Changkyun Imagine°

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⚠️Part 1⚠️

⚠️Contains swearing⚠️

HinamoriTodoroki ♥️

Ashley's POV~

"Changkyun? Can you change Mason's diaper for me? I'm trying to cook supper," I asked my boyfriend. He was sitting at the kitchen table, looking down at all the paperwork he had to finish while our son was crying next to him.
"Just wait," he huffed as he signed his name on multiple papers. Once he stacked them neatly in a pile he picked Mason up, resting the baby on his shoulder. He wandered off to change Mason's diaper as I finished cooking.
"Food is ready!" I hollered to Changkyun as I set the table. He returned alone as he put Mason down for a nap.
The two of us ate in silence. When he was finished he grabbed his papers and practically ran out the door.
"Great.." I mumbled to myself as I angrily did the dishes. After I finished I went to mine and Changkyun's room. I grabbed a decent sized duffle bag and tossed in some clothes, as well as my shower stuff. I left my bag by the front door then slowly walked to Mason's room. "Hey baby boy. Did you have a good nap?" I cooed at my son before packing a bag for him as well. I changed him out of his pajamas, despite his protests, and carried him to my car. I threw the bags into the backseat, locked my son into his carseat, then drove to my sisters house.

Changkyun's POV~

"What the hell is wrong with you? You can't just leave your family like that," Wonho argued with me. I tossed my pen down onto my desk and stood up angrily.
"Don't you get it!? I'm trying my absolute fucking hardest to provide for my family!" I snapped at him. All he did was roll his eyes before leaving the room. I sighed, feeling guilty. I looked over at my phone, hoping to see missed text messages or a missed call from Ashley. But there was nothing. I picked up the phone and called her.
"Yes?" Her voice was stone cold.
"Baby? Gosh I'm so sorry. I shouldn't of walked out like that. Can you forgive me?" I asked, practically begging.
"I'm at my sisters. Come get me then," then she hung. I groaned, stacked my papers nicely then ran out the door.
Once I arrived I freely walked inside, and I could hear my son making happy baby noises.
"Ashley!?" I called out. She rounded the corner holding our baby. "Babe. I'm here," I walked to her, pulling her into a hug.
"This needs to stop. You're neglecting your family," her voice cracked. And I knew I really fucked up.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, you have no idea," I rubbed her back "let's go home?" I gestured towards the door. She nodded and grabbed the bags.

At Home~
Ashley's POV°

I put Mason down for a nap and walked to Changkyun. He was sitting on the couch, a beer in his hand. I sat beside him and put my head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry. For over reacting," I place a gentle kiss on his neck.
"It's okay, babe. Don't worry about it. I'm the one who should be sorry," he groans at the contact of skin. "Don't tease me,"
"I don't know what you mean," I smile a bit and leave a bright purple and red mark on his neck. He quickly puts his beer down and gets up, grabbing me. He makes me wrap my legs around his waist.
"You think you're funny?" He begins to walk to our bedroom.

Listen, this isn't my best work 😅 but part two will be coming soon.

Part two will be a smut chapter

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