{ Year 3 }

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There they were, the three marauders were in the same corridor under the same invisibility cloak. The only thing that was different was their ages, they all aged a year older. They were now teens..about to get caught.

Filch walked by at the same moment Peter dropped a unwrapped chocolate bar. All boys winced as he walked over to it. "Who's there?" He asked, lifting his lantern in the dark area.  He looked down at the chocolate bar and picked it up, examining it. He walked forward, swinging his lantern in front of him.

"I know you're out here," He spat, blocking the boys path.

James racked his brain for a plan, then it hit him. He waited for Filch to turn around before yanking the cloak off himself. Unfortunately, the cloak slipped of Peter as well, Sirius was the only one hidden. 

Filch turned around and shone the lantern in their faces, confused but also overjoyed that he had successfully caught someone. "Ha! I cau-" filch started but James interrupted him. "Yeah, yeah, you caught us." 

"Just get it over with," Peter mumbled.

"With pleasure," Filch said as he lead the boys away from were they were heading. When they walked past Sirius, James turned his head in that direction and mouthed, "Go."

Sirius nodded, even though he couldn't see him and walked down. He felt bad that his two friends got caught, but there wasn't much he could do about it. He got outside in time just in time to see the sun rise. He saw Remus' figure right outside the whomping willow. He watched the boys frown turn into a smile when his amber eyes spotted him.

Sirius couldn't help but admire the way his eyes shone in the rising sunlight. He shook his head at the thought and moved closer to Remus, smiling as well. "Hey Sirius."

"Hey Remus, how was it?"

Remus looked down at his bleeding arms and smiled weakly. "It could of gone better. Where are the others?"

"They got caught by filch.." Sirius set down the bandages and got out a cloth. "Oh," Remus replied, not knowing what else to say. He needed to make it up to them somehow, since they got caught and he were to blame.

 Sirius then started to mop up the blood. When most of the blood was gone, he could see some pretty nasty gashes. Sirius looked up to see how Remus was doing, the boy's eyes were glued to the sun.

He tired not to think of his thoughts from earlier and looked back down at his arms and grabbed the bandages, wrapping it around his arms. He tore the bandage from the roll and set it in his pocket. He set a hand on his arm to make sure it was on tight enough.

"Alright, all done." 

Remus looked at him, a smile played on his lips. "Thank you again Sirius." Sirius smiled back. "We're friends, I'd do anything for you."

The words that he spoke sunk into his brain. But do friends like looking into each others eyes, as if getting lost into them? Nah, he was just overthinking about this too much. He had other things to worry about.

I just wanted to say..HOW THE HECK DOES THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THIS FIC ALREADY HAVE 14 FUCKING VOTES?! THAT'S CRAZY.  But I'm also really grateful for it so thank you all so much for reading this

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