Chapter 3

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Noah was just looking for one person.

Where is she? Did she decide not to come?

He'd been waiting for a while. Noah had come early to the dance, since his foster parents worked at the school and had dragged him along. He'd never known what had happened to his real parents.

Now everything was set up and an upbeat song was blasting from the speakers.

Noah knew he shouldn't have been so worried about her not showing up, there was still barely anyone in the gym. Of course there was the possibility no one else would show up at all since they were too afraid the Element Users would come.

Noah sighed and slumped to the ground next to the snack table. He smiled ruefully to himself as he looked at the mini-cupcakes, cookies, chocolate fountain, etc. Not many people got those luxuries anymore.

Noah knew all the adults must have saved up for a long time and put in a lot of money for their drab setting, which, to the teens leaving high school, was basically a temporary heaven. Noah reached up and stole a mini-cupcake. He knew he probably wouldn't like it, but he plopped it in his mouth anyways.

“I told you we wouldn't be late! There's barely anybody here!”

Noah perked up at the sound of a certain girl's voice. She barely ever spoke to him, but he knew that voice very well.

Another voice sighed. “Well you weren't the one standing outside waiting for an hour!”

The first voice groaned. “Just get over it, Oliver!”

A third person joined. “Um, guys... P-Please don't fight. We're here to have fun!” this girl's voice was soft and gentle, a little bit shaky to be honest.

Noah knew that trio. They weren't all that friendly with him, but he was fond of one of them a little too much.

He stood up and stretched. Noah's whole body was stiff and he didn't want to seem awkward around his crush. He could hear his bones cracking and winced. I'm not that old yet! He protested inwardly.

Noah tried his hardest to look like he hadn't been eavesdropping on their conversation as he casually walked past the three friends.

Oliver and Mina were still fighting, and Amber was desperately trying her hardest to calm them. Noah shook his head mentally. Sure, they were all almost adults, but sometimes, those two could act like children to the bone!

He smiled slightly to himself. Deciding to take the risk of getting yelled at for interrupting, he walked over to the scene of commotion.

“Uh... Hi?” he asked hesitantly. Noah was a bit afraid he would get punched in the face for stepping in; Mina Espinoza could be very violent sometimes. Noah knew Mina was scary when she got mad.

He suddenly had the vision of one of those crazy anime characters he'd used to see in cartoons when he was young; the dark body, glowing eyes and raging flames around them. Yeah, Mina could fit that description.

What?” Mina turned to glare and Noah stepped back immediately. There was no need, though. Mina softened as soon as she saw him, her cheeks tinging red. Noah always thought she was super cute when she was like that.

Oliver huffed, bringing him back to earth. Noah's mood soured immediately. It was a known fact that Oliver Churchill and Noah Mendez didn't get along well. In fact... They kind of hated each other.

“H-hey Noah,” Mina's blush deepened and Noah smiled. “How, uh, how ya doing?” she asked.

Oliver huffed again and Amber shot him a look.

Noah didn't know Amber very well. She was a quiet girl, very pretty, but often went unnoticed in Noah's eyes. Next to Mina's loud and fiery personality, Amber was pushed back a little, being more proper and gentler, so not many people knew what she really was like. Noah had a sneaking suspicion that on the inside, Amber was just as crazy as her friends.

“Hello, Noah.” said girl murmured. Noah's smile widened and he greeted them. “Hey guys.”

Oliver sighed as Mina nudged him. “Hi, Mendez.” he mumbled, obviously not happy.

“Hi.” Noah responded with equal reluctance. To him, Oliver was a pessimistic and rude player. His crushes on girls were all over the place, and he would hit on anything that moved.

Mina sighed, sensing the tension. “Can you two just try to get along for one night?” she questioned in a demanding tone. “Is it so hard?”

Noah was tempted to say yes, but he kept his mouth shut. Oliver, being the idiot he was, chose the other path.

“Yes, it is.” he stated plainly.

Mina balled her fist. “It was a rhetorical question, idiot!” she yelled at him. No one payed attention to them; being used to the regular fights the two had. Even though they were best friends, the two never agreed on a thing.

Noah sighed as Oliver and Mina started brawling. Amber groaned too. They both knew the cycle of fighting was starting over again.

Though this time, Noah could sense something more sinister was going on.

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