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1 week later...
September 31st

"Lexi stop"I said as she continued to hit kd.

Kd picked her up and put her in the air making her scream.

"Kd you better not let anything happen to my babies"I told him  referring to the twins

I grabbing my keys as he put down Alexis.

"Let's go baby girl"I said to Lexi while she ran to me.

I grabbed her hand and walked out the house with her.

When we made to my car I strapped her in and then I got in the front.

Before I was able to drive off I got a text message.

Kay🥴: why haven't you been answering my messages or calls? Did I do something?

Kay🥴: trell?

Kay🥴: you can't get rid of me.

Kay🥴: ima make you suffer.

I rolled my eyes and blocked her I don't know why I ain't do it sooner.

Weird ass bitch she ain't on nothing.

The park📍

I smiled as I watched Lexi interacted with the other little kids.

I felt like somebody was starin at me but I ignored it. It was just prolly some fan girl.

Kd🖤: come get yo kids they stressing me out😓.

I laughed at the message and looked back. The sight I saw made my heart drop.

Lexi wasn't in front of me anymore.

I scanned the whole park even the streets and sidewalks.

There was still no sound of my baby.

I jumped up and started asking people if they seen her. I described what she looked like and what she had on.

 I described what she looked like and what she had on

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Everybody said no which caused me to get frustrated.

I wasn't no time getting in my car and driving back to the house.

The house📍

"What you mean you lost her!"kd semi yelled with kind on his chest.

"I don't know I looked at your text for 5 seconds and looked back up and she was gone"I pulling my hair.

"Ima call jordyn"he said pulling his phone out with his free hand.

"Hello- jordyn come here right now- just come and hurry"I heard him on the phone with her.

Jordyn had went over dej and Ben house to go talk to dej about her pregnancy or whatever.

I rubbed my hand over my face before standing up.

10 minutes later....

Jordyn,dej and Ben all rushed in the house and came to where me,kd and the babies at.

"Where Lexi?"jordyn questioned looking around the room.

I scratched the back of my head and sat down i could barley focus.

"How Ima put this...she was kidnapped"kd said as he stopped pacing back in forth.

"You playing right"she said.

"Dead serious her and kentrell went to the park he said he looked down at his phone for 5 seconds and when he looked back up she was gone"kd told her.

"My baby gone"she said with her voice cracking making my heart shatter.

It was all my fault.

"I'm sorry"I said putting my head in my hands as she started to cry.

Dej comforted her as she cried.

"Who could have took her?"Ben asked pacing around the room.

Then it clicked.


I remembered the message she sent me.

"Ima kill that bitch"I said getting up. "Who?"Ben asked following me along with kd.

I ignored them and got in my car with them and drove to kaylyn house.

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