(3) One

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Xandor ^^^ 🦁 (David Gandy)


Wesley POV 💭
I decided to take his advice and buy groceries tomorrow so I slept. I still had an extra day before I stared working, but I have another 2 weeks before school starts again. I was in the middle of sleep when someone shook me softly.

"Mister?" A light voice asked. I open my eyes, Lucas? He stood there in front of me as he held his teddy bear tightly against his chest. I yawned tiredly before stretching "What time is it Lucas?" I groaned. "It's 8 am" I choke on my spit, what?! I took a nap at 5?!

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked. I tilted my head "Sure what's up dude?" He climbs on tope of the bed next to me and looks at me "Are you my Daddy's new boyfriend?" He asked quietly. "Well, no, I'm just his friend that's all" I explained. His face falls slightly "Oh, well do you want to be his boyfriend?" He chirped. I was hesitant to answer "...Yeah. He seems like a nice guy, handsome as well" I murmured.

Lucas nods "He's really nice Mister, before he started slapping those skinny boy sluts, he had a boyfriend and treated him really nicely. The mean guy would always scream at Daddy and yell at him when Daddy forgot to do or get something. I remember when I spilled milk on the mean man.. he hit me on the head, it really hurt" he sniffles out.

I felt my heart crumble at the sound of him tearing up, so I did what I could do, I tuck him under my arm and comforted him. "Daddy started hitting him really hard, till red water went out of his face. Now he just slaps sluts and makes funny noises. I really hope you become his new boyfriend. Sometimes I hear Daddy cry in his room as he talks to his friend. I heard Daddy say that he wants to love someone very much one day but thinks it's never gonna happen" I feel like I'm talking to a twenty year old with very limited vocabulary.

I just nodded "Whats he doing right now?" I asked, he grumbled in anger "Slapping sluts and making noises again, I just want him to stop being sad" he said glumly. I looked at him, than an idea popped up in my head "Lucas stay here, I have an idea" I chirped. I quickly freshened up and changed before heading to Xandors room.

"Harder Daddy!"

I cringe, Lucas was just calling him that less than two minutes ago.

"You like it when I fuck you hard and deep you little slut?!"

There's that slut Lucas talks about.

"Mhmm! Yes! Make me yours!"

Okay I've had enough.

I'm doing this for Lucas.

I barged into his room, earning a flamboyant shriek as the guy jumped off Xandors dick and hid under the sheets. Xandor looked at me wide eyed, a mixtures if shock and anger was on his face as he tried to cover himself up with the blanket.

"So this is what you've been doing?!" I said, faking my anger. Xandors jaw dropped "W-what?! I'm not? We're not even-" I raised my hand "No! You've been having sex with these little STD infected twinks while I stayed in LA for us?" I cried, crocodile tears streaming from my face.

Xandor glared at me menacingly "Look, you're sexy and all Xandor, but I can't do this" the guy exclaimed. Xandors eyes widened "No! Don't listen to him we're not dating! I swear!" He pleaded. The guy shook his head "I can't, I'm sorry, I won't be a home wrecker" he quickly ran past me, I heard the door slam shut behind me after a few seconds of waiting.

Smirking triumphantly, I feel unstoppa-

"What the fuck was that Wesley?!" He growled out. He pinned me against the wall, his fist dangerously close to my face. "I-I did this for Lucas! He didn't want to hear it anymore!" I exclaimed, his nostrils flared before he wraps both his hands around my throat "Don't you ever bring my son into this you little piece of shit!" He roared. His grip around my throat tightens making me gasp.

I was so scared, but an underlying feeling also hit me, I had no clue what it was till I felt myself tent in my pajamas.
I can't have a choking fetish can I?! He tightens his grip even further causing me to release a stifled moan.

Oh my god I have a choking fetish.

I felt his grip around my throat close in on my windpipe, I could see black splotches in my vision as he pulls his face even closer to mine. "Answer me Wesley" he growled, my dick was so hard during this, it wasn't till my member brush against his leg did he realize what happened.

His face softened before it contorted into one of mischief "Oh? That's why, you naughty naughty boy" he purred. He released his grasp from me, I collapse on my knees and gasp for air as he chuckles at me. "If you just wanted a quick bang, you could have just asked you know. You're a bit more muscular than Im use to, but I'm versatile so we can make it work" he explained.

He placed me in the end and was about to start kissing me when Lucas interrupted "Are you boyfriends now Daddy?!" He asked hopefully. Xandor gave him a curious look before getting off me "What do you mean Lucas?" Lucas gave him the puppy dog eyes "I want you guys to be boyfriends" he said, pouting slightly. Xandor chuckled "I don't think he wants to be my boyfriend bud" he replied, with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Lucas giggles "Yes he does! I asked him and he said you're nice and handsome!" I felt some blush rise to my cheeks as Xandor turned to me. "You really said yes?" He asked softly, he cupped my face with one of his hands. "You were literally choking me a minute ago" I responded jokingly. He rolls his eyes "Oh please, you were hard as a rock the whole time" he replied dryly.

I groaned din embarrassment "Yes, I was considering.. dating you" I mumbled out. He smiles-

"Are you guys gonna have sex?" We both snapped our heads to Lucas. "No Lucas, we are not having sex. A date? Maybe son. Now go to your room" Xandor deadpanned. Lucas huffs before waddling off to some other part of the apartment.

Just as Lucas left, Xandor stood up and walked to the bathroom. "W-what about our date?" I asked confusingly, what happens to all that lovely dovey shit? "Oh that? I'm not taking you to one. I was just giving Lucas what he wanted to see" he responded coldly.

My jaw drops "What? You're joking right?" I was genuinely shocked by his sudden change in demeanor to me. "No. You might be cute but I know what you'll do" he said accusingly. I gave him an amused stare "And what exactly am I gonna do?" I asked curiously.

He glared at me before yanking up and slamming me against the wall, inches from each other's faces. "Don't give me that shit Wesley! You'll steal from me, yell at me when I don't get you something, cheat on me when you get tired of me, you're gonna hurt me.." he paused, tearing up "...and most of all, you'll break my sons heart when you leave. Don't do that to him, please" he begged.

I've never seen so much sadness in someone's eyes, he just wants to find love and have a happy family. "I won't" I said quietly. "Yes you will, that's what they all told me" he choked out. I shook my head and engulfed him in a hug. He just broke down on my shoulder, holding me like I'd disappear at any second.

"One date" he murmured quietly.


I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter so feel so bad for Xandor, hopefully he can get past this.

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Bai ❤️

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