Cpl. James Stanley

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Operation Hollow Storm
Cpl. James Stanley Killed in Action
Journal Recovered 4 hours into the Hollow

The damn grubs nearly got us at the drill site, shit I wonder if our driver got out of there alive. I'm sure he did with the Centaurs surely still putting up a fight. But the drill site was the least of me and Kixs' problems . Our lift went off course, its just us two here with the rest of the squad who the hell knows where. Radios are down, guess we're to deep even for the Hammer of Dawn sats. Short range radio seems to be working but as far as I can tell no one can hear us.

Kix and I did a little recon and we picked up Alpha one on the short wave, said they have a read on some seeders. Hopefully that solves the radio problems.

Long range radio works again, courtesy of Alpha one, I owe those guys a drink when we get back up top. Anyway, Sarge contacted us and told us to stay put till the rest of the squad regrouped at our position. Any other day I could lay up and maybe catch a few minutes of sleep but down here my adrenalines keeping me awake, haven't even seen anything down here. We heard some Lancer fire but it died down pretty quickly. Judging by no one calling in a gunfight I'd say we just lost a few good gears. This is a bastard of a war.

More bad news, pretty much sums up the whole war, the rest of the squad is on the other side of a wall so we can't meet up. Alpha 3 is gonna continue with the mission while Kix and I are supposed to move out, maybe try and find another squad? We're gonna get a move on now, if this is my last entry and I die down here just let it be known that I'm not fighting for the COG I'm fighting for my little girl. I'm down here so that she has a future where these god forsaken Locust are nothing but bad dreams or a history lesson. I love you Annie, be good.

Guess what. This is actually my last entry, a Longshot round to the stomach aren't good odds for anyone. As for Kix, a bullet that big moving that fast doesn't give your head a good chance of staying intact. I'm bleeding out behind cover right now, I know that fucking grub can still see me but he's letting me- bastard came to finish me off. Bet he didnt know I could still rev my Lancer. Assholes in two now, serves him right, couldn't stand up so I cut low real low. I may not see the surface again but please if someone finds this Journal give it to my daughter and if possible give her my tags too. I want her to remember her dad always fought for her and no one else. I'm sorry for never being home honey, just please know I did this all for you. With love your father James.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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