(1) Accident

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Wesley ^^^ 🦈 (Diego Barrueco)
Wesley POV 💭

I've been rationing this whole piece of chicken for the past 4 days. I'm almost finished with it since I bought it, thank god for New York winter, free refrigerating means less bills to pay. I checked on my little pup in the back seat.

He whimpers quietly as he eyes the piece of chicken in my hands. I sighed, he needs it more than me right now. I gave Penguin my last piece of chicken before patting him on the head. I smiled at him before I set my paper plate aside. Living in this sedan for the past year sucks ass, but it's better than living out there in the freezing cold. It gets kinda cozy after a while if you ask me anyway so its not really a bother.

I've set up my makeshift closet in the trunk while my dashboard is full of various kitchen utensils, mostly the essentials: fork, spoon, knife, can opener. I also have various plastic tupperware scattered around the car itself.

The back left of the car is occupied by my baby boy, Penguin. He's a poodle terrier that's been by my side since I moved here in NYC two years ago. I found him shivering in an alley as he cowered away from me. It was the saddest thing I ever saw, him as a puppy backing himself against the wall. I still remember his intense shivers from the cold, and his tail thing body from the lack of food. I just couldn't leave him to die in winter, so I picked him up and took him home.

He's been vaccinated and microchipped so he's all good to go. As for me, fuck, life sucks right now. After getting evicted, school started ramping up in work while I had to keep working at my job as a server in a restaurant. Not to mention Penguins health and overall safety that I have to take into account and I can't catch a break.

As the night begins to set, I grabbed penguin from his bed and laid him on my lap, than I reclined my seat and prepared for bed. He snuggles up against my chest as I placed a blanket over us.

I already took a shower at my friends apartment if you're wondering. Jason's been a good friend to me since I got evicted. Every night I'd keep my car parked right next to his apartment building so I can have access to clean water and an occasional warm meal.

He's begged me countless times to stay with him, but I refused. He doesn't need me and Penguin as extra baggage in his already cramped 1 bedroom apartment.

I slowly drift off into darkness as my dogs light snores filled the car.


"Art! Arf!"

I woke up to Penguins wagging tail slapping me in the face.

I groaned tiredly before I looked out the window to see what the hell he was barking at.

Jason waves, smiling at me as he shivered in his pjs, holding something in his hands. He gestures for me to roll down the car window "I-I-I made y-you something" he shuddered through the glass. After I reclined my seat back up I rolled down the window as he places something on my lap.

Looking closely it was a clear plastic container, in it was teriyaki chicken with fried rice, and on the side was a delicious green salad with a simple vinaigrette on it. It was still warm actually.

Looking up at him I thanked him profusely before he shrugs it off "A-anything for a f-friend in n-n-need" he replied shakily. He waved me off before going back inside. I looked excitedly at Penguin. "You hear that! We're getting breakfast!" I said cheerfully. He whined before pushing the warm container towards me.

I tilted my head in confusion "You don't want any?" I asked. I was about to hand him a spoonful of rice before he growled lowly at me, pushing the spoon towards me with his snout. I gave him a solemn smile before petting him on the head "Well alright than bud" I responded.

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