Chapter 17

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Amber was strangely pumped to kick some Element butt. While being realistic meant that she would have to face the fact it was plain humans and four Element Users against thousands of other Elements and they would most probably lose and be wiped out, she tried to be more optimistic,

Mina and Noah were supposed to go inside the headquarters itself and snag the amulet that held the possession of the Element's powers, then destroy it.

It was Oliver and Amber's jobs to defend their allies. The task wasn't all that easy, though.

Amber sat on a large ridge overlooking the front view of the grounds. A little ways away from her, Oliver and Karen sat close, both murmuring softly.

For some reason, Amber felt a twinge of hurt. She'd been drifting farther and farther apart from Oliver and the rest of her friends. Mina barely talked to Amber anymore, Oliver was occupied with Karen and as for Noah...

Amber didn't know if she really felt the same way about Noah anymore. It was obvious he liked Mina, and Amber knew she liked him back.

She had turned to Oliver for comfort, but it had turned out he had moved on from her as well. Amber had known for a while that he had liked her, but she had never returned the feelings. Now, when she finally realized what he was truly like, he had let her go. She was always too late on these types of things, never able to get up her courage and confess.

Amber looked over at the battle field. The first group of people were approaching. A rush of emotions swirled inside of Amber. Fear was nearly overwhelming her, making her palms sweat and heart pound. The pressure of war made her want to cry.

She had so much to lose; her friends, her family, her home and much more. Amber thought about her childhood, the laughter, the smiles. Then her mind wandered on to the assault from the Element Users.

Amber's memory was blurry when she tried to remember the exact details about the battle. She had no words to describe what had gone on then. She had been shoved into a little cellar with a few other children, her mother running off to help her father.

Amber faintly remembered the darkness and stuffy air underground. The sounds outside were muffled but still scary. Her mother had come back crying and broken. She had never been the same since.

From then on, Amber had vowed that she would never step too far out into the open. She had promised herself that she would leave the scary stuff for everyone else and shield her heart.

Looking back at the group that sat with her, ready to avenge their loved ones, she felt a strong surge of anger. None of these people deserved what was happening to them.

Amber knew now that it was her time to step up. Staying in the dark would never help her, not if she let herself be swallowed by it.

“Come, Amber. It's time for our group to go down,” Karen stated. Her voice was cold, but not harsh.

Amber got up, glancing at Oliver. “Is he coming?” she asked.

Oliver started, then nodded. “Uh, yeah. I'll back you guys up with some aerial force.” he decided.

He stood up, spreading his large white wings. Oliver's Element outfit consisted of an open white shirt, held together at the waist by a large braided rope and baggy white pants. His wings were enormous, giving him the power to carry at least one other person when he flew.

Even though his outfit was plain, Amber's heart still sped up when she looked at him.

Amber drew in her Element Energy, changing into her Earth outfit. It was a long green dress, decorated with flowers and vines of all kinds. Her belt consisted of thresh surrounding her waist, a staff of wood appeared in her hands and a wreath of flowers crowned her head.

She could sense Oliver watching her, and she tried her best to mask her fear.

“Let's go,” Amber stood, taking a deep breath.

They had to win. It was Amber's time to show her true colours. She needed to be at full strength.

The real battle was only starting.

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