"Sorry hyung, not actually in the mood to eat heavy today, I'll eat it after I come back." The younger said. Chan sighs, nodding.

Soon, the younger bid his goodbyes to the latter and left the house.


The boy walks to his locker, forgetting the fact that he hates school and just wants to go to a tiny hole. Opening his locker, he was confused why there was a rose in his locker. He picks the rose and stares at it for awhile, a rose? That's too cliché, sure Felix wanted to talk to someone, but not all has a happy ending to its story. Giving a rose isn't that romantic anymore.

Felix throws away the flower, near a bin and comes back to his locker. After sorting and getting all his things, he locks it and walks to his classroom.

"Dude, he just threw the flower away."
Jisung said to Hyunjin, nudging his elbow.

"Why would I even care? This dare is just stupid." Hyunjin said to the boy, scoffing. Hyunjin was beyond annoyed by Jisung and his other friends, they kept teasing him, usually it was about Felix. Jisung shrugged, not even noticing how annoyed the other boy was. "Let's just go to class." Hyunjin muttered in dissatisfaction, dragging Jisung along the hallway.

Hyunjin, an average highschooler you would always meet. He's that person who has good grades and lots of other schemes. He hasn't really been into a serious relationship. He didn't really felt love between his older relationships, after realising that he can't find love, he stayed single.


Felix arrived at the classroom, early. Several students were already there, doing other things whatsoever. He grabbed his book to finish his homework. Suddenly, someone sits beside him. Felix hasn't noticed who it was, since he was still digging somethimg from his backpack. The unkown props his chin on his hand, observing the boy.

"Need help?" He said, making Felix jolt up.

I hate life. The unkown boy thought.

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