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Xandor POV 🥂

"Wesley babe hurry up!" I yelled. He always takes forever to get ready, I swear if he doesn't finish he'll miss the countdown to 2020!

I looked at Penguin who was tucked up next to Zeus as he tilted his head at me. "So.." I focused my attention on Wesleys parents, particularly Jordan, his father. "So, what do you exactly want to do with my son?" He said stoically, Amy, Wesleys mom rolled her eyes at her husbands antics. "I, err, sir I-eh-" Wesley cuts in just in time "Dad! Leave Xandor alone! You already did this in the Christmas party, don't do it at the New Years party" he scolded.

His dad pouts "Wesley I'm only protecting you" he retorted. He scoffs "Dad he's worth billions, he could ruin us in seconds if he wanted to" Wesley deadpanned. Jordan laughs "All the money in the world can't protect him from me" he teased. Wesley looks at his Dad accusingly while raising an eyebrow "One, he can hire bodyguards, two he's studied and practiced 5 forms of martial arts, and he's top tier in all of them" I pumped my chest proudly while he tucked himself against me and wrapped my arms around him.

"And what might these 5 forms of martial arts be?" He asked still undeterred. "You really think I'm bluffing aren't you? Well if I must it's Krav Maga, Kickboxing, Capoeira, Sambo, and Muay Thai" His Dad was unfazed by the information "I don't care what he's trained in, you are my son, and I'll do anything in my power to protect you. Especially from running away again" he joked.

Wesley whined "Dad don't! I'm back in the flesh so stop teasing me about it!" He removed himself from me and crosses his arms. "Oh shut up Wesley, you know I'm only joking, anyway me and your mom will be eating all the hors d'oeuvres before the countdown begins" he grabs Amy by the waste and drags her to the kitchen.

I decided to grab my boyfriend suddenly making him squeak in surprise. "So have you finished moving in?" I asked, squishing him in my arms "Y-yes, c-can't breath" he said strained. I loosen my grip on him and he gasps "I hate it when you do that" he grumbled.


We both look at Lucas who's running towards us with tears streaming down his face. "Luke what's wrong?" Wesley asked softly.

He hiccuped before wiping his nose "I-I saw Milo hugging another boy" he sniffled. Wesley raises an eyebrow "And why exactly do you care about who Milo hugs" he asked cautiously."B-because I'm his friend! And I care about him, plus the boy forced him to hug him!" He explained.

My face softened and I crouched down in front of him "Listen here bud" he nods before scooting closer to me "If you're Milos friend, you have to protect him. He's younger and smaller than you you know, so teach that boy a lesson!" I know I'm encouraging violence but he's my son, and he's clearly in love with the kid but doesn't want to admit it.

He giggles before jumping up and giving me a hug "Thanks Dad and Daddy, I'm gonna whoop his ass now" he pulls away from me quickly and runs off.

"Xandor! He's gonna kill that kid you know!" Wesley warned I scoffed, no he won't. "I only taught him a little bit of Krav Maga and hired a teacher for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, but that's it!" He gave me an unimpressed look "Shut up and help me find him, don't make me smack you for being stupid" he threatened. I stiffened before nodding quickly "Yes baby" I quickly began to follow him.

"This is what you get for hugging my best friend you little bitch!" Lucas roared. We turn the corner to see Lucas putting the poor kid in a headlock as partygoers begin to surround him. "Yay Lucas! Beat his ass!" Milo cheered, Estrella and Ivan watched in horror while Wesleys parents were encouraging the violence.

"Yeah! That's my grandson!" Any cheered. "Rip off his hair!" Jordan rooted. "Mom! Dad! No!" Wesley scolded they grumbled peevishly before walking off. I quickly jumped in to break up the fight.. eh it's not really a fight cause that would mean both sides have an equal chance of winning.

Before I could grab Lucas, he wraps his arms around the kids waste and suplexes him. "LUCAS!" I roared, Lucas stands up and and runs to me "You told me though" he whined, I shushed him "I know, you did great but act like you're mad" I whispered.

He smiled at me before nodding "What the hell was that Lucas! Go to your room and we'll talk about this tomorrow!" I roared. He fakes cries before running to his room and slamming the door.

Estrella and Ivan grab Milo and drag him to an isolated area of the penthouse. The kid who has a bloody nose and bruised ego cried on the ground while rocking back and forth. "Baby! Come here!" His dad went, I smiled and looked up to meet who it was.


I grabbed Wesley and placed my mouth on his ear "You invited my ex?!" I growled?! He rolls his eyes before pecking me on the lips "Shh, it's part of my plan" he explained, I growled once more before letting him go "This better he a good plan" I mumbled.

"Xandor! Look at you! You've gotten so much more, muscular! And those pants just hugs your legs in all the right places, god I wonder if you're just as good in bed as I remembered" he purred the last part quietly, but Wesley still heard causing him to hiss.

Kristians eyes bulge out of his socket while he smiled innocently, he continued to stare at Wesley walking towards us "Dad, do you have a band aid?" His son asked shyly, Kristian focuses his attention back on his son and smiled "Yes! Just uh come with me. I-It was nice seeing again Xandor" he murmured nervously.


He turns back around to meet Wesleys fist.

Stumbling back he looks at him in shock "Back the fuck off bitch, this man is mine" he snarled. Now he has a matching bloody nose with his son before they scurried off. "Can you get guards to escort them out, I'll deal with the dad later" Wesley said from his phone.

Wesley turned back around to see my shocked expression and laughed "You're not the only one who's taken martial arts" he teased. My response was cut short when we heard the countdown begin.



"Shit baby! Let hurry to the tv!" I yelled. We quickly gathered around the tv as it continued to count down.



I continued to count down before Wesley interrupts me "I love you" he whispered.



"Oh come here baby!" I grabbed by his face and brought him in for a passionate kiss just as-



I hope this story was fun to read! I know it wasn't the greatest out there but I think it's great.

Anyway comment your thoughts and maybe your New Years resolutions.

Vote 🗳


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