Vampire Shownu~

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shownu2002 💋

Shownu's POV~

"Dude! Stop hitting me!" I snapped at my best friend, Wonho. We were walking down the dark streets looking for something to feast on. Wonho was a crazy animal. And he was starting to get hungry.
"Sorry. It's funny," he chuckled and looked around a bit, his eyes landing on a girl. I followed his gaze and sighed, grasping his wrist.
"No no. We don't hurt women, remember? No women or children," I reminded the younger vamp as I kept a heavy stare on the human. She was just so beautiful.
"Shownu! I'm starving!" He protested. I knew he was hungry. His eyes were blood red and his breathing was getting heavier. But I couldn't let him hurt an innocent girl.
"Over there," I pointed across the street to a relatively young man "over there," I said again to make sure he heard me. He snapped his head over to look, immediately making his way across the street with his signature stealth. I shook my head and walked over to the girl.
"Hi," I held my hands out in front of me so she wouldn't be scared. She looked at me, and she was clearly confused.
"Hello? I'm sorry who are you?" She raised an eyebrow in my direction. I couldn't help but be taken aback, everyone in this city knew who I was.
"What? I'm Shownu," I scoff quietly and shove my hands into my jean pockts.
"Oh. Well my name is Lola," she looked down, and I noticed her phone was in her hand "excuse me. But I'm waiting for my boyfriend," she half smiled and took a step away from me. I stayed quiet and looked at Wonho in the shadows. He wiped his lips off with the back of his sleeve, and the body was limp at his feet. "I swear I seen him across the street two minutes ago," she sighed, and something clicked in my head. My face dropped and I bolted in Wonho's direction.
"Did you kill him!? Did you suck him dry!?" I whisper yelled at Wonho. All he did was shrug.
"Yeah. Why?" He watched me kneel down and check the pulse on the human. He was dead.
"Dude! That girl over there," I point across the street "is this guys girlfriend!" I start to shake, and my tone must of caught her attention. She ran up behind me and screamed when she recognized her boyfriend laying on the cold cement ground.
"Ma'am. Please-" Wonho started to speak but was cut off.
"Vampire! You're monsters!" Tears were now running down her cheeks as she saw Wonho's sharp, blood stained, fangs.
She ran
And about ten minutes later.
The vampire hunters were here to catch us.
As I was handcuffed and shackled, I looked at at the girl. I looked her dead in the eyes and I thought maybe, just maybe, I could see a hint of regret.

 I looked her dead in the eyes and I thought maybe, just maybe, I could see a hint of regret

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