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Jordyn 🍁

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Jordyn 🍁

Recap (because I didn't make a thanksgiving chapter yesterday)
Yesterday day we went to kentrells mom house Starr came and the other babymamas I met them all. We helped Sheronda cook some food we had drinks and we stayed there so late we had to spend the night and the gang couldn't even walk to the car


"Kentrell get up" I said shaking him "what I'm tired" he said opening his eyes "when we going home" I asked him sitting up

"What time is it" he asked me "11:07" I said looking at my phone

"11:30 will go home" he said laying back down "Okay" I said going to the other guest room

"Mommy" Lexi said getting up "hey baby" I said picking her up and taylin then I left the room

I went to the room Jania was in because she had Kacey and Kehlani. Jania and kacey was still asleep so I just grabbed Kehlani

I went back down stairs seeing kamiri,Kamron and jr playing "hey y'all" I said putting down Lexi and she ran to them

"Hey"jr said "where ya mom at" I asked him

He pointed to the kitchen "thanks" I said going into the kitchen

"Hey Starr" I said going in the fridge and grabbing a water

"Hey gurl" She said grabbing her plate out of the microwave

"Where Sheronda" I asked her fixing Kehlani a bottle

"She went to the store for something" she said "oh" I said feeding Kehlani

Me and Starr walked back in the living room seeing Kd and boomer were down stairs now

"Y'all look drunk still" Starr said laughing "we is" boomer said

"I'm bout to go check on kentrell" I said to Starr "Okay" she said sitting on the couch

I went in the room kentrell was in.i saw him putting his stuff on "You ready?" He asked me putting his shoes on

"Yes"I said "the boys coming" I asked him "yeah" he said leaving the room

"Okay Ima go get them" I said following him out the room

Nene,Nia, and nisha already had the kids down stairs "they ready" nene said

I put Kehlani in her car seat and put her cover over it since she was sleep

"Lexi go to your daddy so he could put your jacket on" I said pointing to kentrell who had her and kamiri jacket in his hand

He put kamiri jacket on then hers on "I'm taking them to the car" I said referring to Kehlani,kacey,taylin,and Kayden

"Bye mommy" tay and Draco said to their mommies and nene helped me take them to the car

"By mommy baby" nene said kissing Kacey on the cheek "See y'all"she said going to her car

Soon kentrell came out with kamiri,Alexis and the gang

Kentrell came to the car with the kids,Kd,boomer,and Ben the rest went to the other car

"Dada I hungry" tay said "okay ima get you something to eat"he said driving off


We pulled up to McDonald's and got 4 happy meal and we got something for ourselves


We arrived at the house so I got the kids out the car and they followed kentrell to the house

I grabbed Kehlani and kacey then I went in the house "go sit and eat with your brothers" I said to Lexi who was trying to get on my lap

Soon the boys came  in the house "damn y'all ain't get us no food" Kd said crossing his arms

"Duh you grown mane you can get yo own food" kentrell said coming out the kitchen

I shook my head and laughing "Kd you act like a kid" I said getting up and taking Kacey and Kehlani to they rooms

"YO JORDYN IM PUTTING THEM TO SLEEP" kentrell yelled from the living room

"Okay kentrell you ain't gotta yell" I said going to our room

A couple of minutes later kentrell came in, he laid down next to me a wrapped his arm around my waist

"Jordyn I wanna ask you something" he said "yes kentrell" I said turning to face him "can will yo-" He said before he got cut off by Kd coming in the door

"Umm I wanted to tell y'all it some fo-" Kd said before getting cut off by a pillow hitting him straight in the face

"Nigga get out" kentrell said then Kd left mean mugging him

Kentrell turned his focus back on me "anyways what I was saying was"

What y'all think he wanna asked her?

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