AoI : If Only For TonighT

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A.N: So, this is another attempt at a slightly different writing style. It is written in Aoi's point of view. But it's done in such a way, that it is meant to convey his inner monologue, as he goes through this scenario. I feel like I may have nailed it. But it could have flopped too. I'll leave that decision up to you, my readers.

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I said I would never do this and up until now, I have succeeded in that endeavour. Now though? As I look down at the woman before me, spread beneath me as naked as the day she was born, I realise I'm about to break that promise to myself. And I'm about to break it happily.

I dont waste any time, I'd already prepared her. As I finally took myself in hand and slid inside her fluidly and quickly. Immediately, I understood why the rest of my friends had done this, at least once in our careers. She felt so fantastic around me. The whole thing felt forbidden and exotic. This woman, a complete stranger to me, made me feel things my ex, never did, in the ten years of that relationship, with just the simple allowance, of entrance to her body. It was intoxicating and her soft moans just made it all the more thrilling. I had sped up my movements and allowed my hands to roam her sleek body, as they were twitching in idleness. I wanted to explore her with everything that I could. My hands, my mouth and my tongue. I wanted all of me, in and on her.

Her skin was a gorgeous ivory hue that seemed to glisten in the moonlight, that streamed through the hotel room window. Her skin was a novelty for me. Pale. Paler than any partner I'd had before her. But then, I suspected, that would make sense given her Celtic origins. Her hair was a natural ginger and her eyes were sky, sky blue. I hadn't seen anyone quite like her before. She was striking to me and she had definitely turned my head tonight.

I had been prancing about the stage, playing my guitar and giving my usual fan service when I seen her. She had stood out, her features particularly pronounced, as she was in a sea of Japanese fans. I had taken a moment and stared at her, although I never missed a beat in my playing. Even from further away, I found her to be extremely beautiful and mysterious. Like an elf or a fairy, as cliche as I knew that sounded.

I had found myself stuck on and captivated by her. And then, her eyes had connected with mine and a strange feeling had sizzled through me. I felt hot, my skin was itchy and the hairs on my arms had stood up. I had felt the raw unknown something pulse through and then settle in my lower stomach, my cock starting to stir and stand to attention.

This had been alarming for me, because I always maintained impeccable control of my body and it's natural responses to sexually appealing women. You didn't get to be forty years of age and not learn a thing or two about bodily control. But with her, I found myself very much struggling with...well...myself. That experience had made me thankful, that I wore my guitar as low as I did. It had been effective in hiding my obvious arousal, given my jeans had been quite tight. The next alarming thing that I had noticed, was my playing began to change then. Not in any way, that my band mates or the fans would have noticed, just me. I started playing for her, as though it was just she and I, the rest of the concert goers and my friends, fading into almost nothingness.

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