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Jordyn pov
A hour went by until somebody said "MOMMA"

Neveah came in with Lexi and whispered to me "he here" "I know" I said grabbing Lexi from her

Sheronda came in and said "come on He here we finna leave"

I left out the room to see him in the living room

I left out the room to see him in the living room

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His outfit

His outfit

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My outfit

This her best friendHe wasn't paying attention so I squeezed by him and went outside to wait

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This her best friend
He wasn't paying attention so I squeezed by him and went outside to wait

Moments later he came outside "we going in my car" he said walking to his car with his mom in back of him

Me and neveah followed them "I'm go get her car seat" I said to neveah "okay" she said

I grabbed her car seat and put it in his car

"Y'all ready?" Sheronda said as I buckled Lexi up "yeah" me and neveah said

30 minutes later we arrived at the doctor I grabbed Alexis out her car seat and grabbed neveah hand and I went into the office to get signed in

10 minutes later the doctor came out and said "Alexis gaulden and kentrell gaulden" I got Lexi and we went to the back as kentrell followed us

"Okay I'm going to have to swap the baby's mouth so can you hold her for me" the doctor said to me

"Yeah" I said the doctor tried putting the swap in her mouth but she started crying

So I rubbed her back because that calms her down

The doctor got a swap out her mouth then he got a swap out of kentrell mouth

"Okay so the test will be sent in the mail it will take 2-3 days for them to get there"he said

Then he left out the room

I got up and left the room so I can avoid kentrell

"How it go?" My best friend asked me "good I guess" I said "you okay" she asked me

"Yeah I'm just tired" I said as we followed Sheronda to the car

30 minutes later we pulled up to the house
I got out and grabbed Lexi and went into the then to our room

"Lexi come here so you can take a nap" I said "I got her you go to sleep" neveah said picking Lexi up "thanks best friend I don't know what I'll do without you" I said before laying down and dozing off

A hour later I woke up with Alexis and neveah sleep next to me

I got up and went to the bathroom after I was done

I was headed down the stairs until somebody said "yo" I turned around and it was kentrell "yes" I said rolling my eyes

"She really mine" he asked "obviously I wouldn't got a dna test if she wasn't yours kentrell"  I said and he just walked away


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