Chapter 7

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Reset? How? Frisk didn't die...

I'm in a bed? With a real body? 

"Chara! Get up!" No. This is a dream. A dream that reminds me of HIM. My first best friend.

No...Azzy is my friend now, Forget him. Forget him. Forget him. Forget him. FOrget him. FORget him. FORGet him. FORGEt him. FORGET him. FORGET...HIM!

I woke up with a start, sweat on my body. What type of dream was Chara even dreaming about for?! Wait...a reset? I don't remember doing that... I got dressed, unease settling down.


Naruto was having a great day. He felt deja'vu overcome him for a second. But didn't think that far into it. 

While walking, he saw Frisk, Ink, Dream and Stretch. He didn't know why but he felt rage. They saw him.

The world went black.

When they could see they saw Naru standing on a Giant, Red, crystal heart.

Naruto was saying lyrics into his head before bunching up in anger. 

"NOBODIES! THATS RIGHT I HEARD THE STORY OVER AND OVER AGAIN, GEE, IT'S SWELL TO FINALLY MEET HIS OTHER FRIENDS!" he sang, slinking down into Frisks face, who recoiled back from being used as a springboard. Naruto then dodged Inks attacks with while singing. "THATS RIGHT I HEARD THE STORIES, DON'T REALLY LIKE HOW IT ENDS! GEE, IT'S SWELL TO FINALLY MEET HIS OTHER FRIENDS!" He put Blues bandana over his head and flicked Dreams nose. He then grabbed Frisk and turned him upside down. "What did he say about me? What did he saaay?" He then used red magic to turn Blue. "What did you do without me what did'ja dooo?"

"Did you play games without me? what did'ja PLAY?!" Did'ja think all this time that I wouldn't find out about YOU?! Oh!~ Thats right I heard the story, o'er and over again!♡ Gee, it's swell to finally meet his o-ther friends~... He said as his arms and legs twisted bringing The team of good guys towards him. 

"I came from the garden alone."

"He told me that I was his own."

"He walked with me"

"Talked with me."

"Made feel I was at home."

"But thousands of years soon went by."

"Just happy to stay and play nice!"

"Allegiance to him I had sworn, but this child had turned to a kid filled with thorns!"



"Lets play another game!~ THIS TIME I GET TO WIN!" He sang, pulling his weapon out.

"LIVES ON THE LINE! WINNER TAKES ALL! READY OR NOT LETS BEGIN! HOOOO! THATS RIGHT I HEARD THE STORY! OVER AND OVER AGAIN! GEE, IT'S SWELL TO FINALLY BEAT HIS OTHER FRIENDS!" He sang his red sythe fully transformed. The dangerous part was red and the handle was blue. " HOOO THATS RIGHT I HEARD THE STORY! DON'T REALLY LIKE HOW IT ENDS! GEE, IT'S SWELL TO FINALLY BEAT HIS OTHER!~ OOO-THER~ OOOOOOOTTTTTTHHHHHEEEERRR!~ Friends...." he said hitting Blue, Frisk and Dream, teleporting them to Nightmares castle.

Ink watched.

"Aww~ whats the matter Inky?~ Miss your "Friends" already? Well don't worry...YOU'RE RIGHT BEHIND EM!" He said, sucssesfully hitting him, teleporting him to NM's castle aswell.

(I'm so tired..)

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