The Maze

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Newt kicked open the doors to the WICKED headquarters, and, before thinking, shouted his name.
It echoed through the warehouse like a death rattle.
He stepped inside, and started to walk around. He didn't see anyone anywhere, which was strange, suspicious even. He walked out of the warehouse, through the halls. Nobody.
He shouted names, mostly Thomas's, but Minho and Frypan's too.
After an hour of wandering aimlessly, he found a door. In large, block letters it read, GROUP A: MAZE. An audible gasp escaped his lips.
He opened it to find a staircase, which he descended with caution.
Another door lay at the bottom, with a pile of rope in front of it.
He opened it, and almost stepped out before he realized the drop. He was above the Glade. In the sky, which they had realized over 5 years ago was not the sky at all. It was a 200 foot drop to the ground.
"Bloody hell", he said, before realizing there was nobody to say it to.
That's when he noticed something, something he was surprised he didn't notice before. The false sky, almost everywhere but where he was, had fallen. The Glade was filled with huge chunks of cement.
He kicked the rope by the stairs, and realized that it was a ladder.
He let it drop to the ground, and slowly descended, looking around.
There was no sign of anything that made the Glade the Glade. The homestead was nowhere to be seen, the forest was all but gone.
As he took the final step down, he noticed something else. The skeletons. Most of them were covered by rubble, but some were fully visible. He hoped to hell these weren't the Gladers.
He took careful steps, not wanting to crush any bodies.
He saw the doors, mostly blocked by rubble, but with enough space to crawl through.
He wiggled through a small hole, and was in the maze once again.
He knew one thing. He had to find the griever hole.
He ran through the maze, taking the normal route to the pit.
As he reached it, he saw another skeleton.
Alby. It had to be. A single tear fell from his eye.
He backed away from the pit, got a running start, and jumped.

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