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Felix slams the door shut, Since when did I send him my address!? the boy thinks, getting anxious. Wait maybe I'm hallucinating? This can't be real, he's not at the doorstep. He gave it a few seconds until he thouht it was the right time to open it, the boy slowly opened the door and Hyunjin (of course it was hyunjin knocking who would it be-) was not there. He sighs in relief, "Boo." From the sudden sound he flinches. "W-why are you here!? And how did you get my address!?" The boy spat out questions because of how scared he was.

"Eh, I just felt like coming to see you." Hyunjin said, shrugging. "Well that's a stupid reason to come here..and I barely even know you.." The younger said, mumbling. "Well, strangers are friends you haven't met right?" he said.

"Can I come in?"
"No, never."
"Even if it rains and you catch a cold, no."

The younger shuts the door close before the boy outside can say something. He goes back to the balcony and continues reading, ignoring the boy whose still waiting at the doorstep. The older keeps on knocking on the door, to see if it irritates Felix and he'll open the door.

After awhile, Felix could still hear the knocking, he groans as he gets up to open the door.

"Fine, you can come in." The younger said, in annoyance. The latter takes a step into the apartment, "Nice apartment." He said, looking around. "Thanks..There's nothing much to do here though.." The younger said, going back to the balcony ignoring Hyunjin's presence.

The older follows the younger to the balcony, "You like reading in balconies?" He said, sitting beside him. "Uh...yeah, it just calms me down seeing the sky while reading books.." Felix mumbled. "You like books?" He asks, leaning forward to see what the boy is reading.

"U-um yeah, I do.." The younger said. Blood was flowing in his cheeks by how close Hyunjin's face was to his face, he felt his ears and cheeks heating up. "So I'm not the only one who likes books!" Hyunjin exclaimed in joy realizing he's not alone.

"My friends think it's weird I like books..but, I'm glad I met you!" Hyunjin said, smiling. With that, Felix blushed more, he couldn't focus because of Hyunjin. "Erm..What books have you read?" Felix said, so he can calm down a bit. After that, Hyunjin started rambling about the books he has read and some suggestions.

From that moment Felix finally realized that Chan was right.

::yEeT as i promised I'll be active again ;w; 346 reads? yAlL tO preCIOUs iM crYINg-::

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