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^^ credits to pettyfics ^^


It has been six months since I developed these powers. Six months since my uncle Ben was shot. The thought of it still made me feel upset and guilty.

I got up out of bed and then got ready for school. When I arrived at the school, Veronica went off to flirt with some boy.

"Hey Peter." Ned says, leaning on his locker, next to mine.

"Her Ned, what's up?" I reply.

"I heard there is a new girl coming to our school next week." He says, smiling from ear to ear.

"Cool?" I ask. "Okay why are you so excited?"

"Well... Peter your seventeen and you haven't even had your first kiss yet."

"So? There is nothing wrong with that, I'm just waiting for the right time, the right person, the right place." I say in defence.

"I'm worried about you."

"Don't be. I'm fine. C'mon let's go to class." I said, dragging him into our first class.

At the end of school

After school, I ran out as fast as I could and ran towards Mr Delmars shop, grabbing a few groceries before heading to the train going home.

When I got to my apartment, I unlocked the door and let myself in.

"Hey May, I'm home." I say loud enough so that she could hear from another room. "Hey there's this CRAZY car parked out-" Then when I turned around, to my surprise I saw her sitting in the couch with... Tony Stark?

"Oh, Mr Parker." He greets me.

"Um... what? What are you- hey um... I'm- I'm- I'm Peter."


"What are you- what are you doing here?" I stutter.

"It's about time we met. You've been getting my e-mails right?" He says, winking at me.


"Peter, you never told me about the Stark internship." May says.

"Umm... well, I didn't want to get your hopes up incase it didn't happen." I lie. "Umm... Mr Stark, can I speak to you for a second?" I say dragging him into my bedroom, shutting the door after me.

"That's you." He says showing me a video of me as Spider-Man.

"Umm, no. What- what are you-"

"Yeah, look at you go. Wow nice catch, three thousand pounds, four miles per hour. That's not easy."

"Yeah but that all on YouTube though, it's all made up, computer generated."

"Oh yeah?" He says, grabbing a stick and then revealing the suit I have.

"Exactly." I turn to look at what he was doing.

"Oh, what do we have here?" He says, referring to my handmade suit which was really poor.

"No!" I say, grabbing it and shoving it into my closet. Turning around slowly. "Uhh... that's uh..." I sigh, not knowing what to say.

"So, your the spider... thing." He starts, I slowly lift my head up to face him. "Crime fighting spider. Spider-boy?"

I fidget with my fingers before replying. "I'm... Spider-Man." I was a bit annoyed with everyone calling me 'spider boy' but also a bit embarrassed.

"Not in that onesie your not."

"It's not a onesie." I say, aggravated.

"Well it's in desperate need of an upgrade."

I open my mouth to say something back, but before I do, I hear my door open and see my sister waltz in.

"Peter, la tía May dijo que ..." she starts but then her voice trails away as her eyes land on the other person in my room. "Oh hi, sorry I didn't think Peter had company."

"Well I do, so can you please get out Ronnie?"

"Geez, grouchy much?"

"RONNIE!" I yell.

"Sorry!" She says sarcastically and then leaves.

"Does she know?" Tony asks me.

"No, no one knows."

"Not even your unusually attractive aunt?"

"What? No! If she knew she would freak."

"Tell me kid, why do you do this?"

"Well... you see, when you can do the things I can't, but you don't, then the bad things happen, they happen because of you."

"You got a passport?" Tony asks me.

"No, I don't even have a driver's license."

"Ever been to Germany?"

"No, never been out of the US."

"You'll love it!"

"I can't go to Germany."

"Why not?"

"I got... homework."

"I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that."

"No seriously, I can't just drop out of school."

"Fine then, I'm just gonna got tell your aunt-" he starts to walk over to the door but I cut him off by webbing his hand to the door knob.

"Don't tell aunt May."

"Alright, get me out of this thing."

Once I get him out of my web, he then sits down next to me and discussed my training.

"Okay great!" I'll see you in four days."


"I'm busy on Monday and I'm sure you don't want to do work on the weekends. Also," he hands me a piece of laminated paper.

"What is this?" I ask.

"It's a timetable of when you can and can't come to the avengers tower."

"Why can't I come whenever like the rest of them." I say, confused.

"Well, Peter I like you, you seem like a good kid, so I'm gonna tell you the truth. I have a daughter your age and quite frankly, I don't want her to know who you are, I don't want you to know who she is and so I have given her the same timetable but with the exact opposite times."

"Okay... Mr Stark, if your worried that I'll end up dating your daughter, you do know I'm socially awkward around women?"

"Peter, I'm not worried about you dating my daughter, like I said, your a good kid, I just don't want you to meet my daughter on certain circumstances. Plus you're the only kid I trust."


"No problem." There became an awkward silence. "I'm gonna head out, see you Tuesday."

"At four pm, I got it!" I say waving the piece of paper around. "Bye sir!"

"Bye kid!" He says before leaving.

That night, I couldn't get the thought of Mr Stark having a daughter out of my head. Who could she be?

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