Water broke😅

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4:55am Saturday
2 months later..
9 months 🤰🏽

I got up out off bed and wobbled over to the bathroom but before I could get there I felt a popping sensation and liquid ran down my legs.


"Trell!"I yelled earning a groan from kentrell. "I think my water broke I'm not sure though"

Once he heard me say that his head shot up. "Lemme go get the bag"he said hurrying out the room.

I grabbed some clothes and go it the shower real quick because I was not finna go to the hospital wet.

Once I got out I went back in the bedroom and saw Kentrell putting on his shoes.

I slipped on my slide and he grabbed the babies bags.

We walked out the house and got in his white rolls Royce trucks.

The hospital📍

"Cant they come out already"I said while I sat in the hospital bed eating ice.

Kentrell had called his mom and my mom but my mom had to watch Lexi so she was going to come after the babies were born.

"I'm tried asf"kentrell said rubbing his face. "Go to sleep then"I told him.

"They not coming yet"I added.

Hour later....

"Okay one more push"the doctor said holding my legs.

Honestly I just wanted to give up this shit hurt.

I pushed as hard as a I can and squeezed kentrells hand making groan. "Mane you strong as hell"he said as the babies cries filled the room.

First karter then kind.

She was really not tryna come out.

1 hour later...

Kentrell would not let me hold kind which was so annoying cause his ass ain't carry her for 9 months.

I also thought karter was going to look like his daddy but boy was I wrong he looked like my mom and had her skin tone mean while kind was kentrells color.

It was just me, kentrell and the babies for now though.

"Let me feed her kentrell"I said burping karter.
"Here mane"he said with an attitude.

He took karter from me and gave me kind so I could feed her.

"Can babies not have the Same skin color as they parents?"kentrell asked me as he rocked karter back in fourth .

"Yes kentrell I looked it up and I asked the doctor?"I told him.

"Oh I thought they switched my baby"he said.

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