Chapter 10

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Morrigan instinctively raised her hands to her throat.

She felt hot breath on her neck, as a voice spoke in her ear. 

"Sebastian may hold you in high regard, but I certainly don't. You have been a thorn in my side since Sebastian found you, all those years ago. As far as I'm concerned, you're of better value dead."

"Sebastian will kill you, Mau, when he finds out." 

The arm tightened against her throat.

"Sebastian is null and void after you are dealt with. I'm not the only one who can see he has gone soft."

Morrigan managed a small laugh. "Soft? What part of my life with him was anything but a nightmare?"

This time, it was Mau who laughed. "Sebastian fell in love with you, Girl. He has become obsessed. He wants you as his Queen. That is never going to happen. After I kill you, I will be killing him too."

Morrigan narrowed her eyes, and tried to breathe. "You're right about one thing, Mau. That's never going to happen."

She gripped his arm. She let her flames consume her. Mau loosened his grip and cried out. Morrigan turned, wrapping her arms around his neck. She looked straight into his eyes as she allowed her flames to get steadily hotter.

"Whatever pain you experience is nothing less than you deserve."

Mau stared at her, his mouth contorted in pain, but he couldn't make any noise.

Morrigan grinned at him. "Goodbye, Mau. I'll be seeing you in Hell."

She felt her fire flare up, and Mau was reduced to a pile of ash.

She let her flames go out, and looked around. She saw that there were a few vampires left and they were all gathered in a group not far from where Sebastian had been.

Morrigan saw Anton step towards them. 

Her eyes went wide, and she ran to him. Someone caught her as she ran past them.

She turned to see Saracen. He was holding her arms, so she couldn't move far.

"It's ok. Just watch."

She turned back to where Anton was standing. The vampires were circling him, looking at him like he was food.

She watched as he slowly removed his shirt. She frowned.

"What is he doing?"

"Just watch."

Morrigan gasped as this thing burst from Anton's chest and started to shred the vampires around him. The vampires tried to rush him, but any that got close were ripped apart.

She grinned. It was amazing.

She looked up into the trees, and saw at least a dozen more vampires getting ready to advance.

Morrigan pulled away from Saracen, and ran to stand beside Anton.

She looked at the thing that was tearing up the vampires. She felt the rage radiating off it. 

She grinned.

"Let the bodies hit the floor." She sang softly to herself.

She stretched out both her arms, and directed her own rage at the thing. She was lending it power.

It turned to look at her, but she was grinning at it.

The vampires descended from the trees. The thing turned towards the rest of vampires and screamed. Morrigan barely had time to blink. The vampires were ripped apart in mere seconds. They were all gone.

The thing started to go back towards Anton. Morrigan hesitated, then dropped her arms as she stepped away. This thing didn't like going back. It tried to grab her as it passed, but she just stepped back and shook her head at it.

Once it had returned, Anton dropped. Morrigan went to him and knelt in front of him.

"Are you ok? What was that thing?"

Anton looked at her and blinked. He looked like he needed rest.

"Why did you go near it? It could have killed you."

Morrigan smiled and shook her head. "No, it wouldn't have. It's still you, and you wouldn't hurt me." She hugged him.

Dexter and Saracen helped him to stand. Morrigan stood up too, and turned as she heard clapping.

Sebastian stepped out of the trees, looking straight at Morrigan.

"I seem to have underestimated you."

She turned to face him fully. "No, you underestimated my friends. Now you have nothing left, Sebastian."

He slowly came closer. 

Morrigan took a few steps forward and put up her shield between her and her friends. She made sure they could still hear what was being said.

"I haven't lost everything. I still stand. There's still a chance to get you back."

Morrigan laughed. "I told you it's never happening."

"Fight me for it."

"What?" Morrigan raised her eye brows at him. "Are you insane?"

Sebastian grinned. "Fight me. If you win, you take my head. If I win, I take you, and leave your friends alone."

She turned to her friends, thinking about it. She looked at them all in turn. They were all shaking their heads. Morrigan stopped when she got to Skulduggery.

"Don't you even think about it." He said.

She smiled. "Too late. Whatever happens, he'll leave you alone. I have no choice."

Skulduggery said nothing, so she turned back to Sebastian.

"Fine. If you go back on your word..."

Sebastian put his right hand up. "Scouts honor."

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