The Mountains

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Newt didn't know how he'd survived the gunshot to the head, or why the Flare seemed to be gone. But after 3 months of searching, he might find the answer.
He had reached the mountains, and he started to hike up. There was not much to see up here. It was cold, in contrast to the Scorch, and although the scenery is beautiful, he didn't have time for it.
In his dreams 3 months ago, he'd gotten a vision of where Thomas was, and he had to get there. He saw a flat trans at the bottom of the griever hole, and he remembered the WICKED base in the mountains.
As he reached the top of one peak, he saw something. A full grown mountain lion sat there, looking at him hungrily. He reached to his belt, then remembered he hadn't had his knife there since he went to the crank pit.
He knew if was pointless to run, so he stood very still, hoping it would go away.
The lion growled, and started to pace towards Newt, and that's when he knew he had to run. He made a dash, and the lion ran after him.
He leaped down the mountain in gigantic bounds, and although he knew it was futile, he hid behind a rock. the lion sniffed the air, took a look around, and walked away.
Newt breathed a sigh of relief and turned around. He saw what he had been looking for this whole time. The WICKED headquarters.

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