Chapter 6

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Mid-afternoon, they went back inside and Morrigan had a long hot shower. 

She caught herself looking forward to the night. She was curious about what everyone was like. She was curious about how they all interacted with each other. She was mostly curious about how they take being told who she was.

Morrigan walked into her bedroom to see her dress already laid out on the bed. She hadn't been allowed to see it until tonight.

The dress was a dark, rust red colour. It didn't have sleeves, but it still had thick straps. It had faint silver and gold markings. Swirls and etchings, similar to the markings on her daggers.

The skirt part was fluffy and loose, so she could move around easily.

Morrigan put it on and looked in the mirror. The hem of the skirt come to her ankles, so she could only see her boots.

It suited her.

She had been able to put her singlet on and conceal it enough so it wouldn't ruin her look. The pants fit easily under the dress.

She didn't bother doing her hair, and she was against any kind of makeup. She just never understood any of that stuff.

Morrigan looked at the time and found it was time for her to go downstairs. She was suddenly terrified and didn't want to go down. She shivered and started to rub her arms. Goosebumps covered her arms, but she wasn't cold.

"You look beautiful."

Morrigan looked over her shoulder. She narrowed her eyes.

"What are you doing up here?"

Erskine Ravel crossed the lounge-room floor. Morrigan turned and stepped back, away from him.

"I just came up here to check on you."

"I was expecting Skulduggery or Anton. Or even Valkyrie. Didn't even know you knew which room I was in."

"I may have glanced at the registry."

"What do you want, Ravel." Morrigan wasn't feeling comfortable with him knowing where she slept, and the fact he openly admitted that he looked for her made her uneasy to say the least.

He stepped up to her. He was so close, she could almost feel his breath in her hair. She wanted to back away more but she would have backed herself up against the wall, and she liked that idea even less.

Morrigan could feel her heart beating so hard, she thought she might faint.

He didn't answer her, instead just staring at her with his creepy eyes.

She pushed past him and tried to walk to the door. He grabbed her arm and spun her around. His grip was hard and made her gasp. He pulled her to him and grabbed her other arm so she couldn't move.

His eyes were now more intense. She was scared, but she didn't want him to see it. She narrowed her eyes and glared at him.

Ravel just grinned at her. He pulled her to him and kissed her with such force, that it hurt. Morrigan could taste blood in her mouth. She couldn't move for a moment. The shock and fear had paralyzed her.

Once she felt the tingling in her fingertips, she made it spread to her arms and legs. She realized she was dangling off the ground a couple of inches. 

She pulled her legs up and kicked him in the stomach. 

He grunted and dropped her.

Morrigan jumped up and ran for the door. She threw it open and bolted down the corridor. 

She got to the top of the stairs and looked down. She saw a few people already. 

She didn't see Skulduggery or Anton. She was glad of that. She needed somewhere to check herself over.

She looked around and saw that the office door was open. She knew there was a mirror in there. She just hoped that nobody was in there.

She looked behind her, but she didn't see Ravel.

She looked around, hoped nobody would see her, and vaulted over the banister. 

She landed quietly in a crouch, and snuck into the office.

Morrigan breathed a sigh of relief to see that no one was in there, and closed the door. After a few seconds of debate, she decided to lock it.

She turned and looked into the mirror that hung in the cupboard. It only showed her head and shoulders, but that was enough.

Her hair was messier than usual, her eyes were red, her cheeks streaked with tears, her lips ripped, torn and bleeding. Her upper arms where Ravel had grabbed her were red and already showed signs of bruising.

Morrigan collapsed into the swivel chair and put her head down. She couldn't very well got out and let people see her like this.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. 

Morrigan looked up, eyes wide. She didn't think anyone saw her come in here.

She made her way slowly over to the door. 

The knock came again, but a little gentler.

Morrigan hesitated just for a second. She became invisible and opened the door a crack.

China Sorrows stood behind the door, looking at where Morrigan was standing as though she could see her.

"Are you going to let me in?"

Morrigan stood back, still invisible, and allowed China to step through. 

Morrigan closed and locked the door again once China was inside.

"I saw you jump off the landing. I figured there would be a reason why you don't want anyone to see you."

Morrigan was watching her, but was still invisible. She didn't want anyone to see her like this, let alone China Sorrows of all people.

"So, you naturally came to see why."

"Naturally. Could I see you, please? It's unsettling talking to someone I can't see."

Morrigan didn't do it straight away. She didn't really want to show herself to anyone, but she couldn't face wandering the hotel, alone, looking for somewhere to clean herself up. 

Not with Ravel here.

She sighed, and slowly became visible again.

She saw China's eyes widened a little, and she looked down. She felt tears in her eyes, and she bit her lip.

She felt a strong hand on her shoulder and the other hand tilt her head up. She found herself eye to eye with China. China actually looked concerned.

Tears escaped and ran down Morrigan's cheeks. She started to shake and a sob escaped from her hurting lips.

Morrigan felt China pull her in for a hug. Morrigan held on to China and sobbed so hard that she thought China might scold her. She didn't though.

Finally, China pulled away and checked her dress. It was emerald green, with silver stones all over the bodice. The dress went to the floor, so you couldn't see China's feet.

Satisfied that there wasn't any blood and tears, she looked again at Morrigan.

"What happened?"

Morrigan shook her head. "I can't say." Her voice was barely audible.

China studied her for a moment.

"Well, you can't go out there looking like that. I'll go get some water and a cloth to clean yourself up. We'll talk about this when I get back."

Morrigan didn't have the stomach to argue. 

She followed China back to the door and locked it when China left.

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