(5)- Date

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Wesley (🪐)^^^


Xandor POV 🥂

Today is the day.

I've decided on bringing him to my favorite French restaurant at the lower east side in Manhattan. It's a favorite among my dates so he should enjoy it as well.

"How do I look Lucas?" I asked nervously. He looks at me, stroking his imaginary beard before nodding "I like it Daddy, you're definitely gonna get in his pants tonight" he said confidently. I thumped him on the forehead "Stop saying that Lucas, you're too young!" I scolded. He pouts while crossing his arms "No I'm not! I'm turning 8 next month!" He retorted. I rubbed my temples, trying to calm myself down "Just go to your room please Lucas, Uncle Estrella will be babysitting you today" I explained.

He beamed happily "Will Milo be with him?!" He said a little too excitedly. I raised an eyebrow before nodding "Yeah" I drawled out suspiciously. "Are you guys friends?" I asked curiously, he nods "We're really close.." he murmured, twiddling with his fingers nervously. I smiled "Oh? Does my baby boy have a little crush?" I teased, picking him up while he protested.

He whines in embarrassment "N-no I don't! We're just friends I-I swear! Now please put me down!" He cried out peevishly. I just rolled my eyes before kissing him on the forehead "You better be right, cause if I see you two doing anything, I'll be talking to him in ten years" I warned. He glared at me angrily "Don't talk to Milo like that, he's gonna be boyfr-best friend!" He corrected himself before he could finish and went inside his room.

I figured now that Lucas is preoccupied on his little crush with my close friends son, I went to Wesleys room to see how he was doing.

Knocking quietly I didn't hear anything which lead me to think he wasn't inside. I opened the door and entered the room calling for him "Wesel-Oh shit I-I'm so s-sorry!" I stammered.

He was only in his underwear.

Oh god those muscles, his body was lean but it was a little on the built side also. Showing off his defined arms and torso lined with abs. No to mention those legs, fuck those legs are perfect I just wanna leave a trail of kisses till I reached that perfect bulge that's being cupped by his white underwear as it lets me see every detailed imprint of his cock.

"Are you done eye-fucking me?" He teased. I shook myself out of my trance and pouted playfully "Isn't it called eye raping?" I corrected. He shook his head "eye-raping suggests that I didn't like being checked out". I smirked "So you did want me to look at you" I purred, he nods "Now Mr. Hornypants tell me where we're going to while I get dressed" he turned around and began putting his clothes on as I spoke.

"Well, I was thinking about taking you to this French restaurant, my last boyfriend liked going there so I assumed you wanted-" he glared at me making me shut up.

"Seriously? You're taking me to the same place that your shitty ex of yours liked?" He said incredulously. "W-Well I just t-thought that you might l-like it! I'm mean we don't have to I c-can take us somewhere else! I-I don't know that many restaurants but I'll try a-" Wesleys cups my face with both his hands and looks up at me.

"Hey, calm down big guy. It's no worry at all, I'll take us somewhere that I think is perfect for a first date" he said softly. I only nodded "Trust me you'll like it" he said reassuringly.

After getting ready, we enter the Cadillac and head off to where ever Wesley wanted to take us. He whispered something in my chauffeurs ear before he grinned and nodded.

"So mind telling me where you're taking me?" I asked curiously. He shakes his head and places his hand on my lap "Just wait, trust me you'll like it" he gives my thigh squeeze before I felt myself harden. Shit now is not the time! I prayed silently for my boner to go away before we got where he wanted to go.

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