Do What You Gotta Do

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The VK's park their bikes before taking off their helmets.

"Hey. I'm me again," Madi cheers as she looks at her hands and then her hair.

"Duh. Evil magic doesn't work here. Kind of the point," Celia tells her before walking off.

"Welcome back," Evie says as she and Mal walk on either side of Madi. Celia leads them to a door with 'PA DERANJE' written on it before she knocks to a beat. Someone on the others side knocks a beat back. Celia responds with another beat before smiling at the VK's as the door is opened. Madi and Mal share a smile before they follow Celia inside.

"Hey," Dr. Facilier calls as he sees Celia.

"Daddy," Celia calls as she runs over to him.

"Here she is," Dr. Facilier says as he picks her up before setting her down. "Come on. And.. And..." They dance causing Madi to smile at the two. "Ho!" Dr. Facilier taps his cheek before Celia thumps his hat and tries to run. "Hey, yeah. Come here little rascal." Dr, Facilier pulls Celia into a hug. Celia and Dr. Facilier walk away while the VK's look around the arcade. Carlos notices a tv before dropping a coin into the top of it causing it to play.

"Alerts of the sleeping spell keep coming in as it spreads throughout Auradon," The reporter on the tv says.

"Uh. guys. Come look at this," Carlos says as he sits down.

"There are rumors that Sleeping Beauty's daughter, Audrey, is behind the spell. We're trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies, and which villain has perpetrated this evil. We have an update. It's what? It's moving this way? It is moving this way," The reporter says as they watch the tv in shock. Madi then nods her head for them to leave.

"Wow! Rookie mistake?" Carlos says as they walk outside to see Harry, Gil, and two more pirates on their bikes.

"Long time nay see," Harry says as the other two pirates take off.

"Get off my bike, Hook," Jay orders as he and Carlos rush towards their bikes.

"Catch me if you can, Jay," Harry calls as he takes off.

"Over the roofs. Cut them off," Jay says as he, Evie, and Carlos take off in different directions.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, not you," Madi says as she grabs Celia, who had tried to follow them. "They got this. You, Mal, and me gotta go find the ember."

"Good timing. It's right about his nap time," Celia says before she starts leading the way. Jay gets close to catching Harry but Harry turns a corner getting away with a victory cheer as Jay glares at his fading figure.

"Hey. How big is that dog?" Mal asks as she notices a 'Beware of Dog!' sign, causing Mal and Madi to share a concerned look.

"You'll see," Celia answers as she unlocks the gate. "Okay, stay quiet. It echoes, like, crazy in here." Mal and Madi share another concerned look before following Celia. They are walking when loud barking and growling comes out of nowhere causing Madi to look around panicked and Mal grabs Madi's arm. "Come on. Come, come." Celia hands Madi a helmet before turning the light on her own on. Madi and Mal turn their lights on before getting on the rail bike with Celia. Madi looks around at the glowing blue light before hearing barking again. They reach the end of the tracks before getting off of the rail bike. The barking is louder as they walk into a room to find Hades asleep in his chair. Madi and Mal follow Celia down the stairs to where Hades is. The barking starts again causing Madi to look around before Celia points a record playing with a smile. Madi and Mal start walking towards the ember before Celia stops them motioning for them to walk behind Hades. Madi and Mal start walking that direction. Celia gets tired of the record repeating and moves the player causing it to scratch.

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